I think I'm too fat to run right now.....



  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    Please, Have yhou seen some of those people on the BIggest Loser??? They have them running on treadmills and they are twice the size you look in your pic!!! :wink:
    GRINWITHIN Posts: 25 Member
    I was diagnosed with plantar fascitis 5 years ago and was forced to give up running, treadmill, and my elliptical. The end result was over 100 pounds gained.

    I finally decided to suck it up and start again this week after seeing a horrendous photo. I used to to High impact cardio kickboxing for 60 minutes with a 30 minute cool down 5 days a week. This week I plugged in the Wii and EA Active which I used for "rest days" or snow days. I am struggling through a low impact 20 minute workout. There is running in place and I am huffing and puffing for the 2-3 minute sprints ready to keel over a die.

    I am getting the back pain, especially the lower back. What happens when you put on weight is that your distribution changes and the pressure on your legs/feet increase. I remember they said years ago that every 10 pounds was equivalent to 100 pounds of pressure per square inch. As you lose weight, it will get better.

    The strengthen the back muscles try the shoulder bridge. I found that gaining weight not only puts pressure on different areas, but it seems to promote stiffness as I let the muscles weaken. What has been helping with the normal aches/pains has been basic yoga and flexibility stretches. I like to switch off between the Wii Yoga moves because I can use the board to track my balance and work on my core more effectively. I also use Slim and Limber DVD by Beachbody, and I was turned on last summer to a Tai Chi instructional (also Beachbody) but I did not have the space until recently to set up the work out area.

    If anyone is too fat.... it's me and I just look for new ways to work around the ""bad pain". As soon as I get back to a regular job with a normal paycheck, the first thing on my list is finding a good training to help work around that foot limitation.
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    Hmm… I started running back in August when I was about 250lbs (I'm only 5'2"). My knees hurt at first, but not enough to stop. I'm still running 3 miles 3 times/week. As long as I give myself a rest day, my back, hips, and knees are A-OK :)
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    I did go to running shoe store and they fit me in these ASIC gels. I do wonder if it isn't more of a hip/back alignment issue. I can't ever sit for too long as my hips will hurt then too. I have been walking and I'm going to keep increasing my miles for the month of Dec and maybe try running again in Jan. I do run on treadmill as I too have planters fasciitis so no pavement for me. I know... I keep thinking of biggest loser people and it's crazy that I can't do what they do! I'm close to 200 pounds which is half their size!!! I may have to think about chiropractor if it keeps up.... Like I said, walking, no problems so far.....
  • Cebersail
    I could not run for 20 years due to a knee injury. I loved to run! Because the minimalist paradigm, I can run now, and love it once again. I use Vibram 5 fingers! Check the whole paradigm out, it's worth the study. It might work for you! I agree with others, start very slow!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    maybe you need to strengthen your hips and core? try working on squats (post parallel) and KB swings in conjunction with the running. those 2 exercises when done correctly engage your hips and will force you to use your stabilizing muscles in your core

    i was running at 224 pounds/ 70 pounds overweight and i never had too many issues besides not being able to breathe :laugh:

    ETA i also agree with the above poster about trying minimalist style running where you land on the balls of your feet rather than the heels
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I had a very hard time running when I was obese (am also a former athlete).

    Walking is great exercise though, so even if that's all you can do, do that.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I'm a former runner. I've done some 5K's and used to run 5-8 miles a couple times a week. That was just 2 1/2 years ago. Now... I weigh 50 pounds more than I did back than and everytime I try to run, my back and hips KILL ME!!! Just last week I bought new asic shoes & walked 10 min, jogged 1, walked 4, jogged 1, finished by walking. The next day I could barely walk due to back and hip pain. Do than 2 days later I repeated it only I added in a third 1 min jog.... same thing. MAJOR pain the next 2 days.....

    If I just walk.... no pain..... I think I'm just too big to run. :frown: :sad: :brokenheart:

    Maybe lose 20 pounds and try again? Or keep fighting it & hope my body adjusts?

    What are your thoughts? Especially from big girl runners. :)

    The back and hip pain sounds like either your form is off, or you are getting too much impact. I would try switching to indoor running on a cushioned track or equipment until you loose a little weight. Also, if you can't run because it hurts too much, just focus on your diet. Diet is 80%.
  • Jbrandt24
    Jbrandt24 Posts: 16 Member
    It's a tough call; I used to run quite a bit between the ages of 15-20. I am now 30 and 100 lbs heavier!

    My problem is that I tend to try to run as hard as I did when I was a bit younger.

    I tried to run about 4 months ago and like you, my back flared up. I have been using an elliptical machine for the past three months (up to level 15) - I ran last week and felt pretty good minus the calf strain that I sustained!

    Low impact exercise like the elliptical is a good way to transition back into running....

    I would say this ^^^^ We have some at our gym that are supposed to be if you were sprinting, they give you a heck of a workout I end up sweating buckets but easy on my knees!

    I would also say, try to find a local running store...I went to one here and paid a little more for my shoes but they put me on a treadmill and recorded my stride and then gave me the right shoes. I would have thought I would need super supportive shoes but they put me in the middle and I have been happy with the shoes they had selected for me. (I know not everyone has that option, I live in Portland, OR so many local places.)

    I agree with the above comments. I had back surgery and six months later I was in a car accident and shattered my pelvic bone. I was NEVER a runner. Not when I was a kid, a teenager, never. I thought for a long time I'd never be able to go to the gym like I used to. I would go just to use the elliptical, mess around on a treadmill a bit and weight train. That seemed impossible during recovery. Now, it's been a little over 2 years and I'm back in the gym training to run my first 5k. I tried the elliptical the first couple weeks then tried the treadmill. I'm not gonna lie, it hurt. but, I found that the low impact elliptical helped build up the muscle that had atrophied over the 2 years I wasn't very active. Now, I'm running for an hour 5 days a week. You can do it, it just takes time for your body to adjust.

    Side note, I gained a little over 40 lbs during those 2 years and I only lost a few pounds before I found I could run without too much difficulty.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    It is amazing what excess weight can do. I used to run a lot too, just like you. And just like you, I gained 50 lbs over the years. I have lost 27 lbs since starting MFP and in the beginning, all I could do was walk. I think maybe you just came out of the gate too fast? You will have to ease into it a bit. I used to HATE walking (felt like it wasn't real exercise), so this was tough for me at first. Then one day about a month into eating better and weight loss, I ran a mile on the treadmill. Then 2. Ooh, I was hurting after only 2! Right now I'm running about 5 miles, but it's so harder than it used to be -- mainly recovery. I chalk that up to being 10 years older than I was in my running "prime." Just be careful you don't injure yourself.
  • jkuhnen
    jkuhnen Posts: 14 Member
    I think there were some really good suggestions so far, but for myself I decided the answer was yes. It might take a bit longer, but mixing elliptical /walking with lowering your calorie count will help you get down to a weight where your back and knees are more capable of carrying the weight.

    While the suggestion of getting better shoes is a good one, the bottom line is that there is a certain weight where the weight is just too much. Imagine a fit person strapping on 50-100 pounds of weights and running around. Guarantee there would be some joint, knee and back pain.

    Exercise is important, but monitoring / moderating food is the key...and you're 90% of the way there with MFP! Good luck!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You used to run and know how to.

    If it hurts now, don't force through it thinking it'll do you good anyway.

    Wouldn't you hate to reach goal weight thinking of running faster or longer and having your knees or back shot, and no more of it even at lighter weight?
  • Katherinesfitness
    I was 177.4lb when I started C25K this week and in the first couple of sessions my hips and back hurt a bit. I did some pilates to stretch and strengthen them and within a couple of days I noticed a difference, now just a week later it doesn't hurt at all. I don't know if that's any help to you, there's heaps of wonderful suggestions already but that's just my experience.
  • Semperfione
    I really do not think you are too fat to run. I was running five miles a day in the Marines for over nine years. At that point in my life I was one mean machine, I weighed 190 lbs to 210 and kept my weight there most of the time. I ran five miles a day, not much pain at all. I ended up with a back injury and was from that point on duumed to issues with running. I would run push it hard, only to find that I paid the price of pain for several days.

    Later on in life as I came out of the Marine Corps and began working as Bank Lender my days of running stopped. Arthritis started effecting me in a way I would not understand. It took out my shoulder ball joint, so I had a total shoulder replacement. It has been about nine years since that was done, now I am not able to do pullups, pushups, and I have arturitis in the back, which has caused hernieated discs buldging now. My back cause my legs to go numb. Pain riddles thru my legs constantly. The pain is worse when I do not walk. Walking is good. Not running. Walk and you should make it thru ok, then start jogging later if you have no pain. A brisk walk is just as good as a slow jog. and it is less pain.

    I would check out your back, exrays will tell the story. Your age is fine for running. You can do it once you know what is causing your pian.

    I wish you the best, I see your determined to do this, I know you will do just that too. Congratulations on making the first step to start your new life, for you.

    Keep in touch I would like to hear how your doing. Strength training by using soup cans, jump ropes and elastic type pull ropes help to get you started into the more intense stuff later. Bar bels its . Careful there.

    Go for it, Semper Fi, Rob
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,703 Member
    My physio says that a lot of female running injuries are caused be weak core. Maybe you should look into some Pilates style exercises to stabilize hip and pelvis region?
  • LouMonoLou
    When I started losing weight,I used to weigh 233 pounds and I couldn't run because I would have major knee pain.
    After the loss of 50 lbs I can run for 5 minutes (fast,not jogging) but I think that the practice I've done for so long,like brisk pace walking have helped me a lot. And my knee doesn't hurt anymore. :) Never quit,just stay positive and make small steps. It will be easier for you because you're a runner :)
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member

    I started running at 246 pounds.

    I also stopped making excuses then.

    Working out HURTS! Go to your doctor. Get the right shoes. Find out if there are other reasons why you are hurting. dont STOP unless a medical professional tells you to stop.

    Other options? Get an elliptical. Run in the pool. DONT STOP.

    Im 5 months and 1 day in and im 193 pounds. I have gone from a size 20 to a size (recently) 12, even though they are too tight to wear in public.. i can still get them on, zip them up, and I can breathe in them!

    Now, im saying again.. GO TO THE DOCTOR FIRST. make sure there are no medical reasons you are hurting... if not.. well honey, grit your teeth!

    Im beating this weight with Fibromyalgia, COPD, Crohns Disease and several other little illnesses that are biting at my toes every time i start working out. I HURT a lot of the time in my hips, but other places as well.. to the point sometimes I come in.. in tears. But it isnt alway going to BE like this. This is temporary. This is a small price to pay for MY FREEDOM of this hell.. my freedom from this counting calories.. this wondering, this worry.. this constant prison!

    Ill be free from this lifestyle some day.. Ill live normal.

    If my jeans get a little snug.. well, thats okay because i have the tools to buckle up for a few weeks and take control.. and then i can relax again.

    Ill never get like i was.. but ill be damned if i ever allow myself to me stuck in this prison again!

  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I did go to running shoe store and they fit me in these ASIC gels. I do wonder if it isn't more of a hip/back alignment issue. I can't ever sit for too long as my hips will hurt then too. I have been walking and I'm going to keep increasing my miles for the month of Dec and maybe try running again in Jan. I do run on treadmill as I too have planters fasciitis so no pavement for me. I know... I keep thinking of biggest loser people and it's crazy that I can't do what they do! I'm close to 200 pounds which is half their size!!! I may have to think about chiropractor if it keeps up.... Like I said, walking, no problems so far.....

    seeing this post now, id like to ask if you have seen a doctor about Fibromyalgia. this is one of the things that lead me to see mine. the hip pain was intense, even when just sitting sometimes.
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    I actually have Dr appt this Friday. I had bloodwork done last week. Just normal check up stuff...... I'm a little sore this eve after 2 days of LOTS OF WALKING! I just hope it's an "I'm really outta shape" issue and nothing more... :-) Easing into jogging by walking for a month first hopefully FIXES IT!!! Wishful thinking maybe.......
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    I started running at 246 pounds.

    I also stopped making excuses then.

    Working out HURTS! Go to your doctor. Get the right shoes. Find out if there are other reasons why you are hurting. dont STOP unless a medical professional tells you to stop.

    Other options? Get an elliptical. Run in the pool. DONT STOP.

    Im 5 months and 1 day in and im 193 pounds. I have gone from a size 20 to a size (recently) 12, even though they are too tight to wear in public.. i can still get them on, zip them up, and I can breathe in them!

    Now, im saying again.. GO TO THE DOCTOR FIRST. make sure there are no medical reasons you are hurting... if not.. well honey, grit your teeth!

    Im beating this weight with Fibromyalgia, COPD, Crohns Disease and several other little illnesses that are biting at my toes every time i start working out. I HURT a lot of the time in my hips, but other places as well.. to the point sometimes I come in.. in tears. But it isnt alway going to BE like this. This is temporary. This is a small price to pay for MY FREEDOM of this hell.. my freedom from this counting calories.. this wondering, this worry.. this constant prison!

    Ill be free from this lifestyle some day.. Ill live normal.

    If my jeans get a little snug.. well, thats okay because i have the tools to buckle up for a few weeks and take control.. and then i can relax again.

    Ill never get like i was.. but ill be damned if i ever allow myself to me stuck in this prison again!


    :love: U R Amazing:flowerforyou: