Need a vitamin...any suggestions?



  • karri333
    I would highly reccomend Women's One by Rainbow Light! They are derived from whole food sources and therefor are not "man made" vitamins. They are so great that when I was pregnant, my doctor suggested I continue taking them instead of a prenatal as he said they were even better than prenatal vitamins. I suffer from chronic fatigue, but I find if I take my vitamin daily it drastically diminishes my constant sleepiness! You can purchase them online through for a very good price. (30 days apx. $10, or 90 days for rigth around $30) Good luck! =)
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    I went to a Reiki healer the other day. She warned about using cheap vitamins. Especially ones that have calcium carbonate. Was looking for something a bit more authentic.

    What is a Reiki healer, and what expertise do they have with nutrition and vitamins? I agree that calcium carbonate isn't the best form of calcium to take, but I've seen studies and a Consumer Reports article that said supermarket multivitamin/mineral tabs are just as good as the expensive name brand ones.

    I haven't tried the target brand because i drink nature made but I agree the brand/price has nothing to do with quality/benefits. Just read the labels and you will see both products are exactly the same thing.
  • Amberry123
    Amberry123 Posts: 18 Member
    You should try spending a week, or even a few days, tracking all of your vitamin intake from your food and see what is lacking. Generally, it is very rare that you actually need to supplement any vitamin, there really isn't any reason you should be getting all of them from food. Basically if you eat even 2 meals in a day (I assume you eat more then that) you are getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs, it's kind of an unnecessary (in my opinion) cost for something you don't actually need. It's also very unlikely to get too much of a vitamin, but when you start adding supplements the risk is always there, and having too much of one vitamin can actually interfere with the absorption of other vitamins, so really food is you best option.
    As some people have already pointed out, taking vitamins on an empty stomach makes you want to barf, which is a clear indication that maybe you don't need to put that in your body. Eating fruit on an empty stomach doesn't make you want to barf! Try having even a little piece of fruit (like one of those tiny oranges or an apple) when you're feeling tired it should do the trick. It wouldn't hurt to go see your doctor as well. I don't know if you just recently changed your diet or have been doing this for a while, but a check up before, and shortly after starting a weight loss/diet/lifestyle journey is definitely a good idea. Good luck!
  • Zumaria1
    Zumaria1 Posts: 225 Member
    Hello! I personally take Trader Joe's daily mulitvitamin for Women. It is gentle on the stomach, and it includes a Womens Nourishing Blend(natural herbs that help with hormonal balance) and Digestive Support. I think they are around $11 and you get 60 tablets, which is a 2 month supply.
  • elm2008
    elm2008 Posts: 95 Member
    Try a B vitamin. I need it every morning or i just feel lethargic and off. could be your iron as well.
  • jen_fitnhappy
    jen_fitnhappy Posts: 102 Member
    I would highly reccomend Women's One by Rainbow Light! They are derived from whole food sources and therefor are not "man made" vitamins. They are so great that when I was pregnant, my doctor suggested I continue taking them instead of a prenatal as he said they were even better than prenatal vitamins. I suffer from chronic fatigue, but I find if I take my vitamin daily it drastically diminishes my constant sleepiness! You can purchase them online through for a very good price. (30 days apx. $10, or 90 days for rigth around $30) Good luck! =)

    ^^This! Your body won't absorb 100% of the "man made" vitamins so you won't get full benefit from them. I also take Rainbow Light, as well as vitamin D3. As others have suggested get your vitamin levels checked. I'm feeling a lot better since taking these two.
  • iJiVE
    iJiVE Posts: 20
    Energy healers. It's Holistic medicine. & The good teachers are very knowledgeable in vitamins.
  • daisytrekker
    daisytrekker Posts: 8 Member
    Melaleuca vitamins! I used to take generic vitamins, and would catch colds, and whatever bug was floating around. I've been taking Melaleuca vitamins for 2 years and haven't been sick sInce!
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    If you're young enough to still be having periods, you might be low in iron. A vitamin with iron might help. You can also add iron to your diet easily by cooking in a cast iron pan.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I was exhausted all day long, even after sleep, and coffee. A vitamin didn't help.

    Going from 1200 calories to 1440 helped an amazing amount. I'm no longer exhausted, and I am not as cranky!! Might want to reassess your calorie goals.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    I get a year's supply of Multivitamin und Mineral Brausetabletten when I go to Germany in the summer. They are kind of like the Airborn or Emergen-C sold here in the states but have a more complete profile. I dissolve them in mineral water and drink. It is the only way I can get supplemental iron without puking LOL. I live in a rural area but if you are near a city, you might be able to find something comparable.
  • iJiVE
    iJiVE Posts: 20
    Damn, that didn't even cross my mind believe it or not! I'm on 1200 cal a day, but when I eat a bit more, I'm ok the next day. Thanks for pointing that out!
  • LemonMint6
    I didn't read all of these, so if this is a repeat, I'm sorry.

    I started taking the Vitafusion gummies from Costco, I haven't been sick since I started taking them regularly, last summer.

    I tried a Women's One A Day, but I had a major nausea, and I have a hard time swallowing large foul tasting pills. So... it's a gummy for me. It works. :)

    Here is an example of what I'm talking about, from amazon.
  • lprofancik
    lprofancik Posts: 5 Member
    I don't do multi's, but I take a fair amount of the vitamins on this list.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Damn, that didn't even cross my mind believe it or not! I'm on 1200 cal a day, but when I eat a bit more, I'm ok the next day. Thanks for pointing that out!

    I'd definitely look at that first. You can also track some vitamins on MFP. I used to take a multi-vitamin, but since I've changed my eating habits I'm getting most everything I need from food. I am vitamin D deficient, so I take a supplement and I take fish oil, but that's it these days. If you believe you may be deficient in something, have your doctor send you for some blood work and just focus on those vitamins you are deficient in. Iron and vitamin D are two biggies that a lot of people are deficient in.