5 Pounds A Month March 2010 Challenge



  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Okay. I spent a good 4 hours yesterday hauling bags of compost and building vegetable boxes, so that counts for my hour. Today I missed yoga, but I'm hiking this afternoon. I still need a half hour of something more serious today.

    Terri, I know what you mean. It's hard to maintain balance when you're completely out of balance and sleep-deprived. Hopefully the week with them gone will help you get back on track.

    I am going to have to be really careful. My 16 year old (with brain impairment, attachment disorder, autism, etc.) is coming home from residential treatment tomorrow for ten days, and will be coming back to live in a couple of weeks. (Pardon my venting here) I am scared ****less. The school district is studiously ignoring me. I've been on the phone all morning with therapists, attorneys, doctors, etc. I've been working on getting a solid plan for the last six months, and here I am, days away and nothing is together. Things were really awful last year, I could never have imagined sending my child away, but it was not safe for anyone. He's made some improvement, but it could all go down hill really fast. We've seen it on past visits.

    I'm trying to be positive, and I'm trying to just move forward step by step, but my husband and I are both crazed with panic. At sixteen we don't have a lot of time left to get him the right treatment, so we feel an enormous amount of pressure.

    Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. It will be even more important to eat clean and get the exercise in during this period.

  • kimberlysearcy

    I joined this site on yesterday. I currently weigh 185 and hope to be 180 by April 15th...I am starting off with small goals and hoping for better results. I plan to weigh in every Monday, so for now my ticker say 0 lbs lost, but I hope to have good news on Monday, March 29. I browsed through the posts and it was good to see that there are women around my size/weight here. I look forward to the support and to sharing stories and ideas.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Welcome Kimmie! you have joined the greatest group of supportive people out there so give yourself a pat on the back!

    Karin- I feel your concerns and anxiety for having your son back with you. I know you are strong and will be able to do what you have to do to make life as smooth as possible. You are such a connected person. I feel in all your posts that you are really grounded and all your energy used to work in the garden and out doors will surely lift your spirits and keep you sane. I would love to see all your vegetable boxes. Sounds very interesting. Do you have little space for planting and so that is why you make the veggie boxes? or do you put them out doors to make better crops? I grew up on a farm and so we had unlimited space to grow and always had a huge garden plus all the crops in the field. Oh those days of hoeing and weeding the sugar beets. I have good and bad memories at the same time. It was how I earned my summer money as a child to buy school clothes, or should I say to buy fabric to sew my school clothes.

    Terri- for some reason I had forgotten that you had a 10 year old son. Nice to have the reminder. I for some reason I just imagine you with all the little kids that you tend. I have a 30 year old son that moved back to Egypt and lives with us too. He is going to the Canadian University trying to finally finish his degree. He was in the states for years and had a great time messing around. Now it he finally decided that he should settle down and really get his degree. We are happy that he is finally trying to finish up and it is good to have him back with us too. but our empty nest that we used to enjoy has bee invaded. My daughter moved back a few years ago too and is getting her masters degree. She got married so she is not with us but we see her a lot and that is good too.

    I guess it is time to vent and speak up about our lives today. Interesting huh?

    Jacque_ How is everything with your husband? I think you are a saint to be such a great care giver!

    Well I need to go pop some pop corn and have a snack. I need to eat a few more calories today. LOL Phyllis
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Thanks for support, PhylJen. thirty sounds about right for settling down! I do my vegetables in boxes because all the soil in the LA area tests positive for heavy metals from the cars. It's annoying initially, but once they're done I only have to top them off with compost and they're good to go. Also there's no real weeding involved, and the soil has such great texture it's no effort.

    Today I am sure that some diabolic astrological event was happening because it seemed everything I touched turned into a pile of doo-doo. Internet and applications crashing - phones self-destructing - :angry:

    So I gave myself a mental health day off before I have to reconstruct my final research paper which got deleted somehow in all of it. I'll tell ya.... tomorrow is another day, tomorrow is another day..:sad:

    Eating is good so far, exercise not so much but the day's not over.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Just got back from Mexico. Not going to weigh in tomorrow 'cause I now that I am holding water...nice pitting edema in my legs...hope to pull off a miracle by the 31st...if not, I'll just have to start fresh on the 1st
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I am going to have to be really careful. My 16 year old (with brain impairment, attachment disorder, autism, etc.) is coming home from residential treatment tomorrow for ten days, and will be coming back to live in a couple of weeks. (Pardon my venting here) I am scared ****less. The school district is studiously ignoring me. I've been on the phone all morning with therapists, attorneys, doctors, etc. I've been working on getting a solid plan for the last six months, and here I am, days away and nothing is together. Things were really awful last year, I could never have imagined sending my child away, but it was not safe for anyone. He's made some improvement, but it could all go down hill really fast. We've seen it on past visits.

    Don't know if it helps to have a mental health case manager from the county...they are really good about co-ordinating services betweens MD's, schools and home care...I wish you the best of luck...I know from personal experience how scary it can be...It's imperative to have services set-up before he comes home or you could be setting yourself up for disaster

    Lastly, have a crisis number where someone will come to the house for a emergency home visit if things start to escalate

    If you need to bounce some ideas past me...private email me...I'm also a nurse
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Kim, thanks a million.

    My son came home, and today was a good day - a really, really good day.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Good Morning on this beautiful Friday.
    I'll go ahead and report in. I weighed yesterday at school on the nurses scales. ( those like in a doctors office ) Was happy to see another pound melt away. so here are my stats.
    SW 159
    3/1 - 150.5
    3/5 - 149!
    3/12 - 147
    3/19 - 146
    3/26 - 145

    Three cheers are in order. :laugh:
    I am hyped up for the 10 days off for SPRING BREAK. It is much neede that is for sure. I hope to keep up the routines of exercise and eating healthy even though my schedule will be dramatically changed from the routines of daily work at school. change is always hard but I THINK I can do it with all of your "helps and encouragements and motivations !"

    Good luck everyone and may your scales show lower numbers too! Phyljen
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning everyone. Sorry I have not been here much lately. I usually play around with this sight after my nap time workout, but with the new baby in my care I am pretty busy. He comes at a time when I can still get a 45-60 minute walk on the treadmill or bike ride on the stationary, but then I get pretty busy with him.

    This mornings weigh in was a surprise. I have had a hectic week and not much sleep, and I know I have been munching on things I should avoid, ( malted milk eggs I bought for Easter Treats for my Sunday School class) but there was still some loss.

    March 1st weight 181
    March 5th weight 178
    March 12th weight 177
    March 19 weight 177
    March 26 weight 176:happy:

    Time to go make lunches for the kids. Last time for a week. :bigsmile: I get tired of getting up extra early to get their lunches packed. In the summer I use that time to go for a walk, but right now it is still dark and will be for another hour. And it is 24 degrees and windy. Yesterday was worse. But they are talking about hitting 70 next week.

    Have a healthy day.

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good Morning on this beautiful Friday.
    I'll go ahead and report in. I weighed yesterday at school on the nurses scales. ( those like in a doctors office ) Was happy to see another pound melt away. so here are my stats.
    SW 159
    3/1 - 150.5
    3/5 - 149!
    3/12 - 147
    3/19 - 146
    3/26 - 145

    Three cheers are in order. :laugh:
    I am hyped up for the 10 days off for SPRING BREAK. It is much neede that is for sure. I hope to keep up the routines of exercise and eating healthy even though my schedule will be dramatically changed from the routines of daily work at school. change is always hard but I THINK I can do it with all of your "helps and encouragements and motivations !"

    Good luck everyone and may your scales show lower numbers too! Phyljen

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Way to go! Another pound closer to your goal!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Congratulations Terri! Way to lose!:smile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Friday.

    I was supposed to go help my father and his significant other today with heavy gardening but it is raining alot. Oh well treadmill here I come.

    march 1 178.4
    march 5 176.2
    march 12 176.2
    March 19 173.5
    March 26 172

    1.5 I can't ask for more so I am very happy. Hope everyone else is doing well
    Way to go Phyljen and Terry. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    March 1: 134
    March 5: 132.5
    March 12: 131.5
    March 19: 131.5
    March 26: 131.5
    GOAL: 129

    No comment.
  • iwantthis
    iwantthis Posts: 15 Member
    Ladies! What a beautiful Friday!!
    Everyone is doing so great - maintaining and losing! woowoooo!

    3/1/2010: 203.8
    3/5/2019: 196.8 (this doesn't seem quite right...)
    3/12/2010: 202
    3/19/2010: 201.6

    I weight myself everyday so it's hard to see that i'm actually losing... I know it's not much at all. But it's a good feeling to write it all out and say, well I haven't lost a ton. But 3.6 so far - I'll take that!

    Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

    (and thanks for all the encouraging words - you ladies are lovely)

  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    March 5: 167
    March 12: New scale 167 old scale 165
    March 19: 166.4 new scale
    March 26: 166.0
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Friday.

    I was supposed to go help my father and his significant other today with heavy gardening but it is raining alot. Oh well treadmill here I come.

    march 1 178.4
    march 5 176.2
    march 12 176.2
    March 19 173.5
    March 26 172

    1.5 I can't ask for more so I am very happy. Hope everyone else is doing well
    Way to go Phyljen and Terry.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: 1.5 pounds that is so awesome. Keep up whatever you are doing!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :noway: :drinker: :drinker:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    March 1: 134
    March 5: 132.5
    March 12: 131.5
    March 19: 131.5
    March 26: 131.5
    GOAL: 129

    No comment.

    No loss = NO Gain! I always tell myself that I am really good at maintaining, the losing is harder! Stress can really wreck our systems. Hang in there we are here for support!:flowerforyou:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Ladies! What a beautiful Friday!!
    Everyone is doing so great - maintaining and losing! woowoooo!

    3/1/2010: 203.8
    3/5/2019: 196.8 (this doesn't seem quite right...)
    3/12/2010: 202
    3/19/2010: 201.6

    I weight myself everyday so it's hard to see that i'm actually losing... I know it's not much at all. But it's a good feeling to write it all out and say, well I haven't lost a ton. But 3.6 so far - I'll take that!

    Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

    (and thanks for all the encouraging words - you ladies are lovely)


    :drinker: :drinker: A loss is a loss not matter how small! Think of it this way...3-4 pounds a month by New Year's you will be down 24-32 pounds. :flowerforyou:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    March 5: 167
    March 12: New scale 167 old scale 165
    March 19: 166.4 new scale
    March 26: 166.0

    :drinker: Celebrate any loss no matter how small!:drinker:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Don't mind me, I wanted to add in my Jan. starting weight this morning and forgot and now I can't go back and edit it so I am putting it in now.

    January 1 weight 185.4

    March 1st weight 181
    March 5th weight 178
    March 12th weight 177
    March 19 weight 177
    March 26 weight 176:happy:

    As you can see I am not making my goal every month but numbers are going down slowly. When I started these 5 pounds a month challenges back in January I had been hanging yo-yoing between 185 and 180 so I am now out of the 180's for good.

    Remember final weigh in for the month happens on Wednesday and then we will start a new thread for April. I know we have lost quite a few a long the way, but that seems to happen every month. Congratulations to all of you who are working to meet your goals. Quitting this journey is not an option for me. I don't care how long it takes me to get to my desired weight, I am in it til I get there and beyond.

    Have a Great Friday!

    And have an even greater weekend!
