Rowdy Rudolph (closed group) Fly the World Game

Hello ladies, this will be our team page to check in and post our burn for that day. Please log the everyday so we don't get behind. I know it is hard, if you miss a day just post it as soon as possible.

Here are our team members.
Captain bmfrazie
Have fun and lets get burning ???? oh and don't forget to post sat and Sunday's burns so we can get moving.

This is the original post from Lee.

Yep its that time of year and yet again find myself doing a fly the world game !!!!!

basic rules and anyone welcome to play along.

Fitting in with the Christmas theme we have from the 1st Dec to the 24th Dec to fly over as many Countries as per the Google Map I have set up,-22.851562&spn=38.782848,158.027344&iwloc=0004cf57c40ab34a107bb

You need a team of a max of 7 people, one of which will be the team skipper who will be in charge of PMing me team totals of calories burnt. This is then converted in to miles and your team marker moves around the map !


1 ) this is for WORKOUTS only, none of this counting getting out of bed in a morning to shave the bottom of your feet !!!! (if you are unable to work out and only count things like "house work" i might allow if contacted before.

2) Max of 7 people to a team

3) 1 Cal burnt = one mile

4) the track is around 75,000 miles so a team of 7 each burning 430 cals per day will finish by Christmas eve

5) its my game and my rules and hold the right to act like a kid at any time

6) if you wish to play, get your team together, PM me the list of names, along with a team name and a logo and I will set you up....its also handy to FR me as I will post updates etc....

Right I think that's about it...... when Spud reads this, and if she has had a glass of wine she might help to get every one sorted for teams......

If you dont have a team post your name on here saying you are looking for a team and FR people !!!



  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Sat and Sunday I did my ripped in 30 week 1 video. 283 for both days , I did not wear my hmr on Sunday but it will be very close. I plan to run and do the video today. Have a great morning girls ????
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    Got a run in early. Should be some walking today, too.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Thanks so much for setting this up for us :)
  • kathyl05
    kathyl05 Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks so much for doing this...

    Here is my exercise so far...of course yesterday was my day off, but I will make up for it...

    12/1 301 ellipitical
    12/2 rest
    12/3 962 trainer

    Go team!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I need to get numbers for everyone from the 1st and 2nd asap so I can turn them in and get our sleigh moving :)
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    I have 1487 from Saturday (65 minutes of Elliptical and 40 minutes of Just Dance 4). I don't have anything to report from Sunday, unfortunately (lazy day).

    Would you prefer that we post here daily with our calorie counts?
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    Also I love the team name! :)
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Yes if u can post here daily that way it is easy to keep track of. And don't be sorry for not working out. You have amazing burns (more on sat then all 3 of my days ????) and got us off and running.

    I have 540 for today. Hope everyone had a great day. I plan to do a 2 mile run and my ripped in 30 video.
    Night all
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I have 1487 from Saturday (65 minutes of Elliptical and 40 minutes of Just Dance 4). I don't have anything to report from Sunday, unfortunately (lazy day).

    Would you prefer that we post here daily with our calorie counts?
    Yes please :-) it makes it so much easier for me to follow and track
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I had 305 yesterday with 20 mins of kick boxing and some stretching/jumping Jack's with my students. I really would like to get my numbers up to 500 or above.
  • kathyl05
    kathyl05 Posts: 67 Member
    Good morning all! Here is today's

    12/4 785 walking 90 minutes

    Have a great day!
  • StacyB150
    StacyB150 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi All!
    Yesterday I burned 444 cal doing 20 min ellip = 330 and 10 min situps = 114 cal
    Today I ran 22 min & burned 254 calories. Harder to workout after work.
    Hope everyone had a good day!
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Hope everyone had a great night. I walked today with a friend and was to lazy to do more. I burned 330. Going to try for 600 or more tomorrow.
  • StacyB150
    StacyB150 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Everyone! I don't see any other posts here for today. I hope I'm posting in the right spot.
    I burned 515 today. 20 min elliptical = 400; 10 min calisthenics = 115
    Hope everyone has a great evening!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Wahoo I got 747 today from doing an hour of kick boxing in two of my classes. I noticed that some people haven't give me numbers and Becky hasn't checked at all. Please try to get me that by tomorrow so I can send out my first update to lee
  • kathyl05
    kathyl05 Posts: 67 Member
    12/5 765 today working out with trainer...mostly cardio...stairs, legwork.

    Thank you so much for including me; it is so motivating!
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    927 for today! Sorry I haven't checked in recently - this week has been really crazy and I wasn't able to work out Monday on Tuesday. I have my workouts scheduled for the rest of the week and after Friday my life will be much more normal!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    This is what I am missing...
    Km323 - 12/4 and 12/3
    Stacy - 12/2 and 12/1
    Sundance - 12/5
    1Horsetown - Everything
    BeckyV73 - Everything

    So far as a team we have a burn of 7,876! That is awesome! Don't ever feel bad for not working out one day just please let me know if it was a rest day. I will be gone this weekend for my son to run Nationals in the Junior Olympics so my numbers will be even lower and you might not hear from me.

    So far this is our numbers
    Bmfrazie - 1699
    Km323 - 2414
    Sundance - 1436
    Kathy - 2813
    Stacy - 1213
  • kathyl05
    kathyl05 Posts: 67 Member
    Good morning all!

    12/6 829...cardio with trainer. Next few days are lighter...
  • StacyB150
    StacyB150 Posts: 60 Member
    The 1st & 2nd I didn't work out. Today 24 min of running burned 271 calories.