


  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    my answer to this is simple IIFYM if it fits your macros
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I love bread... however my nutritionist few weeks back told me that key to a good start in weight loss is to cut carbs out as much as possible, or at least the white carbs, like breads, pastas and sugars... I went from about 190 carbs a day to 30-70 max and not only have noticed different in weight but inches as well... im not as hungry all the time as i was when i ate breads and pastas as fillers...
    The only thing cutting carbs helps you lose is water weight. Long term, you won't lose any more weight that way, as it balances out.

    It's 100% personal preference. If you like bread, eat bread. It won't hinder weight loss at all.

    As for "Wheat Belly," that book is a joke. Horribly cherry picked data and sensationalistic tabloid journalism at its finest. The author was way more interested in selling books than in actual facts.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I love bread. I am trying to be good but when I fancy piece of bread it has to be proper french tasty one.
    Eating bread and being good are not mutually exclusive. :drinker:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    Looking at your diary, you need to take your typical daily intake, and ADD a Peanut Butter Sandwich, and some bacon. On any kind of bread you want.

    Seriously, get a few extra hundred calories in there before you collapse....
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    I don't care much for bread. I can live without it but I'll eat it from time to time.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I love bread... however my nutritionist few weeks back told me that key to a good start in weight loss is to cut carbs out as much as possible, or at least the white carbs, like breads, pastas and sugars... I went from about 190 carbs a day to 30-70 max and not only have noticed different in weight but inches as well... im not as hungry all the time as i was when i ate breads and pastas as fillers...
    The only thing cutting carbs helps you lose is water weight. Long term, you won't lose any more weight that way, as it balances out.

    It's 100% personal preference. If you like bread, eat bread. It won't hinder weight loss at all.

    As for "Wheat Belly," that book is a joke. Horribly cherry picked data and sensationalistic tabloid journalism at its finest. The author was way more interested in selling books than in actual facts.

    I love good bread. But I have to limit it so I disagree with you as some of us do have problems with bread (or carbs in general, not limited to just bread). Yes, I'm diabetic with hypoglycemic tendencies, and bread wreaks havoc with my blood sugar levels unless I'm careful about how/when I consume it. People with insulin resistance, PCOS, and other metabolic disorders that impact insulin levels might have similar problems.

    If I eat anything high-carb shortly before or after an intense exercise session, like limiting it to one slice of a whole grain bread, preferably with some seeds, I'm fine. But if I eat more and, especially, if it's not close to an exercise session, I can have blood sugar crashes which then brings on real physical hunger pangs as I need to then raise my blood sugar. And if I over-correct, then another crash, then more hunger, yada yada. Not a good roller-coaster to be on! And it sure makes weight loss difficult because then it's harder to stay within your calorie target. Also leads me to binge eating. While I'm all for planned splurges, binges are not good. I can also get other negative effects if I start OD'ing on high-carb foods, especially bread but I expect that might be the yeast? For example, the only time I ever get heartburn is if I have been eating too much bread.

    That said, I agree that IIFYM (if it fits your macros) and those macros are right for you, go ahead and eat the bread. But, if you have problems with bread (or other high-carb foods), you might do better limiting them.

    I do best when I get most of my carbs from vegetables and dairy, with limited amounts of grains, beans/pulses, rice, potatoes and such.
  • SLRamirez2012
    I've always said that I'd kill myself if I was gluten or lactose intolerant....I can't live without my bread and cheese.

    ^ this! I have no intolerance to it, so I eat it almost everyday. If you have some sort of issues, then you shouldn't eat it. BUt with me, it doesn't bloat me up or anything either.. I actually feel worse without it. So I think you should do whatever your belly is telling you to do :flowerforyou:
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    Bread...Eat it!

    I don't have bread too much. I prefer Rolls, bagels, english muffins to just normal sliced bread. Though put me in front of french bread and I will go to town. Same with hoagie rolls. YUM. I don't NOT eat these things but I try not to have them often because I have control issues with certain types of breads.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I love wholemeal bread, I could eat the whole loaf given half the chance! I personally don't see the point in cutting out something I enjoy, it's not sustainable for me, I'm trying to eat it in moderation.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    I personally am gluten free, but it was by necessity not by choice. Bread is amazing and I miss it. I would think as long as it's whole wheat go for it! And enjoy it for me :)
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member

    As for "Wheat Belly," that book is a joke. Horribly cherry picked data and sensationalistic tabloid journalism at its finest. The author was way more interested in selling books than in actual facts.

    I have not read this exact book, but there are those of us out here to who this is a real thing. If I eat bread / wheat/ gluten, my stomach does swell, and it is not exactly a very nice sensation. While maybe this publication throws it out of proportion, but Gluten Intolerance, and Celiacs disease are real and true things.
  • elm2008
    elm2008 Posts: 95 Member
    All in moderation. I try to have bread/carbs for 2/3 meals. for example, oatmeal at breakfast and a sandwich at lunch, only veggie/soy carbs for dinner.
  • InPieces3
    I love bread. I will admit however I did cut back drastically. Moderation is the key. If I can't live with the changes I'm making for the rest of my life, I'm not going to do it. I can cut back on bread, I can up my protein, but I can't take bread completely out because I do love it so very much. I eat one slice a day. I WAS eating up to 4 slices a day. So.... I'd say moderation in my opinion.
  • madlibscholar
    madlibscholar Posts: 30 Member
    I don't really eat bread because I just don't like it! I am sort of a low carb eater by default...I am not a huge fan of most grain based stuff (whole wheat pasta and porridge are about my only grain based carbs). It's like anything though...if I liked bread, I'd eat point cutting out stuff you like, this is meant to be a change for life, not a short term fix.
  • cheamh
    cheamh Posts: 3 Member
    I eat bread everyday more than once. I have lost quite a lot of weight without ever cutting out or even decreasing my bread intake. I would say I still have anywhere between 2-4 slices everyday.

    Your mileage might vary but I am very wary of 'experts' who demonize a food group in general.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I've done low carb, I've read Wheat Belly, I've read Taubes, et al.

    I had 6 slices of bread today.

    I think I'll be OK ;)
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    I ate nothing but bread yesterday and woke up 1/2 a pound lighter. I don't think any one food is going to make you fat. Rather, I think that eating EVERY food in front of you will. You can also google the guy that lost weight eating twinkes.

    Portion control.
  • rachjenn
    My boyfriend cut bread out only to loose that stubborn bit of chub underneath his belly button! It worked for him but hasn't worked that well for me.
  • ChrissME
    ChrissME Posts: 33 Member

    Looking at your diary, you need to take your typical daily intake, and ADD a Peanut Butter Sandwich, and some bacon. On any kind of bread you want.

    Seriously, get a few extra hundred calories in there before you collapse....

    I agree. Why are you starving yourself?