First Round P90X-ers



  • laurabelle25
    Well Hey everyone!

    I'm still working on trying to limit my alcohol intake. So far switching from beer to wine is helping a little, and instead of drinking a ton on Fri., Sat., & Sun. I only drank Fri. and Sat., and had only 1 beer on Sun. So that's an improvement.

    I also don't record my food on the weekends. I make an effort to eat correctly, but I hardly have time to get on the computer. So yesterday I thought i'd log everything, just to see, and wow! I averaged 2000-2200 cal. a day on Sat. and Sun!! (i'm supposed to keep it around 1600-1800) so i'm sure that increase is effecting me not losing any lbs. so this weekend i'm going to log everything!

    I'm having a little difficulty getting the energy to exercise, it just seems like i am soooo tired in the morning, then i get home late (working OT, it sucks) so then i dont' want to do anything but sit on the couch. But i'm going to leave early today and go home and put on that DVD!!!! Then i WILL get up at 4:30am to put in that dvd tomorrow!

    Anyways, glad to see all the new faces! (I'm on Phase 2 week 2, BTW). Keep up the good work!
  • highwyre237
    Just started the P90X yesterday... Very sore, and hear plyo is even harder. I'm enjoying it though, and hope to see progress in my reps next week!
  • laurabelle25
    OK peeps, gotta question:

    I was searching around and found this link about facts on basically getting healthier:

    It's a long read, but it had a lot of really good info. What struck me the most is that it said it recommends that you consume less than 1g of protein per lb of body weight. So for me that is less than 135g of protein per day (at my ideal/healthy weight). And the site also has a table that says a moderately active 130lb person should consume somewhere around 94-106g of protein, to build muscle. Now, the P90X diet has me eating 40% carbs, 40% protein, & 20% fat. On 1650 cal. a day (i've adjust this according to my metabolic rates), that equals 165g of protein per day. Which would be over the recommended amount. The website also states what the different effects of too much protein can do to your body and it's not good. there's kidney trouble, calcium loss in your bones, and it actually would make you gain/build LESS muscle.

    So my question is this: What do I do? Follow the P90X method? Or drop my protein down to 110g and, i would assume, up my carbs to whatever to balence it out?

    What do you guys think?

    On a side note, i'm having a lot of trouble with my energy levels. i feel sluggish and tired, and i just don't want to exercise at all. Do you think it's b/c my cal. are too low? Because on Phase 1 of P90X, I had no problems, I actually had lots of energy.

  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    Hi laura - personally I like to take the good and leave the bad behind. And what I mean by this, is that P90x and the beachbody types know exercise real well, so I take advice from them for exercise. For nutrition they usually find a nutrionist and use them as well as their own personal experiences to guide their clients, as well as unfortunately pushing out some of their other products like supplements/recovery/protein drinks; however, when it comes to consortium of professionals from UCLA versus the P90x guy with his nutritionist, there's really no contest in the credibility department.
  • jennyco
    jennyco Posts: 21 Member
    laura - I agree with Mark. Why don't you try the lower protein for a phase and see how you feel and what kind of results you get and if you're not happy try the higher amount? do a kind of trial and error approach. Having said that, I'm definately not an expert and I'm not even following the P90X nutrition plan at all. I'm just watching my cal intake through MFP. I have found though, that if I"m not eating enough cals in the day that I actually seem to gain weight. It seems that for me balance is the key - not too many cals and not too few. HTH's!

    As for me, I seem to have the stomach flu. I'm hoping it's a 24 hour bug. I was so pumped last night b/c I really brought it! I thought I'd worked out so hard that I made myself feel nauseous and had over done it - but guess not!
  • jennyco
    jennyco Posts: 21 Member
    welcome highwyre.

    Have you started yet Lizmichele? How is it going?

    Tatoodfreak - how are you feeling, any word on the surgery?

    How's everyone else doing? things have been a bit quiet on this thread...
  • jnoegrah
    jnoegrah Posts: 119 Member
    Started 3 weeks ago and i feel great. I've been pretty active my whole life, but have to say p90x is pretty tough. I compare it to a 'jailhouse' workout. Lol.

    I'm following my own diet though keeping protein fairly high.
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    I ordered it yesterday!! Stoked? Yes I am. Especially because my mom is wanting to do it with me!
  • beautifulnow
    I started p90x yesterday and I am doing the lean version this time and I gotta say I am SORE!! I am also having a terrible time with the food and protein :( I have ate myself sick all day and have only had 91 protein and need alot more but I am over on carbs! it seems like the food side of things always kills me!!
  • lizmichele
    lizmichele Posts: 32 Member
    Due to some out of town plans this week my husband and I are waiting to start until next week. I wanted to start off in a week that follows my normal schedule and not miss any workouts due to being away. I have been looking at those DVD's everyday and getting very excited.

    To prepare for next week I am making my meal plans, workout schedules and making sure all of our equipment is set up and ready. Friday is before and after photos and the fitness test. I just can't wait to start working out. I have been running and working out on my own for about 2.5 years and have lost around 25 pounds since I started to change my life style. My progress has plateaued along with my motivation. I am counting on all of you here and P90X to get me through this. And I am so happy my husband, who is one of those guys that can not work out for 3 years and then run a 4 mile trail run in 32 minutes, is going to be there with me too.

    Thanks everyone!
  • highwyre237
    Did plyometrics last night. I may be crazy, but I really really enjoyed it. Reminded me of conditioning for football and baseball in high school.

    I am trying to follow the nutritional plan, but slightly lower cals. I'm on the high end of the 2400 cal diet, but I've been aiming for 2000 instead(which is an increase for me, since prior to this I was eating 1700-1800) I'm also trying to stay within the 50-30-20 ratios, or close too it. I'm thinking if I have some really bad tired carb withdrawl days, I'll eat a bit more complex cards that day. I dont use any of their products, right now my recovery drink is EAS protein powder mixed in either skim milk, or OJ, depending on if I feel like I need extra protein, or extra carbs/sugar. I'll re-evaluate if any weights come off at all in the first week, and may adjust. Either way, I really enjoy this program so far... aside from when I had to get up a few flights of stairs this morning...
  • ryanb1012
    Keep it up guys. I just finished up week 9 (63 days in) today and feel great. I am down 10 lbs. but lost most of that in phase 2 (weeks 5-8). Seems like the weight just falls off at 1-2 lbs a week at this point. Only 5 from my goal and kicking butt. As far as supplements go I am using Pure protein powder in a berry smoothie every morning and a protein bar (different ones all the time) as a late morning snack. Following my own nutrition plan but sticking to a high protein low fat diet with plenty of fiber and seeing great results. The program does work, just stick with it.
  • laurabelle25
    Hey everyone,

    Just thought you'd all like to see some responses to my 'too much protein' post. it's pretty interesting and informative.

    I did Core today. I feel great. Today I have tons of energy i can barely sit still at my desk. i think it's a combo of getting back into the 'morning exercise' routine and I realized that i have not been eating my exercise calories. (I know, i know. I don't know what i was thinking. And BTW, some people disagree with eating your exercise calories, but from previous experience, for me personally, I need to eat them to lose weight. If I dont' eat them, i'm at a stand-still.)

    Oh, and the best news of the day........wait for it........wait for it.......i'm down to 147.2!!!!!! That's about 5lbs lost so far on this program! WoooHoooo. Man i'm pumped. I can't wait for tomorrow to do chest/back/tri !

    Keep up the good work ya'll!
  • melissacb

    I am on my last week of Phase 1. I tried to get a girlfriend of mine to do the program with me, but alas, I'm on my own. I'm just found My Fit Pal last week and I am siked to see fellow p90 people on here!

    Today was Core Syn. for me. I was surprised at how intense it was. I did my best, but there were some moves that I were really challenging.

    I'm 5'5" and I weigh about 135. My goal is to tone up and lose about 10 lbs. I don't own a scale, but I plan on picking one up this weekend.

    I do have a question, how do you know how many calories you burn each exercise?


  • laurabelle25

    I do have a question, how do you know how many calories you burn each exercise?

    Get a heart rate monitor. That's the best way to track all the cals you burn. I have a cheap wrist one (looks just like a watch, that I believe I got at Walmart) and it does ok, but I really want to get a Polar. I hear they are the best. But being the best, they cost around $100. And i'm just not ready to spend that kinda $$$ on one.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It's Thursday, It's Thursday, one more day before the weekend can begin! Today is week 4 day 4 of the Insanity program which means it's a recovery day, Yippee, Yippee! Instead of completing the Cardio Recovery dvd I rocked it out this morning to Cardio X of the P90X. I really like that dvd b/c it gives you a little bit of everything (Yoga X, Kenpo X, Plyo & Core) and it's not as long as the other P90X workouts.
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    My husband and I started P90X on the 15th of this month. We love it. I am just having problems with the nutrition plan. But I think I finally have it down. Well I at least hope I do. :-)
  • melissacb
    Get a heart rate monitor. That's the best way to track all the cals you burn. I have a cheap wrist one (looks just like a watch, that I believe I got at Walmart) and it does ok, but I really want to get a Polar. I hear they are the best. But being the best, they cost around $100. And i'm just not ready to spend that kinda $$$ on one.

    Thanks. I've heard Tony talking about them on the videos, but I just didn't realize the whole purpose of them. I will look into it. I've got Kenpo today after school! Jab, Cross, Hook, Upper Cut!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi all,

    I've been reading here on everyone's posts and am currently on my 6th week of Insanity. After wards, I plan on doing P90X and will be joining in on your posts. See you guys in 2 weeks!!!!
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    Thanks. I've heard Tony talking about them on the videos, but I just didn't realize the whole purpose of them. I will look into it. I've got Kenpo today after school! Jab, Cross, Hook, Upper Cut!

    The heart rate monitor is good to tell you how many calories you burn during during fast workouts but isn't useful during the weight lifting workouts. I only wear mine during Plyo and Kenpo.