What are your December Goals!



  • Brewster1215
    Brewster1215 Posts: 247 Member
    To turn 47 in the middle of the month and begin my year of badassery.

    To increase the weights I'm lifting by 5 pounds per session so that'd make it 115 by the end of the month (hey, I just started)
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    To turn 47 in the middle of the month and begin my year of badassery.

    To increase the weights I'm lifting by 5 pounds per session so that'd make it 115 by the end of the month (hey, I just started)

    You got this:flowerforyou:
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Hmmm, gain even more strength, am doing the slow but sure approach and it seems to be working. I would like to have some running mileage under my belt by January, this weather is lovely for running. (have just ordered some new layers, new shoes) I would like to lose some more fat also, at least go down another percent. Oh and get better at boxing (did my first half hour yesterday morning, after a few years' break from it, gosh my hands, my shoulders and ribcage are hurting today!) Finally, another month of trigger, spiral and non eating disordered thinking done and dusted. Whoop! Bring on 2013...
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    1). Lose 1 - 3 pounds
    2). Be pain free
    3). Do 100 squats
    4). How could I forget: be entirely ready for the 5km resolution run on Jan. 1
  • micl86
    micl86 Posts: 48
    To have a more strict diet, And write down my gym reps to track progreess
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    Just to hold on to the weight loss I had through the year. Not really planning to start loosing again till next year,
  • RetroSnowflake
    1) Not to weigh in the entire month.
    2) Start and do the majority of the 30 Day Shred.
    3) Not nap the entire month.
  • travel4fun
    travel4fun Posts: 36 Member
    1) Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
    2) Wake early to exercise, instead of exercising at night.
    3) Lose 4 pounds.
    4) Finish C25k.
    5) Drink 100 oz of water each day.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    It's all about maintaining and continuing p90x for me

    1. Stick to the p90x lifting days
    2. Maintain my running about 10 miles a week
    3. Maintain current weight through all the cookie temptations.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    - Get into running again
    - Do more strength training e.g. squats
    - Log and meet my calorie goal everyday of the month including xmas dinner parties - with xmas DAY being the ONLY exception!
    - Avoid refined foods

    - And keep up my 6/7times a week workouts that I love doing :) As well as my ab work :)
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    Finish Insanity strong (mnth 2)
    Be strict on my diet
    Lose 20 lbs

    Smile on New Years Day !
  • GabyG69
    GabyG69 Posts: 213
    To lose 13ish lbs. to be at -50 by year's end..
  • marinegirl92
    marinegirl92 Posts: 184 Member
    Great thread ~ thank you - sometimes putting it out there to the stratosphere makes me more accountable to myself :)

    * Lose 6 #'s
    * Complete Phase 2 of P90X Lean
    * Log all food/exercise into MFP
    * My mantra this month - nothing tastes as good as loosing weight feels

  • fitQueenbeast
    To knock out the last 12 pounds, decrease body fat % to 21% and kick my half-marathon training in high gear.
  • BackFlipsIntoSun
    to be 245lbs(or less, hopefully)
    to start talking to my dad again
    look for a job
    start looking into getting my license