One innocent Kiss and my whole day is ruined...



  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    "YOUR WHOLE DAY IS RUINED?" :sad: .....AW Geez cut the drama you big sissie. Eat the damn things, log it in your diary, and plan out the rest of your daily meal plan. Aint no big deal unless you make it one.

    I eat a Butterfinger (fun size, 85 cal) every day and I enjoy the hell out of it.....In fact, I just might eat another one now cuz Im irritated. :laugh:

    I dont restrict myself from too much. Check out my diary - Im losing weight with one hand tied behind my back...just dont get on my bad side, I have a big bag of Butterfingers and I wouldnt hesitate to eat a few of em in front of you :drinker: .....

    Really??? Really???? Insults?????? This is pathetic

    A little off our feed today are we? Try deep breathing.
  • 4theluvofmybody
    4theluvofmybody Posts: 4 Member
    If I feel like I don't want any sweet things, I joke with the person who is making the offer. I say something like "You're sabotaging my attempts at eating better! Thank you very much for the offer, but I think that ____________ would like it too."

    Another option is to accept what's offered, and rather than feeling guilty, forgive yourself. It's okay to have something like that every once in a while. If your goal is to cut sweet things out of your diet, it takes time. In situations like these, I find that it's helpful to tell myself "I've done a really good job at eating less of this."

    You could also accept what's offered and make plans for how you can burn off the calories later. :) I hope this helps. Don't beat yourself up, I know it's hard not to.

    Have a wonderful evening!
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    Something I've learned: how to have a plan before going to gatherings where food will be served.

    Will you
    Resist (have none)
    Moderate (have a little)
    Delay (wait till later)
    Indulge (have handfuls)?

    Will eating something before going to these places help? You won't want to eat what's offered if you've already eaten. :happy:
  • miscje1985
    I treat myself every now and then!! today I had half a kinda bueno bar with my lunch and it didn't throw me out for the day :) I say everything in moderation, I look at it this way.....if your craving something have it! only a little bit mind you but give in to the craving. If you hold off on that craving it just grows and grows and you blow it massively. So I say have a LITTLE blow-out today rather than a MASSIVE blow-out tomorrow :)
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    If its someone who knows you well, they should know better than to offer, try talking to them!

    If its someone you dont know really well, try saying "I don't eat those" instead of "I cant have those", psychologically it feels a lot different to say, and it feels like a choice not a restriction. If you need to make something up - go for it... say that sugar upsets your stomach, say that your eating gluten-free (if its carb-related), say that you just had lunch and your stuffed. What ever you like:)

    Good luck!
  • cindl24
    cindl24 Posts: 178

    I just check out your diary and I have to say someone giving you a few M&Ms is not your problem; please disregard the previous post. I just cant think of anything to say that you dont already know. Hope you can get a handle on things. Good luck.

    His first post I think, was a wee less than helpful, but I do have to agree...a pack of M&Ms is not your problem. You might want to get in touch with a therapist to help you out. I am not trying to be rude and I applaud you for logging everything that you are eating, but it should be showing you there is a big-time problem there. I wish you the best of luck.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Honestly, I don't particularly like candy and such anymore so it is not a major problem if I do take one or two... (I do love granolas and such and have to watch those closely. That being said, in your case, binging is a major issue; you may HAVE to hang tough and choose to not fall to the temptation. All things in moderation; however, if you simplly cannot moderate then you may just have to say wishes in overcoming these addictions.
  • johnjoy1064
    If you think fat you will be fat, if you think thin you will be thin. Whatever you think you will attract (good or bad, no exception,every time) send me a message lets chat..........j
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    You just have to do it. When I was dieting way back when at a manufacturing plant, they had homemade cookies, donut saturday, birthday potlucks every week, and I sad no every single time. I'd even leave at lunch, get a subway sammich, and head back and eat with the rest of them.
    At first they thought I was weird, or were slightly offended, but as the months passed and I shrunk, they all shut their yaps!
  • myfitnesslife75
    myfitnesslife75 Posts: 163 Member
    My mother-in-law is always trying to get me to eat more. I tell her, hey, I've been working hard! I can't eat any more than I just had! She usually takes it with a smile. What a tester! lol Some days she almost does look upset. I dunno. I can't keep up and just can't be bothered when it comes to turning down food. If I'm full. I say no. No shame here.