Fit girl rant



  • jennahowden
    jennahowden Posts: 34 Member
    Unfortunately those girls/guys in highschool don't actually change (mentally). You just have to learn to be proud of yourself, and hold your head high! Easier said than done I know, but the feeling you get after successfully portraying confidence is AMAZING :happy:
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Dana Lynn isn't my idea of eye candy, but you'd probably giggle like crazy if I showed you a pic of my husband and told you how ridiculously attractive I find him. That's just personal preference. She is, however, healthy and that is something that isn't really up for debate. I can not imagine the amount of hard work and dedication it must take to obtain and then maintain such an incredible body. It takes real guts, I'm betting.

    ^^^^ I totally agree. It's not the look I aspire to but it's exceptionally admirable. Now if she would only stop ruining it with the constant duck-facing!
  • IvyWhispers
    IvyWhispers Posts: 51 Member
    I am completely jealous of your job :o

    and I agree, I bet the people who complain about how you look don't have the guts, ability or strength and stamina it takes to do those things,
    You look great just ignore them and focus on what you want to look like, that's all that matters
  • melindadunston
    I personally prefer a softer women look. If this is the look you want go for it! There are plenty of people that find it attractive.
  • Ghkffb56
    Ghkffb56 Posts: 263 Member
    Screw them.. FlagNorFail bby >:)! DLB is a beast! and so are you! haters gunna hate, Mirers gunna mire ~.^".

    on another note... no matter what.. you will always get jerks.. who say mean things .. like " shes gunna look like a man lifting like that.".. or something along those lines.

    Just fight through it all! :) it hurts at first .. but it gets old after a bit. ;D
  • anzi888
    anzi888 Posts: 102 Member
    I didn't read what everyone put on here but... There will always be different people with different opinions. Some people like skinny girls, some like women with more muscles, heck! some people like bigger women. You will never be able to have the shape and size that EVERYONE will like. You'll have to decide what YOU like best, what YOU want. Talk about it to your partner and see what he thinks would be best for you. Don't forget that being healthy should come first. Oh and I think crossfit is an awesome program and you should stick with it if you like it. I wish you all the best :)
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member

    Saw this on a blog the other day and it made me reeeeally mad.

    Its always a free-for-all on FB and even on this site to bash fit/muscular women and its extremely sad.

    heres the link:

    Every single one of those comments looks to me like a very bad case of sour grapes....

    "I can't be bothered to put the effort in to get the grapes off that tall vine (or someone else beat me to it, or I think I'm totally incapable), therefore they must be sour and I'm better off than the person who puts the effort in to get them...."

    I like strong women, my husband likes strong women, and no other opinions on the planet really mean anything to me. I'd rather look like the woman in the pic than be one of the people talking **** about her because I'm jealous!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You know what they say about opinions, don't you? Really, if the pic inspired you, use it, and ignore what other people think about it. As long as your goal is HEALTHY, then go for it.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Getting FROM caring what other people say to an unhealthy degree TO taking into account what other people say, but ultimately understanding that their opinion is not as important as your own... is a difficult and time-consuming process.

    Once I started keeping a journal -- that is, using the MFP blog to write out my thoughts every day -- I've been able to track my mental growth over time. Mental growth is such a huge part of becoming healthy. You can't REALLY become completely healthy unless your relationship with yourself and your opinion of yourself is healthy too.

    Once you get to the point of truly understanding that YOUR hopes and dreams and aspirations and goals are what's REALLY important in YOUR life -- because it IS YOUR LIFE -- then you will be able to mold your body to exactly what you want it to be -- OR JUST REALIZE that your body ALREADY IS exactly what you want it to be -- and you will feel so much happier with your life.

    These journeys that we are all on -- it's not really about "losing weight" or "gaining muscle" or "toning" or whatever -- it's about LOVING OURSELVES. I'm fat right now, but y'know what? I'm starting to love my body anyways. I don't like the way it looks, but it's the only body I've got, and I'm going to do my best to love it, take care of it, and make it as healthy and happy as possible, and not let my body being unhealthy keep me from doing all the things I want to do with my life.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Develop a thicker skin...Be confident in yourself and what YOU like and what YOU want to do with your body. Everyone is not going to have the same opinion on body types or levels of fitness, and that's ok. I mean really, so what? Who cares what other people think, it only matters what YOU think.

    No one else's opinions should have such a hold on you or impact on you that you would want to do unhealthy things.
  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    One of the biggest lessons to learn in life is that no matter what you do, what you believe in, what you say, what you look like, etc----there will ALWAYS be people putting you down and telling you that you're "wrong". The only way to truly be happy is to live your life the way you see best and ignore the negative people and comments that come your way. They'll come no matter what, regardless.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I always take other people's opinions into consideration. But I then end up disregarding it about 95% of the time.

    Because most people are freakin' idiots.

    True story.

    On a serious note how can another person's opinion of me be more important than my opinion of myself? They cannot know as well as I do what struggles or issues I have faced, what makes better than I do. In short they lack enough real information to make an informed decision unless they are very close to me. As such their opinion will always be secondary.
  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    Jeez. Many of you on here don't really need to lose weight. You need to gain self-esteem.....

    Rule 1: Like yourself
    Rule 2: Be selective about the people whose opinions you care about
    Rule 3: Don't give much weight to what "others" think - unless those "others" know you and care about you
    Rule 4. Make your own rules.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I would love to chill and have a beer with DLB she seems like a really cool chick.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I would love to chill and have a beer with DLB she seems like a really cool chick.


    OP stop over thinking. Do what makes YOU happy.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Getting FROM caring what other people say to an unhealthy degree TO taking into account what other people say, but ultimately understanding that their opinion is not as important as your own... is a difficult and time-consuming process.

    Once I started keeping a journal -- that is, using the MFP blog to write out my thoughts every day -- I've been able to track my mental growth over time. Mental growth is such a huge part of becoming healthy. You can't REALLY become completely healthy unless your relationship with yourself and your opinion of yourself is healthy too.

    Once you get to the point of truly understanding that YOUR hopes and dreams and aspirations and goals are what's REALLY important in YOUR life -- because it IS YOUR LIFE -- then you will be able to mold your body to exactly what you want it to be -- OR JUST REALIZE that your body ALREADY IS exactly what you want it to be -- and you will feel so much happier with your life.

    These journeys that we are all on -- it's not really about "losing weight" or "gaining muscle" or "toning" or whatever -- it's about LOVING OURSELVES. I'm fat right now, but y'know what? I'm starting to love my body anyways. I don't like the way it looks, but it's the only body I've got, and I'm going to do my best to love it, take care of it, and make it as healthy and happy as possible, and not let my body being unhealthy keep me from doing all the things I want to do with my life.

  • sarafay80
    sarafay80 Posts: 41 Member
    Jeez. Many of you on here don't really need to lose weight. You need to gain self-esteem.....

    Rule 1: Like yourself
    Rule 2: Be selective about the people whose opinions you care about
    Rule 3: Don't give much weight to what "others" think - unless those "others" know you and care about you
    Rule 4. Make your own rules.

    Rule 5: If your Facebook friends are haters, DELETE THEM!
  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm inspired by fitness models/competitors too. I'm my own worst critic and don't care what people think. Being my worst critic pushes me to work harder so I can achieve my goals. Yes, it's extreme to many who don't understand it. Many also don't understand that these fitness models and competitors don't look like they do in the pictures year round. It's a lot of hard work and dedication to get to where they are. I admire them for that.

    I loathe Facebook. Don't take what anyone has to say on there to heart.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    It's sad that there are people who can only feel good about themselves by putting other people down. Don't let their problem become your problem. Try out whatever body shape you like, you can always adapt your goal along the way.

    Oh, and my favourite fitness inspiration is Anowa. I love those thighs and all that confidence. She reminds me that there are all kinds of beautiful women in this world and there's no need to try to be anyone else's ideal.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I take everyone else's(men and women) opinions so seriously, more than my own. I've always been that way. I have no idea how to think for myself about myself physically.

    You're 22? Give yourself five more years of torturing yourself over it... that should about leave you fed up with everyone else's opinions. Eh... you'll be fine.
