Will you look at my diary?



  • sritt004
    sritt004 Posts: 10 Member
    The main thing I would try to do if I were you, is stay away from the amount of carbs you intake, and replace them with whole foods like fruits and vegetables. I lost 20lbs by still eating the things I enjoyed, but also learning how to incorporate more fruits & veggies into my diet. Good luck!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Step 1 - Stop working out 2x a day
    Step 2 - Set goal to 1 lb per week
    Step 3 - Eat 50% of your exercise calories or set your account to moderately active and do not eat back exercise calories.
    Step 4 - Adjust macro's to 35% carbs, 40% protein and 25% fats.
    Step 5 - Tell us what type of exercise you do.

    Why not work out twice a day is it bad?

    It provides zero benefit. If you workout twice a day, you have to eat double the calories and your make all your progress and improvements while resting. Workout onces a day, push yourself hard and eat well (probably 1700-1800 calories total) and you will see results. Also, you should be doing some resistance/weight training if you aren't. It's much better for fat loss.

    I do interval training but only with 5lb weights maybe I should up it

    Um if the weight you're using weighs as much as your purse, it's not doing any good. LIFT WEIGHTS!
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    I agree you seem to be eating too little. Try to substitute processed foods with whole foods. Any little additive makes a difference. Instead of presliced lunch meat (which has high salt, etc.) try chicken breast. Instead of white bread slices (no real nutritional value) try to make a wrap with romaine lettuce or a heavy grain bread (I personally don't eat bread at all). Instead of white rice, try brown rice. Please eat breakfast with your coffee. Try a 3 egg omlette (chop up onion, green peppers, left over chicken, etc) or yogurt (I liked greek yogurt like Fage). It's better to add your own fruit then buy them with fruit. Double or triple your veggie intake to help fill your plate. I use a lot of frozen Steamfresh veggies (steam in a bag in a microwave). I'll eat half a bag for dinner a few times a week for dinner with my chicken, tilipia, or salmon. I live for salads, so try a dark green salad (heavy with spinach or romane) and add a couple ounces of tuna with vinagarette dressings. One of my favorite salads is: 50/50 mix spinach ready mix (Dole or Fresh Express brand), 5 oz or chicken breast (seasoned with pepper and salt-free McCormics), 1 oz. whole almonds (natural, no salt), and a apple cut up into pieces. I use Kraft Tomato Basil and Ken's Raspberry vinagarette fairly frequently. Last but not least, make sure you drink a whole lot of water. I drink water all day out of a waterbottle with a straw in it. It has side measurements so I can ensure I'm getting my whole 80oz in. Good luck!

    Thank you! I am really bad with Veggies and breakfast I always tell myself I am going to eat it and then run out the door with nothing.

    there are options for make ahead breakfasts or quick breakfasts. pancakes, muffins, etc
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    Take a look at my diary, my daily goal is 1500 calories, and I seem to eat a lot more food than you do.

    I have breakfast every morning, I see you don't eat breakfast. I usually grab and eat it on the drive into work.

    Less processed foods (I know I know...you can eat anything as long as it fits into calories......) but not eating boxed stuff really is more filling.
  • glamis_dust_bunny
    Try making protein shakes the night before so you can grab one from the fridge as your running out the door, drink it on your way to work.
    I agree you seem to be eating too little. Try to substitute processed foods with whole foods. Any little additive makes a difference. Instead of presliced lunch meat (which has high salt, etc.) try chicken breast. Instead of white bread slices (no real nutritional value) try to make a wrap with romaine lettuce or a heavy grain bread (I personally don't eat bread at all). Instead of white rice, try brown rice. Please eat breakfast with your coffee. Try a 3 egg omlette (chop up onion, green peppers, left over chicken, etc) or yogurt (I liked greek yogurt like Fage). It's better to add your own fruit then buy them with fruit. Double or triple your veggie intake to help fill your plate. I use a lot of frozen Steamfresh veggies (steam in a bag in a microwave). I'll eat half a bag for dinner a few times a week for dinner with my chicken, tilipia, or salmon. I live for salads, so try a dark green salad (heavy with spinach or romane) and add a couple ounces of tuna with vinagarette dressings. One of my favorite salads is: 50/50 mix spinach ready mix (Dole or Fresh Express brand), 5 oz or chicken breast (seasoned with pepper and salt-free McCormics), 1 oz. whole almonds (natural, no salt), and a apple cut up into pieces. I use Kraft Tomato Basil and Ken's Raspberry vinagarette fairly frequently. Last but not least, make sure you drink a whole lot of water. I drink water all day out of a waterbottle with a straw in it. It has side measurements so I can ensure I'm getting my whole 80oz in. Good luck!

    Thank you! I am really bad with Veggies and breakfast I always tell myself I am going to eat it and then run out the door with nothing.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    I think you're eating fine .. except .. you're skipping days in logging, so I wonder how you're eating on those days or you don't wanna to see yourself how much you're eating. Maybe you're afraid you're eating 3000 calories on those days? (don't be afraid)

    Working out so much your muscles may retaining water to repair/recuperate/heal..

    I have no idea if you're staying within range of your goals on days you're not logging, so please do not think I'm assuming anything :flowerforyou: I'm just wondering if you're just balancing out and eating at maintenance over the course of a week
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    Without even seeing your sodium levels, I can tell your sodium is through the roof with your food choices. Getting rid of those prepackaged foods and processed meats will definitely help.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Eat a better breakfast and try to get off the coffee. Also track your sodium levels. You can adjust what your MFP tracks in the settings. Also try to eat as close to your calorie goal as possible. Don't let your body go into starvation mode. I thought it was dumb too to eat more to lose weight, but it really works. Just give it a shot. Another suggestion is take your measurements and don't always focus on what the scale says.
  • jmjm55077
    check out www.fat2fitradio.com for your bmr http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/

    Don't eat items with high fat, salt, artifical additives

    Up protein, watch carbs, drink water

    Allow body to rest

    Waalaa...be happy and healthy
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    As others have said if you have calculated your stats correctly and MFP has allotted you 1400 cals eat them. Also eat some if not all your exercise calories back. The exercise calories have already been factored in with your allotted cals. Don't worry about tracking sugar ,unless you are a diabetic (almost everyone goes over there sugar) start tracking your sodium. All those pizzas and processed foods have massively high sodium. Drink lots of water. And most of all be consistant.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I agree with many of the other posters - you are probably not eating enough and you should track your sodium. For me, sodium is really a killer and I retain water like I'm preparing for a drought. Not pretty...
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    So I am not losing weight but I work out every day and now I have been working out either twice a day to total 40 minutes or just a 30 minute work out. I don't expect a miracle of 30 pounds overnight but I would like to see at least one pound! please excuse last sunday where I ate Burger King it was a moment of weakness and I felt like crap after lol, but I am eating to many carbs ? or to much sugar? any help is appreciated.

    What do you mean you're not losing weight? Are you saying you've hit a plateau, and if so, how long? Or, are you saying you've only lost 20 lbs in the last year?

    I see you've been here (on MFP) since Dec of 2011, but have you been active and logging everyday since you started or is this something you just pick up and put down occasionally?

    Just saying you're not losing weight isn't a whole lot of information to go on. And just having people look at your diary is only slightly helpful, and you're going to get a ton of advice on how bad your eating and how little of that bad food your eating, or how you're eating too much of this or not enough of that, or to skip a meal or don't skip a meal.

    More information would be really helpful.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I agree with many of the other posters - you are probably not eating enough and you should track your sodium. For me, sodium is really a killer and I retain water like I'm preparing for a drought. Not pretty...

    Must remember the 'retaining water like I'm preparing for a drought'.....
  • branson101
    branson101 Posts: 173 Member
    I agree you seem to be eating too little. Try to substitute processed foods with whole foods. Any little additive makes a difference. Instead of presliced lunch meat (which has high salt, etc.) try chicken breast. Instead of white bread slices (no real nutritional value) try to make a wrap with romaine lettuce or a heavy grain bread (I personally don't eat bread at all). Instead of white rice, try brown rice. Please eat breakfast with your coffee. Try a 3 egg omlette (chop up onion, green peppers, left over chicken, etc) or yogurt (I liked greek yogurt like Fage). It's better to add your own fruit then buy them with fruit. Double or triple your veggie intake to help fill your plate. I use a lot of frozen Steamfresh veggies (steam in a bag in a microwave). I'll eat half a bag for dinner a few times a week for dinner with my chicken, tilipia, or salmon. I live for salads, so try a dark green salad (heavy with spinach or romane) and add a couple ounces of tuna with vinagarette dressings. One of my favorite salads is: 50/50 mix spinach ready mix (Dole or Fresh Express brand), 5 oz or chicken breast (seasoned with pepper and salt-free McCormics), 1 oz. whole almonds (natural, no salt), and a apple cut up into pieces. I use Kraft Tomato Basil and Ken's Raspberry vinagarette fairly frequently. Last but not least, make sure you drink a whole lot of water. I drink water all day out of a waterbottle with a straw in it. It has side measurements so I can ensure I'm getting my whole 80oz in. Good luck!

    Thank you! I am really bad with Veggies and breakfast I always tell myself I am going to eat it and then run out the door with nothing.

    Do you work in an office or have a morning break? I keep cereal in my desk and bring my Almond milk with me everyday. I also keep fruit cup (fresh fruit when I can get it) at my desk too. That helps ensure that I get breakfast and don't overeat at lunch because I am so hungry.

    As for your comment about eating at BK. Don't feel bad. Eating fast food doesn't equal failure. I am constantly on the run so I end up at fast food often. Just try to work it into your day and enjoy that burger! I try to avoid getting a full meal or ordering a salad as a side instead of fries.
  • Nechelle6
    Nechelle6 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Hun, I think the problem that you are experiencing is that you are not eating enough. Also, you need to eat more balanced foods, with more whole grains, fruits and vegetables. You should also increase your water intake, and remember that you can have things like herbal teas with no sugar added and that will count towards your water intake. I would also suggest that you not workout two times a day until you can get your eating habits under control, as this may be causing additional stress onto your body which is preventing your from loosing the last few pounds.

    I would also like to leave you with this thought, inches are a far better measure for size reduction than pounds. Don't stress yourself out over a number on a scale, it does not define you.

    Take care :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I would like to point out, there is no need to eat breakfast unless you want to or it helps reduce cravings. But from a metabolic standpoint, you can eat whenever you want. It's all about calories. Heck, you can look at calories over a weeks period and still be fine.
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    Things that I picked out-
    You often skip breakfast. Breakfast really does wonders for kick-starting your metabolism.
    A lot of your foods are highly-processed, high carb, and high-sodium. I recommend getting a little more clean food in there.
    Make sure you give your body a rest day. I used to think this was stupid, because the more you work out, the more you should lose... maybe in theory, but our bodies often don't respond well to that.
    Something I found very helpful was calorie cycling. I used this site: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm and put in my weight, height, how often I exercised, and just ate the amount it told me. It really helped me break through a plateau that I hit.

    I hope that was helpful- above all, make good choices, and make changes you are willing to stick with in order to keep the weight from coming back once you start losing it!
  • silverbelle69
    silverbelle69 Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to review my diary for food ideas :smile: But keep in mind I had gastric bypass surgery so I can't eat large portions.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Things that I picked out-
    You often skip breakfast. Breakfast really does wonders for kick-starting your metabolism.
    A lot of your foods are highly-processed, high carb, and high-sodium. I recommend getting a little more clean food in there.
    Make sure you give your body a rest day. I used to think this was stupid, because the more you work out, the more you should lose... maybe in theory, but our bodies often don't respond well to that.
    Something I found very helpful was calorie cycling. I used this site: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm and put in my weight, height, how often I exercised, and just ate the amount it told me. It really helped me break through a plateau that I hit.

    I hope that was helpful- above all, make good choices, and make changes you are willing to stick with in order to keep the weight from coming back once you start losing it!

    Your metabolism never stops. And breakfast doesn't do anything for it. Meal frequency and meal timing are completely irrelevant when it comes to weight loss.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Weight loss also can happen in chunks - you can not see results for a while, and then suddenly see a bunch of results. I agree with the others who say try to get in more 'healthy' food, and overall keep with it - this is a long term business!