Uncooked Pasta to Cooked Pasta



  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    If you plug this into the 'Recipes' portion you can at least estimate if you can determine how many servings ;)

    For pasta I weigh twice because the weight of a 'cooked' portion will always vary based on your cooking time. Someone who prefers well cooked pasta will have bigger noodles than if you cook it al'dente. I weigh it dry, then weigh it again cooked and use a ratio to convert it back to 'dry' for tracking based on how big my portion is - I'm anal I know :P
  • valleymum
    valleymum Posts: 33 Member
    i just weighed everything tonight as we were having spegetti for supper!! using Barilla speghettini. 85 g was one serving, its 215 grams after cooked, and one and a half cups :)
  • pjnsydsmoma
    pjnsydsmoma Posts: 10 Member
    I am fairly new to this weighing and measuring out my servings.. But this was exactly the question I asked myself tonight. I cook for my family and measure out my portions when i make my plate. I was thinking it would probably be about a cup cooked.. Thanks!
  • eweeks01
    My family loves pasta, so we eat it probably 3 to 4 days a week. I think the key is making your own. After I tried it, I was shocked at how easy it is. You can make it healthier than you can buy it. 3/4 cup of whole wheat flower, 3/4 cup of white flower, 2 eggs, 1 tbls extra virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon of salt = 4 servings @ 180 cal. per. Then make your own sauce (ours comes in at 50 cal per serving). End results is a good size serving of homemade pasta at 230 cal. The pasta machine is all you need to get started.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    My family loves pasta, so we eat it probably 3 to 4 days a week. I think the key is making your own. After I tried it, I was shocked at how easy it is. You can make it healthier than you can buy it. 3/4 cup of whole wheat flower, 3/4 cup of white flower, 2 eggs, 1 tbls extra virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon of salt = 4 servings @ 180 cal. per. Then make your own sauce (ours comes in at 50 cal per serving). End results is a good size serving of homemade pasta at 230 cal. The pasta machine is all you need to get started.
    That's 600 mg. of sodium per 180 cal. serving, not even counting the eggs!! (1 tsp.=2400 mg. sodium)
    You may want to cut that back...or not.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,025 Member
    Okay I'm kind of reaching out here and hoping that someone will 'happen' to know the answer to this.

    For whole wheat pasta the label on the box says 85 grams is 1 serving. Does anyone happen to know how much it weighs when it is cooked?

    When I make dinner I make more than just 1 portion because my boyfriend needs to eat it too but I don't know how much it weighs after. I COULD just cook my portion separate but before I put in the effort I thought I'd ask. You guys are always awesome for stuff like this :)
    Water has no calories, it doesn't matter how much it ways later. Use the nutritional info for dry and your golden.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,025 Member
    My family loves pasta, so we eat it probably 3 to 4 days a week. I think the key is making your own. After I tried it, I was shocked at how easy it is. You can make it healthier than you can buy it. 3/4 cup of whole wheat flower, 3/4 cup of white flower, 2 eggs, 1 tbls extra virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon of salt = 4 servings @ 180 cal. per. Then make your own sauce (ours comes in at 50 cal per serving). End results is a good size serving of homemade pasta at 230 cal. The pasta machine is all you need to get started.
    That's 600 mg. of sodium per 180 cal. serving, not even counting the eggs!! (1 tsp.=2400 mg. sodium)
    You may want to cut that back...or not.
    Not a chance, the salt is needed.
  • SkinnyForMinnie
    SkinnyForMinnie Posts: 68 Member
    bump...and thanks! Great info! :smile:
  • labrennan
    labrennan Posts: 132 Member
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    My experience - 2 ounces raw = 5 ounces cooked

    I double checked this and even counted the noodles.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    To be honest, I cook mine and my partners in seperate pans. He has more than me as he's a man and needs more calories, so I'd much rather weigh mine out and be sure of the calories than estimate when serving. Pasta is pretty high in cals.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    My family loves pasta, so we eat it probably 3 to 4 days a week. I think the key is making your own. After I tried it, I was shocked at how easy it is. You can make it healthier than you can buy it. 3/4 cup of whole wheat flower, 3/4 cup of white flower, 2 eggs, 1 tbls extra virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon of salt = 4 servings @ 180 cal. per. Then make your own sauce (ours comes in at 50 cal per serving). End results is a good size serving of homemade pasta at 230 cal. The pasta machine is all you need to get started.

    You don't even need a pasta machine. A rolling pin and a knife work just as well, just takes about 2 minutes longer.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    0.4 cup uncooked pasta = 1 cup cooked pasta (1 serving)
  • phenix61
    That is a really difficult situation to cook for.
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    Bump. (I'm going to assume 2 oz dry pasta = 3/4 cup cooked as a general rule, but it's probably worth testing for different kinds of pasta).
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    My family loves pasta, so we eat it probably 3 to 4 days a week. I think the key is making your own. After I tried it, I was shocked at how easy it is. You can make it healthier than you can buy it. 3/4 cup of whole wheat flower, 3/4 cup of white flower, 2 eggs, 1 tbls extra virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon of salt = 4 servings @ 180 cal. per. Then make your own sauce (ours comes in at 50 cal per serving). End results is a good size serving of homemade pasta at 230 cal. The pasta machine is all you need to get started.

    You don't even need a pasta machine. A rolling pin and a knife work just as well, just takes about 2 minutes longer.

    I use a pizza cutter! For 1 minute longer :wink:
  • RobinV_Seattle
    RobinV_Seattle Posts: 191 Member

    For whole wheat pasta the label on the box says 85 grams is 1 serving. Does anyone happen to know how much it weighs when it is cooked?

    It's hard to say as it depends on how much water the pasta absorbs. Do you make an equal serving size for your BF? If so, you could divvy the pasta afterwards. I used to do that with my ex, except I made him double portions and just seperated out a third for myself afters. I used a scale to get accurate measurements.
  • RobinV_Seattle
    RobinV_Seattle Posts: 191 Member
    I've gotta put my two cents in... why in the world are these measured dry, anyway? Who the heck eats dry pasta?! Makes it very hard for a family like mine where there's 4 of us... 1 adult counting calories, 1 adult who loves to eat, eat, eat, 1 child who's a juvenile diabetic so we're counting carbs, and 1 child who just eats whatever.... Ugh. :grumble:

    Because the cooked weight will fluctuate depending on how long you cook it - al dente pasta will weigh less then "well-done" pasta because it's absorbed less water, but actually be higher in calories vs. the same weight of the "well-done" pasta.

    I want spaghetti for dinner now, lol
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    If you make two dry-weighed out servings, just weigh the end product, divide by two and serve each serving. It doesn't matter if 85g becomes 170, 165 or 190 after its cooked. If the final weight of the two cooked portions equals 340g, then portion 170g into each bowl, if it equals 324, then you'd put 162 in each bowl.

    And if you make, say, two servings for the significant other, then divide the final weight by thirds, take one-third for yourself and the rest goes to him. You'll rarely get the exact same weight measurement of a cooked product since it all depends on just how much water I happened to absorb during that cooking time. Go two minutes longer one night and it'll be heavier than when it cooked less because it will have absorbed more water. But if you know how many servings it was initially, just divide whatever the final weight is by that and you're golden.

    I do this all the time for my hubby and I. As long as I weigh everything equally when I'm prepping the recipe I know to just take the grand total and divide it at the end.

  • ashleyoh33
    ashleyoh33 Posts: 85 Member
    So glad I found this!! I alway make a whole box of spaghetti noodles when I make it and its not exactly easy to measure! I am definitely not going to cook mine separately because doing the dishes sucks! It's hard to just divide the portions when I don't measure how much other people eat...I can't just fraction it out evenly. I'm gonna measure my 5 oz of cooked spaghetti and log it as 2 and hope for the best! :)