Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 3/26 wk 13

kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
Hey team! This is the last Friday in March!! Let's get serious here and take it up a notch! I know you all can do this!! :flowerforyou:


  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Hey guys...been on vacation for Spring Break. Did pretty good this last week. I weigh 131.6. I'll take it considering I didn't work out much.

    Hope everyone loses some pds this week!!! Good luck Peppers!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I weighed in at 209.4, which is up .6 from yesterday but I was expecting that. It is still down from this time last week or even Sunday. The sassy water stuff that the diet has you drink is basically to help you lose excess water. I'm sure that since I didn't drink any yesterday, I retained a little extra water.

    Honestly, I'm kicking myself a little for the whole diet idea. I've never been able to stick with something like that. I'm much better just making healthier choices without as many restrictions. After a few days of a diet, I'm grumpy and ready to dive into a pizza. But I recognized that pretty quickly yesterday and did my best to restrain myself. I didn't make dinner because of my bad mood, so we went out. I got a grilled chicken wrap and a baked potato (instead of the fries that come with it). I have no clue how many calories because this restaurant doesn't post nutritional information on the website. But, it probably is one of the healthier things on their menue of burgers, chicken fried steak, and fried catfish. I only ate half of the wrap and a little more than half of the potato. I'm taking a few of the ideas from the diet and not worrying about following.

    Anyway, Happy Friday everyone!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Okay a step in the right direction for me. I loged all foods yesterday!! first time in months YAY!!!! Even thought I was over by 359 caolries that was great becuasue the last month I have been over by 1000 so I am very happy. Weight in at 247.8 a little over a pound! once again happy! good luck everyone!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Okay a step in the right direction for me. I loged all foods yesterday!! first time in months YAY!!!! Even thought I was over by 359 caolries that was great becuasue the last month I have been over by 1000 so I am very happy. Weight in at 247.8 a little over a pound! once again happy! good luck everyone!!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Ok ;) so i have been working out 2 times day day everyday!!! WOOT and I joined curves for a month to check it out and so i got messured and weighed and what not, and we talked about my goal and how i am really only 2 dress sizes away from it and only like 30 pounds away from my realistic weight that I want to be (FOR ME ALL THIS IS TO BE HEALTHIER NOT TO JUST LOOSE!!!! A CHANGE FOR LIFE) so the lady was impressed with what i have done so far and what not and I am suprised that I am not taht far at all from what i want.:love:
    BUT.......their scale said I was 210 pounds more then mine says!!!!!!!WTF!??!!? So since I have always gone by my scale on here I wount differ, but I will know everytime that I weigh in there I will be that 10 pounds more:sad:
    Been eating healthy and usually at the end of the day I have 1400 cals LEFT!?!? I am only given a 1360 to start with... so i forsee major tweeking comming along here:)
    my weight this week (HOME SCALE) was 204.........:frown: but what the hey? atleast i am feeling good
    GREAT JOB TO THE LOOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: and us that didn't keep chugging away! WE WILL BEAT THIS!:love:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi everyone....

    I didn't weigh in today...... I had to leave my house BEFORE curves was open. It's their scale I use for weigh in.

    Next week, my work schedule returns to normal.... or as normal as it's been.

    This week was just really tough. I took this afternon off since I have two big scout events tonight. One Girl Scout - one Cub Scout. Luckily, both in same building....

    I did go to Curves today. Let me tell you I felt exhausted afterwards. And I realized I haven't done any exercise in 2 weeks, been getting apprx 5-5 1/2 hrs of sleep and physically/intectually draining days at work. My next day off is Good Friday.

    Take care.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey Pepper's!

    Busy day here...did my walk then helped my parents with their rental house for 6 hrs. When my dad asked my mom what kind of sandwich she wanted for lunch, then me, I said I have my own. No questions asked. SO, I think my mom is finally understanding me and supporting my meals/food. She knows I'm the only one in the family like this, so I'm just glad she is not making a big fuss about it. Tomorrow we are frosting sugar cookies and I asked her what she was having for lunch, and she said hot dogs and chips...:sick: Gonna do my best at keeping my lips off dozens of cookies..... I know I can do this.

    Well, like always, when I start back to eating clean, I have a big loss. I was 191.2 this am. Down 8.4. 5 days this week, completely clean...and 4 days of exercise. I really feel like I am *back* I pray that this continues. Lots to plan for in the next 2 mos. I just want to feel/look healthier than I did 2 yrs ago at my oldest son's grad.

    Lynette ~ Hope you enjoyed your Spring Break...sounds like you did very good!
    Jacque ~ Nice job on the loss! I like the idea of your siggy info!
    Miss V ~ you are doing so awesome girl! You are the "Workout Warrior" for the week! Woot Woot! Was that a typo on the *1400 cal deficit*? I bet you need to eat more if you are exercising that much. My cals are at 1500 and w/exercise (370-395) I am almost eating 1800 day. Don't want you starving sweets!
    Crystal ~ Congrats on your loss and getting thru the 4 day jump start! I think you did really good!
    Barb ~ helllloooooooooooo! hang in there, normalcy is just around the corner! take care!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Feeling more myself now that I'm not "dieting". I'm pretty sure today is going to be a pretty weather here. I just got my new bike last week and we haven't had a chance to take it out yet. I hope I can get DH to go later. I bet I won't have to twist his arm too hard!! He loves riding as much as I do. I need to burn the calories, too. I think we are going to dinner with his parents tonight. Healthy options will most likely be limited. I'll do my best! I'm feeling my determination coming back and I don't want to lose it!!

    Jacque, good job! You'll get back in the groove.

    MissV, sounds like you are working your butt off to be burning that many calories! Way to go!!

    Barb, I hope things slow down for you soon. You need a break!

    Kelly, I'm happy to hear that your mom is coming around. I just couldn't imagine having to do this without the support. My entire family is overweight and I'm the only one who's trying to lose weight. But they are all extremely supportive. My mom is my rock and she is excited for me.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Crystal....yes, I am the *only* one in my family that cares to eat healthy....and a few of them actually make snide remarks about it. I am adopted and my brother and sister ( they are from the same mother and father/my adopters) are rail thin, and eat junk, and my sis smokes. My adoptive mom and dad both smoked, and my dad had a HA 10 yrs ago w/quad bypass, and has not smoked since but still likes his steaks, cakes and shakes! he is a little over wt. My mom had a HA 3 yrs ago w/triple bypass, and still smokes, and is type 2 diabetic, on insulin and eats like my dad and worse. she is very obese. I used to worry about her so much, but have come to realize it is her choice to live this way. My mom's family has always been large, since their 40's only b/c of lifestyle and my dad's family is very thin. My "aunt", my real mom, my mom's sister (in family adoption) is a slightly obese and smokes. she had to have a stent put in for a blocked carotid a yr ago, and still smokes. she has a son, that is morbidly obese. like 500 lbs. my husband's family are all short, small people, but are much heavier (over wt/a little obese) in their older yrs. they are the ones who have always criticized me when I was pregnant, obese, gained wt, lost wt. They even had me stand belly to belly ( I was 9 mos preg) w/ my dh grandpa to see who had the biggest belly, his was a beer belly and took a PIC of it!! they also say things to their son, my dh, and our boys. and our boys are not fat or chunky by any means. both inlaws are now over wt and my FIL is borderline diabetic and pre- hypertensive. dh was a wrestler in hs and was very lean at 165 lbs, but now is almost 240....and his wt is all in his belly, but it is rock hard, I swear! I have cried many tears over the years..but have recently gotten a backbone and been standing up for myself. I just wish my family would care as well. I can only change myself. There is never anything healthy at a family gathering unless I bring it. At Christmas, my sis was talking about corn oil, vegetable oil, and I mentioned EVOO, and she was like, ewww, yuck, you EAT that stuff? I'm like yeah, and I cook with it too. She was just in shock. And I know I don't look skinny like her, but I am truly healthier than her. I really think you can be over wt and healthy. She is out of breath and has a smokers cough and is 1 yr younger than me, and looks 5 yrs older than me. oh, and both her kids, 12 and 15 are over wt. It's just really, really hard sometimes. I really feel bad that I did not raise my boys on healthier, whole foods. I can only set an example now and just rave about how great I feel! So, I am proud of the mom's who are young and feeding their kids nutritious meals. If it's the only way they know, then hopefully, that will follow them thru their life. sorry for the book here....

    I hope you get that ride in today! I know you are looking forward to it! I too am feeling a lot better, motivated and dedicated! I just want it to continue and feel good!

    HI to the rest of the pepper's..have a great day/weekend!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    stoping by to say hi! I have a nutrition class this morning:) YAY and I will be back to read the post above me and tell you how It all went:) HAVE A Pepper Hot day!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Well, I did pretty good. I had a hot dog / bun, 2 serv of chips, and ONE cookie! Drinking lots of water now! Heading to the farm now to check out our pond and hike thru the timber.

    Vita, can't wait to hear about your visit w/nutritionist!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    HEy all:)
    Barb-just keep going:)
    Thanks girls for the love and support:) It helps out a lot!
    Well the class was good. I learned a bit, made me think taht what I do know should drive3 me to be a nutritionist:) LOL Maybe one day!
    anyhow went to work out right after! It was good, and I feel accomplished! Going to take the monsters to see How to train your dragon in 3d today:0 Gonna bring some pecans and walnuts to munch on.... oh along with the class they gave us a diet plan which means that i will be eating 1200 cals for a week, and no MATTER what I burn I eat only those 1200 calsand dont eat back if i work out twice a day as usual then I I would have onl;y 400 cals I wont be working out as much I guess for this week........Ill see how it goes!
    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi all....
    Came home from work - exhausted and took a 2 hr nap. Had weird dreams regarding my daughters turning green, zombie like and red eyes. DAMN, I have been working too hard!

    take care.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    evenin' shgp's...

    ended up making a trip to the city today to get my oldest son some new shorts/jeans. also bought goodies for the Easter sacks that we will give to my nieces and nephews. Did ok food wise, kept it clean, but didn't get my walk in. Gonna start working on my upper arms this week too. thinkin' Tom is going to arrive soon, and I sure hope he's gone by next Sunday.

    have a good week team!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi everyone.. Sat at a Secretary's desk who had jellybeans available for all in her candy dish.

    Not good for me. Those jellybeans were tasty... OK, so the 2 star general kept taking handfuls. So, I had to follow my commander's lead.....

    Hoping this week goes back to NORMAL for me.
    Take care.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi everyone.. Sat at a Secretary's desk who had jellybeans available for all in her candy dish.

    Not good for me. Those jellybeans were tasty... OK, so the 2 star general kept taking handfuls. So, I had to follow my commander's lead.....

    Hoping this week goes back to NORMAL for me.
    Take care.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    WOW Kelly sounds like a fun little trip;) I made a fast run yesterday to ross in the town over to us...(40 mins or so) But the hubby didnt give me enough time to do anything but grab a new workout pant and i will have to go back there this week:)
    Looking forward to tomorrow...we are on spring break and gotta get these kids out....just hope the wether lies...(It says rainy the whole week or so...;(
    Barb- See I could have resisted them pest beans as I dont care for them much....but me and the cadbury eggs are a different story....I PROMISED myself this year NO cadbury eggs for me! :) Hopefully I can stick to it LOL doubt it
    Well took the kids to the pool today for 15 mins as they had a swim and catch a goldfish needless to say I came home with 5 to add to our fish family of five already.......h.u m........
    Doing good sticking to this 1200 cal goal....not hungry...but could be making better choices for my 1200......
    IM making goals again and challenges...if you want to do it that is great but I need to step it up a notch@!

    ~Do 2x30min curves circuit
    ~Drink 10 glasses of H20
    ~Eat 3 veggies and atleast 1 fruit
    ~Eat 1200 calories ONLY
    ~Keep positive and smile at everyone even if they dont enhance my day:)
    ~10 backwards pushups (I hear that they get rid of the under arm jiggle)
    ~Lunges from the backdoor to the front door 2x's
    ~25 jumping jax
    ~25 Squats
    ~5 min wall sit with a 40 degree angle
    and run up and down all stairs 10 x's
    SHOULD BE A productive dai if I Get my butt in gear!
    Ill let you know tomorrow:)
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Had a fair weekend, tried not to eat too much, portion I did all right, just dont have the right food in the house. The 1st is coming up will be able to shop then. Was not able to get the exercise in so going to get to gym tonight
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Monday ladies!

    Seems we have dwindled in size again here lately....hope everyone is just busy and can come back soon. When I post the wt chart it is going to have about 5-7 names on it....when the others come back, I can easily add them.
    Today is going well!! :smile: The SUN is shining!! AND, we might hit 70*, 3-4 days this week!! YAY! Many are in good spirits bout that! :glasses: The kids on the bus are bonkers! :happy:

    Barb, I had to buy Easter candy for my dh and sons.....It is in the kitchen, dining room and family room. UGH! I'm not a real big candy eater, but when my sweet tooth kicks in, look out! :noway: I can empty the candy dishes in no time! Hope your week is pleasant girl! :flowerforyou:

    Erica ~ lovin' your plan for the day. Hope you stick to it and get everything accomplished! I know you can do it! I tried on some ss shirts yesterday and was very unhappy by the looks of my upper arms, esp from the back side. I really need to work my triceps! Hey, have a fun time with the kiddos this week! We have a short week of 3 days, then off 5 for Easter. This is a first for our school district, so I am happy!

    Jacque ~ have a great day lady! You can do this!!

    Plan for 3/29
    Meals~ eat every 2-3 hrs, 1500 cal for the day & more w/workout ** follow logged food for today **
    Engine Starter ( eat w/in an hr of waking ) check
    Brkfst check
    Lunch 12:15
    Afternoon Snack 3pm
    Supper 5:45
    Bedtime Snack ( within 1 hr of zzzz's) 8:30
    8-9 H2O
    Exercise ~ 45 min walk, w/HR in fat burning zone. * might start walk/jog if I feel strong *
    work them triceps with push-ups (girly) and 10 lb free wts.
    ** Keep positive...with Miss V!! ** :bigsmile:

    Have a GREAT day folks!