Starting at nearly 320. Long journey ahead of me.

Hi, My name is Mikaela. I live in Idaho and I am currently at my largest of 318lbs. I really want to become healthy and I would love to have a beach body sometime in this life but sometimes it feels like an endless struggle that will never happen. I am going to start on the 'Food Lovers Diet' tomorrow and hopefully that will help encourage me to get going. I also am taking a product called Liv Sxinny that helps to alkalize my body. It is cold and so I don't know where I am going to find a source of exercise and I am on a tight budget so I can't get a gym membership. Please Help! I need to lose this weight due to health problems and all over mental health and I really need help staying motivated.


  • MommaNeedsMuscle
    Hi there Mikaela!
    When I gave birth to my youngest daughter (8 months) I weighed in at 302. The weight didn't fall off after I had her either. I stayed around 290 until I decided to do something about it. It was time to take my life back! It's a long road, but it's totally doable! Take it one day at a time! I'd love to start talking and become friends! As far as dieting, I carb cycle. It seems to really be working for me. I hope you have great success on your Food Lovers Diet. (I've never heard of it, I'm going to google it!) As far as exercising, there are a lot of at home exercises you can do. YouTube is amazing for finding exercise routines! Keep in touch!!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I started at 300lbs... So I know how you feel. I've lost by following MFP's settings rather than a restrictive "diet plan". This worked for me because if I wanted a bag of chips I ate them, then juggled the math around with my other meals to fit them in. Just find something that you can do long term and be patient. Don't try to be perfect (I have a cheat meal every Saturday). Steadily eating healthier and exercising more over a long period of time (13 months for me so far) will equal results! You can do it!
  • fusion777
    Hi and welcome,

    I started in the 320s too and couldn't even believe that I got that big (I didn't feel it really and never EVER looked at my body in a mirror, reflection, etc.).

    Then in trying to conceive my first baby over the summer, I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer that they found by accident. I was told it was due to me being overweight and the estrogen from my body was feeding the cancer. Who knew being fat could cause cancer? I certainly didn't.

    So....I have worked my butt off literally since the day of my sad diagnosis and lost 70lbs so far and continuing my journey. MFP has been a life saver tracking my food and calories. I don't have a gym membership either, I either walk around my neighborhood or do workout videos on youtube.

    You can do this. Write here anytime you have to. There are so many helpful people and helpful information on this site. You aren't alone and someone will always be here to help you.

    Good luck in your journey.
  • mdyoung6309
    Thank you, the food lovers plan is more of a change in the way you think about food, It sounds logical, but I guess we will see. I really appreciate the response. Thank you All
  • johnny059qn
    johnny059qn Posts: 163 Member
    Do what YOU do, but don't give up!!
  • rciszek
    rciszek Posts: 134
    I was almost 300 when I started my journey and now am down about 250, I've stalled again. I would say that any movement is good. You can find many shows on tv for exercise, or get a DVD, or even just go out and do a walk....I started with just walking.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Sorry...I didn't mean to make it sound like that won't work for you! I think different things work for different people (there wouldn't be so much controversy about it if that wasn't true). I am not nearly structured enough in my eating habits, so something restrictive wouldn't work for me. Some people do much better with more structured meal plans. (my habit is just eating things and then stopping for the day when I'm out of calories! LOL).
  • metalesq
    I wish you the best of luck--I have a family member that's about your weight and I'm starting to think she's given up entirely. I'm rooting for you. When you reach your goals, I want to be able to show her that she can do it too!!
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    I started out at 359, just stick with it and you will do great!
  • hamstermann
    hamstermann Posts: 58 Member
    I started around 325 and lost about 70 pounds with Phentermine (A Doc has to prescribe it) and then another 26 or so with MFP's help - you can do this! Just don't psych yourself out.
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I started at 347lbs and I have been using MFP to log calories and burns since July 1st. And I can honestly say that this is an awesome program if you can stick with it. You can do this! You can be the you that you want to be! God bless and have a great journey!
  • JimLeonardRN
    JimLeonardRN Posts: 296 Member
    I started at 376 pounds. Im 8 months post gastric bypass. Not for everyone I know. But, I love this site and the people on my friends list. Take what you learn here and apply it daily. Good luck and friend me if you want.
  • terrymbradley
    Take it one day at a time when you stumble get up the next day and start over but DO NOT give up........ Record everything you eat and remember YOU can do this................ I was and still am over 300.............
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I started at 250 and am at 155 now. You can do this, you just hvae to be patient and try not to get discouraged. Best of luck. :flowerforyou:
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    You can do this. I started at 338 in March of this year, and I am now at 226. I have not starved myself or spent 1/2 my time at the gym, I have just made some dietary changes and moved my body more. I have a long ways to go still, but I feel fantastic. It seems overwhelming when you have a lot to lose, but you just have to stay committed. The pounds you lose add up quicker than you would think!!
  • BFarnsworth
    BFarnsworth Posts: 210 Member
    I started 3 months ago at 375 ... Im at about 320 now. Best advice I've ever seen is this "Your going to want to give up. Don't". You can handle this ... just have faith and stick to it. Its a marathon not a sprint.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You can do this. I live in Utah and during the winter I walk - mostly inside with a Leslie Sansone DVD. I'm nearly half way through my journey (just reset the ticker as a renewed commitment).

    The best advice I can give you is to look at this as a lifestyle and not a diet. You'll have good days and bad days....but in the end you will be successful!

    Good luck!
  • boswellheather
    boswellheather Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, my names Heather and when i started using this app I weighed a whopping 351lbs. I have since dropped 30. My tip is log log log, I found that it really made me look at the way i was eating and cooking differently. I noticed that even if i just went on a 20-30 min walk it made a difference in my weight loss and I started reading labels at the grocery store, all things i had never done before!

    I also want to throw these websites at you:

    Both these web sites have helped me enormously with what i cook. I was able to find meant loaf, chicken parm, and Salisbury steak, even cupcakes and cookies that are reasonably within my calorie range! I hope i was helpful! Also feel free to add me im always looking for new friends to take this journey with! XD
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Even walking around the neighbourhood can help. It was all my arthritis would tolerate at first - now I'm running!

    You can do this!
  • w75collins
    w75collins Posts: 3 Member
    You can do it! Don't give up, especially since it is hard being around sweets this time of the year! I would advise to just target a goal of one pound per week, as MFP advocates. This does not require a big change but does require consistency. And log everything you do, the good and the bad! You can do it! I did a crash diet back in 2000 and lost 50 lbs in four months. That was a mistake. That is very hard on the gallbladder and I had to have mine removed. I should have taken a gradual approach.