Am I doing enough??? Should I try harder workouts???



  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I didn't have a ton of weight to lose, less than 40 pounds, but I was really out of shape. I started out walking. Later on I added 30ds, and i thought that was going to kill me. Now I lift heavy 3 times a week, and do C25K twice a week (most of the time lol) Do what you can. Once that becomes easy, try something else. If you're pushing yourself, and working towards your own goals, then it is certainly enough. You'll get there. :smile:
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    I am l close to, if not 100lbs over weight. I started Insanity last night. I push myself, but I know my limits as well. If I feel like I can't breath, I stop only until I catch it and am under control again. They even tell you, go at your pace. If you can only do 15 of 30 seconds, HEY YOU'RE STILL DOING IT!! I thought I was going to vomit last night (and it was just the fit test!) But I am determined this time to get it done!

    Keep it up, and you never know what you can accomplish!

    Wow! That's awesome you started it!
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    Thanks for all the advice! I have started jogging until I hear ringing in my head (lol) while I do the treadmill and I really think if I go a little farther every day I will probably just keep improving until I can really do some damage! I really appreciate everyone helping me out!
  • lam1007
    Well, I have 80 lbs to lose and right now all I can do is 30 min on the treadmill on an incline. In the past I have lost 25-30 lbs but that was with a personal trainer and zumba. this time around I don't have a gym membership so I am doing it at home.
    My personal trainer was my cousin's husband. I told him after 5 yrs I have let myself go and need to do something. Just told me I know what to do I just have to commit to keep it up. Eat clean, and excercise! He says since I am so out of shape what I am doing is fine for now but I need to add some, resistance and strength training. He is sending me some things I can do at home. I'll post them for you. He also told me not to get fixed on the scale focus on the inches and my clothes. And he is right I am 220 size 18w-20. But I would be comfortable in a size 14 . Just hang in there at least your are doing something and Like I posted yesterday, "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch."
    I am moving slow too today is day 2 for me.
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    Well, I have 80 lbs to lose and right now all I can do is 30 min on the treadmill on an incline. In the past I have lost 25-30 lbs but that was with a personal trainer and zumba. this time around I don't have a gym membership so I am doing it at home.
    My personal trainer was my cousin's husband. I told him after 5 yrs I have let myself go and need to do something. Just told me I know what to do I just have to commit to keep it up. Eat clean, and excercise! He says since I am so out of shape what I am doing is fine for now but I need to add some, resistance and strength training. He is sending me some things I can do at home. I'll post them for you. He also told me not to get fixed on the scale focus on the inches and my clothes. And he is right I am 220 size 18w-20. But I would be comfortable in a size 14 . Just hang in there at least your are doing something and Like I posted yesterday, "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch."
    I am moving slow too today is day 2 for me.

    I do about 30-40 minutes on the treadmill at an incline as well. I don't do the gym either. I have a treadmill and a weight bench with a lot of free weights. I think moving is good even if it's a little at a time. I was eating anything and everything and not moving at all so I should start seeing results!
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    Well, I have 80 lbs to lose and right now all I can do is 30 min on the treadmill on an incline. In the past I have lost 25-30 lbs but that was with a personal trainer and zumba. this time around I don't have a gym membership so I am doing it at home.
    My personal trainer was my cousin's husband. I told him after 5 yrs I have let myself go and need to do something. Just told me I know what to do I just have to commit to keep it up. Eat clean, and excercise! He says since I am so out of shape what I am doing is fine for now but I need to add some, resistance and strength training. He is sending me some things I can do at home. I'll post them for you. He also told me not to get fixed on the scale focus on the inches and my clothes. And he is right I am 220 size 18w-20. But I would be comfortable in a size 14 . Just hang in there at least your are doing something and Like I posted yesterday, "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch."
    I am moving slow too today is day 2 for me.

    I do about 30-40 minutes on the treadmill at an incline as well. I don't do the gym either. I have a treadmill and a weight bench with a lot of free weights. I think moving is good even if it's a little at a time. I was eating anything and everything and not moving at all so I should start seeing results!

    you could lose weight without any cardio its all in the DIET of course cardio with a callorie deficit diet will boost results but IMO im not doing cardio just HEAVY WEIGHTS
  • sara6795
    sara6795 Posts: 29 Member
    When I started working out I had 85lb to lose. I'm only down 11lb, but I noticed a HUGE difference in my endurance. I went from 25 minutes of cardio/day and 6 weeks later I'm at 60+min/day (6-7 days/week). The same routine I had been doing and breaking mad sweat on is now too easy for me and I have to step my game up. I wasn't able to walk 2 miles without feeling like I was going to die--now I can walk that same 2 miles with ease. It is amazing what determination, perseverance, and time will do for your body. Just stick with it and you will know when you are ready to add more to your routine. I keep telling myself, "If I can lose this weight, I can do anything!" :smile:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    ever play video games? like, old school video games, like legend of zelda. in the game, you start off with a wooden sword and shield. if you were to go to try and take on the final villain with that get up, you would've died in seconds.

    you needed to progress through all the levels building your skills, earning better swords and shields, getting new equipment, and beating other bosses to earn new powers.

    exercise is just like that. if you try and do all the work outs, 7 days a week, multiple hours a day, you are going to be defeated very quickly. but if you go little by little, building your skills and knowledge and conquering smaller goals, you will get there.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I walked for the first 6 months, that's it. It's no big deal, you can work your way up over time.

    Having said that, "doing enough" depends on what your goals are. If you're just looking to lose weight, you can do just about anything (including zero exercise). If you want to get in shape, it all depends on what kind of shape you want to be in.

    This. While I am a proponent of ever harder workouts, keep on mind that is scalable. A workout only has to be hard *for your current level of fitness*. You don't have to break my record, just break your own record.

    When I started I was staring 300 lbs in the face and my cardio was walking at lunch time. Over time, I added a jump rope, spin bike then running (note: I was lifting on day one and you should too).

    Make sure your workouts get progressively difficult over time, but be patient. There's no benefit to rushing and hurting yourself