I don't like tuna...



  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Make patties out of it.

    Mix a can of tuna with a mashed up sweet potato and a whole egg (to bind it) and bake it in the oven - or pan fry it, whatever you like. Spice the mix up with some curry powder. Tastes great.
  • Stasiasaurus
    Stasiasaurus Posts: 22 Member
    Make patties out of it.

    Mix a can of tuna with a mashed up sweet potato and a whole egg (to bind it) and bake it in the oven - or pan fry it, whatever you like. Spice the mix up with some curry powder. Tastes great.

    Okay, that sounds delicious. That's dinner tomorrow sorted.
  • jkmiller82
    jkmiller82 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm pretty weird about tuna. The only way I'll eat it is the way my mom made it when I was little. Tuna from the can with mayo, sweet relish and chunks of apple mixed in. I don't like it any other way, but I will eat the ever loving daylights out of it that way!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Don't eat it, there is nothing in tuna that you can't get in other foods - canned tuna is not a source of long chain omega-3s, eat pilchards/ sardines, salmon, herring or mackerel instead.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I think it's kind of funny how many people are telling you to just not eat it! If you're asking for other ways to prepare it you clearly have an interest in eventually enjoying it.

    I for one didn't enjoy broccoli, salads, pretty much any healthy food at first, my palate had to adjust.

    Anyways, I'm watching this thread, as I don't like canned/packaged tuna either but I want to learn to like it! It's so easy to transport, easy to prepare.

  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    try canned chicken
  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    I will gag if I smell Tuna - you can definetly live without it. Although I do like fresh Tuna Steaks. Try another fish or just have chicken :smile:
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I'm hooked on tuna melts lately. I mix the tuna with sabra hummus instead of mayo. The supremely spicy or spinach and artichoke hummus with a little sriracha for some extra kick. It's awesome
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I wasn't a fan until I tried some from aldi. It's sweet chilli tuna in little mini cans. It's amazing and I love it... Great Little. Protein hit and lots of goodness I'm there x
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Sooooooooo why are you eating it?
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I think it's kind of funny how many people are telling you to just not eat it! If you're asking for other ways to prepare it you clearly have an interest in eventually enjoying it.

    I for one didn't enjoy broccoli, salads, pretty much any healthy food at first, my palate had to adjust.

    Anyways, I'm watching this thread, as I don't like canned/packaged tuna either but I want to learn to like it! It's so easy to transport, easy to prepare.


    One item is not going to make or break the OP as far as health. WHY eat it if its something they dont like? There are PLENTY of ways to get the nutrition from other sources.

    I cant stand tuna unless its covered in a layer of salt... ya know, since that is SO much better for me. LOL
  • ohnancy
    ohnancy Posts: 17 Member
    Maybe you need to try a better tuna? If you have to mask it to eat it, it isn't worth it. Cooks Illustrated recommends Wild Planet White Albacore, which I happened to have tried today on a salad with dijon vinaigrette. It was quite good on it's own (I tasted it plain first) and the texture reminds me of a home cooked tuna steak. Not mushy or overly fishy. Kinda pricey though :(
  • jkmiller82
    jkmiller82 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm hooked on tuna melts lately. I mix the tuna with sabra hummus instead of mayo. The supremely spicy or spinach and artichoke hummus with a little sriracha for some extra kick. It's awesome

    I like the way you think (and eat)!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Like many others said... If you don't like it, don't eat it.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I like mine with a little mayo and a lot of pepper relish. I like solid albacore in water has a better denser texture in my mouth not so mushy.
    Used to love it mixed in Kraft Mac & cheese, but too many calories in Mac & cheese these days :sad:

    I also like it with garlic powder, celery salt, onion salt, pepper, basil, oregano and mayo with lettuce on a potato roll.

    But I like it straight out of the can sometimes too :wink:

    Good luck finding a way you like it, looks like I'll be trying it a few new ways after reading his head :laugh:
    LINIA Posts: 1,065 Member
    Don't eat it, there is nothing in tuna that you can't get in other foods - canned tuna is not a source of long chain omega-3s, eat pilchards/ sardines, salmon, herring or mackerel instead.

    A good guess is that if she doesn't really like "tuna" the other fish you mentioned are 100% inedible to her. Am following this thread for ideas since I also don't like tuna (or any fish really) but many of them turn a low calorie food n2 quite the opposite. :smile:
  • Susanthecatwhisperer
    Instead of mayo in tuna, try SALSA. It adds a little flavor, and much less fat. Add a little avocado, if you like.
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    if you don't like tuna, don't eat it!!! im sure there is lots of other food you could get that you love :)
  • annarouni
    annarouni Posts: 127 Member
    My all time favorite tuna-disguiser : capers!

    Second place winner: chopped olives.

    Third place: skip the tuna, eat the olives and the capers.

  • bodyrollin
    bodyrollin Posts: 215 Member
    From a chefs prospective, I will tell you that if you don't like canned tuna, there's really not much you can do in terms of making it healthy and still have the flavor be palatable. There are plenty of ways to make it where the flavor gets covered, but most of the recipes would require things that would make the unhealthy outweigh the healthy benefits...canned tuna just has such a strong flavor profile that there's jus not a whole lot you can do to change it...that said, don't give up on tuna as a fish...fresh tuna tastes NOTHING like the canned variety...it is versatile, delicious, and can be eaten rare/raw (which is my preference) for sushi, or seared varieties. tuna is an amazing fish, and to all the people saying don't eat it...they're just trying to make sure there's more for them lol.

    Here's an example of a simple salad i made with a spice crusted seared tuna...it's beautiful, delicious, and moreover tremendously healthy. (this is the kind of sexy food that will get you laid so that's an added bonus too lol)
