Phentermine and Weighloss



  • Shekinah2013
    Shekinah2013 Posts: 25 Member
    My doctor prescribed it 2-3 years ago and after 3 days of taking it, I had to stop because the chestbpain and palpitations were awful!
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    My advice would be to not start taking it. Get back on MFP regularly, and continue the healthy habits you know you have. If you could lose 33 pounds, you can continue it to your goal. You can can do it!! **without drugs**
  • betancourta229
    betancourta229 Posts: 171 Member
    I did this for the first 2 months and lost 27 lbs. It was a last resort as I had been trying to lose and been unable. My doctor gave it to me if I also joined a weight management program but it wouldn't start for 2 months from the time he gave it to me. I was so motivated by the 27 lbs loss that I was excited to do the class and relearn how to eat better. During the class, 3 months, I stopped the phentermine to prove that I could do it without taking It. In 3 months I lost 13 lbs. I was eating and exercising the same amount both on and off of phentermine for the two months prior and during the class. This may help give you an idea of how phentermine increased my weight loss. Although, the first few lbs were probably water weight. Apparently, I was doing pretty good with my calories and exercise (thanks to stuff on MFP). The class did help me stay focused with weekly weigh ins and changing the quality of food. It is going slow and steady but I will get there! I have re-enrolled in the class because now my husband is joining me on weight loss and I have him to help with my motivation.

    It did give me dry mouth for a week when I started it but it went away. My blood pressure has always been low 108/58 average but while taking it i would be 122/75. My doctor was ok with this as long as i was not going higher and was not having symptoms. It works great for some but not others. It should not be used if you have an addictive personality. You should check your blood pressure weekly and watch for symptoms such as headache, dizziness and chest pain, palpitations or changes in mood or behavior and consult your doctor/emergency services immediately if you do experience these. As long as you relearn healthy eating and exercise skills it can be a great tool for some people. As with all diets if you stop using it it and have not learned the skills to maintain the loss it is possible to gain the weight back.

    Good luck and feel free to add me if you are looking for friends!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    get a new doctor

    or...follow this one's instructions....not ours

    I agree.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    I took it a few years back, I had ok results for about two months, (but no better than I've ever had just watching what I eat) then it caused a panic attack, and I quit taking it.
  • i think results vary person by person and i really think there's a difference in the different manufacturers of it. years ago, i took it for about three months and lost about 30 something pounds. for the first week or so i got headaches but that finally went away and all i had to deal with was some dry mouth after about a month. i stopped taking it because my insurance at the time didn't pay for me to go back to the dr for the blood pressure checks and they wanted to charge me $150 a month just to check my bp.

    then years later i tried it again. i couldn't take it at all withoiut feeling horrible all day with headaches and just wanting to sleep. i wasn't hungry but i couldn't function. the pills were light blue and someone on another board mentioned that the light blue pills did the same thing to them.

    then i took it another time and the pills were white with little blue specks on them. no issues at all. no headaches or nothing. just lots of energy and feeling more motivated than usual.

    so i think it varies depending on person and the pill manufacturer. even though they are all supposed to be created equal i really don't think they are.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Thank you so much for the encouragement ladies! I started it today, and so far so good. No ill side effects as of now. Although I did notice that I could go all day without eating 6pm rolled around and I hadn't had the urge to eat... at all. So I got some PadThai and took a few bites, felt a bit ill ater that. But other than that no issues.
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    Bumping this. I'm considering getting a script this week.
  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    I just started back up on it. I started taking it in March of 2011, when I explained to my doctor the trouble i was having losing weight. I was tracking calories, working out 4-5 times a week (biking long distance, hiking etc) and getting nowhere. She prescribed it and I lost 11 pounds the first month. Then another 25 pounds over the course of the next four months... I did not have the side effects people are talking about, I honestly thought it wasn't working before I went back to the doctor because I still get hungry, have no trouble sleeping, etc, etc......

    After I stopped taking it, I maintained for about 4 months, but stopped working out, tracking calories etc, as well. Basically I quit everything...I did not gain all of it back, but about half. I honestly think if I had continued working out and eating well, I would not have gained it back. I quit because I was going through a separation and a move and career change, etc,etc. I just didn't care about my weight anymore.

    When I moved here to TN, I went to a new doctor and asked him if I could start back up again. He wrote the prescription but told me to hold off on it until I had a meal and exercise plan to show him. He also did blood work. The next day he called and told me not to fill it because I had hypothyroidism. I KNEW there was an issue somewhere!

    Anyway, I went on levothyroxine and started tracking calories and exercising again. My thryoid levels are good now, but I'm still having a hard time jump starting my metabolism. I kind of went off the bandwagon in December, but ready to get back at it again.

    I've decided to take the phentermine as a way to help out. I'm going to be using a personal trainer 2x a week, tracking calories again, and I think the phentermine will help motivate me. My doctor said to take it 1 month on, one month off for six months. Last time I took it, I took it for 5 months straight. This time I'll do it the way the doctor prescribed.

    I think if you do have side effects, you should definitely not continue it. Everyone reacts differently to meds, and this is no exception. If I get side effects this time around, I'll quit using it.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    So, just a bit of an updated: It's not working for me. At all. I haven't lost a pound. I go back to the doc in 6 days to reconfigure a stratagie. It has curbed my appetite quite a bit and has helped in that area, I do have quite a bit more energy. I've been forcing myself to eat and preplanning meals so that they're available. But weight loss is nill. I did haveadhesion surgery at the beginning of December so I haven't been able to exercise at all (will be discussing that with the doc on the 10th as well, same doc... long story). I plan on starting up another training program for a second tough mudder, second half marathon and first full marathon when I get the all clear so hopefuly that will help. But if it doesn't I'm not going to continue to take it. I'm thinking I may just have to go on hormone replacement therapy (I have no ovaries). But I don't want to because the last time I tried it I had hot flashes like nothing else.