Biggest Loser - Kid's edition



  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Its gonna me like the normal show + some teenagers. The teens will not be voted off the show it just exposes the struggles the deal with and shows ways to lose weight in school etc.

    The adult section will remain the same, teams, challenges and voting.
  • the show does bring awareness.

    So without that show people don't realize how bad the obesity epidemic is right now? Is that what it's come to?
  • That's disgusting.
    Pray, tell. What aspect of this new show is disgusting?
    Let's not forget what the motivation is behind any major network TV show...ratings and $$$. Exploiting children to make a buck is disgusting no matter how you look at it.
    Yes, god forbid any entertainment be created that includes children, or is designed for children, where the person producing the entertainment generates any revenue. WE NEED TO BAN DISNEY CHANNEL AND ANY OTHER NETWORK THAT INCLUDES CHILDREN IN ANY OF ITS PROGRAMMING!

    It's the reality aspect of it that is harmful.
    Any ideas on how to educate and/or inspire parents and kids in regard to healthy weight maintenance using only animation and/or kids with fuzzed-out faces?
  • ARHx0
    ARHx0 Posts: 32
    I think it's a great idea. Battling childhood obesity is a huge issue. It's not really THEIR fault as it is the adults in their life.. and if they don't get help now, they have very,very little chance of changing in the future. Statistically speaking.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    That's disgusting.
    Pray, tell. What aspect of this new show is disgusting?
    Let's not forget what the motivation is behind any major network TV show...ratings and $$$. Exploiting children to make a buck is disgusting no matter how you look at it.
    Yes, god forbid any entertainment be created that includes children, or is designed for children, where the person producing the entertainment generates any revenue. WE NEED TO BAN DISNEY CHANNEL AND ANY OTHER NETWORK THAT INCLUDES CHILDREN IN ANY OF ITS PROGRAMMING!

    It's the reality aspect of it that is harmful.
    Any ideas on how to educate and/or inspire parents and kids in regard to healthy weight maintenance using only animation and/or kids with fuzzed-out faces?

    Animation! Wow, what a great idea for avoiding exposing a child's flaws and weaknesses on national television. You should work for NBC!

    I mean... after all... it worked for School House Rock, didn't it.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    I hope they involve the entire family and not just the kid(s), teaching them all how to live a healthier life and workouts that are age appropriate.

    Exactly, kids get that way by what they eat and they get what they eat from their parents! Yes, kids can sneak some but not that much!
  • ARHx0
    ARHx0 Posts: 32
    Not sure why people are so against The Biggest Loser. It IS what those people sign up for. Just because it's over-the-top to you doesn't mean it's not what they want. IF they feel that it's their last resort. It works for them and changes lives, so whatever makes them happy and gets them to change their lives!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Thought everyone should have the correct information about how they will be doing this before people slam the show. I think it is a great idea and will be highly motivating for the younger generation.

    "With the childhood obesity epidemic at an alarming, all-time high, jeopardizing the health of kids and future generations, "The Biggest Loser" is committed to tackling this critical issue by featuring children this season to serve as ambassadors of change who can inspire kids all over the country to get healthy. The focus for the kids will be on getting healthy rather than numbers on a scale, so they will not be eligible for elimination and will not weigh in on camera. They will work at both the ranch and at home, and their progress will be featured in every episode.

    This season's 15 contestants will be divided into three teams -- supervised by trainers Harper, Michaels and Quince. Each trainer and team of five adults will be paired with one child participant who will compete with and contribute to their respective teams.

    Working closely with the children this season will be Dr. Joanna Dolgoff, a childhood obesity expert and pediatrician whose book "Red Light, Green Light, Eat Right" features the child-friendly healthy eating plan the kids will follow. Along with the trainers and the "Biggest Loser" medical staff, the kids will follow an age-appropriate program that will help them get healthy, achieve their personal goals and transform their lives during the course of the season."

    Stop posting facts! Those are welcome on MFP! :grumble:

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I hope they involve the entire family and not just the kid(s), teaching them all how to live a healthier life and workouts that are age appropriate.

    Exactly, kids get that way by what they eat and they get what they eat from their parents! Yes, kids can sneak some but not that much!

    Unless they go to school with my daughter. I just found out that she has been drinking as many as three chocolate milks with her lunch because she gets them from other kids who don't drink them. :ohwell:
  • Sammijo24
    Sammijo24 Posts: 74 Member
    I don't like putting children on reality shows of any kind.

    That's my thought.... Honey Boo Boo is damaged for life.

    I'm pretty sure Honey Boo Boo was already damaged for life as strrange as her family is lol
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    That's disgusting.
    Pray, tell. What aspect of this new show is disgusting?

    Let's not forget what the motivation is behind any major network TV show...ratings and $$$. Exploiting children to make a buck is disgusting no matter how you look at it.

    I agree. Kids are cruel. Putting a child on the Biggest Loser is setting them up for ridicule from their classmates from now until high school graduation. If they can't keep the weight off, they will be condemned for it. If they manage to keep the weight off, they will still always be that kid that went on the Biggest Loser.

    If you read the bios about the 3 kids that are going to be on the show, they are already experiencing a high level of ridicule in school. These kids want to do something to change that. The other thing that I dont think a lot of people know is that these kids arent really "kids". They are teenagers. 2 of them are 13 and 1 of them is 16. They are at the age where they are going to be making their own food choices and determining their own level of fitness. Yes, their parents buy the food, but Im sure these kids pick out their own food at school and buy their own snacks etc. They are old enough to be making healthier choices and the show is going to teach them how to do so and hopefully inspire other teenagers to take control of their own health.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    That's disgusting.
    Pray, tell. What aspect of this new show is disgusting?

    Let's not forget what the motivation is behind any major network TV show...ratings and $$$. Exploiting children to make a buck is disgusting no matter how you look at it.

    I agree. Kids are cruel. Putting a child on the Biggest Loser is setting them up for ridicule from their classmates from now until high school graduation. If they can't keep the weight off, they will be condemned for it. If they manage to keep the weight off, they will still always be that kid that went on the Biggest Loser.

    If you read the bios about the 3 kids that are going to be on the show, they are already experiencing a high level of ridicule in school. These kids want to do something to change that. The other thing that I dont think a lot of people know is that these kids arent really "kids". They are teenagers. 2 of them are 13 and 1 of them is 16. They are at the age where they are going to be making their own food choices and determining their own level of fitness. Yes, their parents buy the food, but Im sure these kids pick out their own food at school and buy their own snacks etc. They are old enough to be making healthier choices and the show is going to teach them how to do so and hopefully inspire other teenagers to take control of their own health.

    Well they have had teenagers on the show before. I can understand that. But in the previews, it seemed that at least one or two of them were much younger. As teenagers, they might be in a better place. But bullies are always going to be bullies and instead of being ridiculed for their size, they will be ridiculed for going on the show. And while you see it as a positive, it really wouldn't take much for a bully to spin it as a negative.
  • Jewel0124
    Jewel0124 Posts: 119 Member
    I read that the Kid's edition will be very different from the adult version. For example, the kid's will not be living on the ranch and will not be part of the drama that we've seen in previous seasons.
  • libbymcbain
    libbymcbain Posts: 206 Member
    D'you think this was a thing to tempt Jillian back? She's pretty open about having been overweight as a teen and how having positive role models (martial arts) then and therapy (to get over her parent's divorce/deal with anger issues to her father) changed her life forever in her teens. Maybe some kind of "intervene at the same time as someone helped me" sort of thing. She did do that short lived spin off about whole families for a bit.

    And I don't think the reality element is necessarily the harmful thing- there have been plenty of messed up child stars who sang/danced/acted (off the top of my head, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Lilo, Macauley Culkin). I think that much pressure, attention and intensity young can put anyone off the rails, weight problem and emotional issues or not.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    That's disgusting.
    Pray, tell. What aspect of this new show is disgusting?

    Let's not forget what the motivation is behind any major network TV show...ratings and $$$. Exploiting children to make a buck is disgusting no matter how you look at it.

    ^^^ Yes, this, thank you!
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    Without even seeing it, I am already disgusted.

    Why disgusted? This is agood thing (if done the right way) - it could be very educational for America to watch!!

    I would assume they are going to take a different approach to the children than they do the adults. But so many children are obese and somethign needs to be done.
    I agree they need to get the families involved so when the children go home, they don't go back to eating unhealthy and regain all the weight.
    As with the adult version, there will be counselors on set to help these children as well. But again - if done with "children" in mind - this could be a very good thing! I'm all for it!
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    That's disgusting.
    Pray, tell. What aspect of this new show is disgusting?

    Let's not forget what the motivation is behind any major network TV show...ratings and $$$. Exploiting children to make a buck is disgusting no matter how you look at it.

    ^^^ Yes, this, thank you!

    Yes, of course there will be ratings involved. However, lets all be a little less cynical and maybe look at it as education. Too many children are overweight and obese - many of the children and parents are sitting on front of the TV. Even if it opens the eyes to a small percentage of people watching saying "hmmm, maybe we should do somethign" then it was worth it.

    I would hope the producers and people involved in this show understand that a childs weight and weight loss needs a different approach than an adult. And if they are making the necessary adjustments to the show to cater to the children - this could be a very good show!!
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I wonder if it will be similar to X-Weighted?
    I can't see the trainers being as impressed with themselves for making children puke their guts out after a workout