I love smoking.



  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I can't even do the cheat cigarette because I'm on chantix which basically ruins the taste and effect. :frown:
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    I quit a few years ago. Cold turkey, I haven't had a single puff since. The key to success is to not allow yourself any cheats. Once you are done, be done. The first time you "just have one drag" you set yourself up for failure.

    I had the same attitude you did. Now I can't stand the smell of it.
  • bdotshaw
    bdotshaw Posts: 90 Member
    *Raises hand*

    I totally feel ya! I had my last cigarette 89 days ago (also used Chantix) and I miss it like crazy. There was something about a glass of wine and cigarette that was just... pure excellence. I still crave them but try to remind myself of the awesome feeling of running without feeling like death. I also have an app, Cessation Nation, on my phone, which keeps track of cigarettes NOT smoked (892!) and money saved ($401.83!). That helps keep me on the right track, but cravings can still be a struggle. I just take it one craving at a time (same as with food, actually). Good luck to you on this journey to health!
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    I was a three pack a day smoker... quit several times for a few months to as long as 2 years but always went back. I quit 24 years ago because I wanted to have another baby (I didn't smoke through any of my pregnancies) and just never picked it up again after he was born. The biggest motivator beside health and expense for me was realizing after I'd removed myself from a smoke filled environment just how horrific it smells on other people! They stink... their houses stink... and worst of all, the smell is all over their children who are also breathing it in whether they want to or not.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I've "quit" 3 times while I've been using MFP, longest was 3 months. I read the Allan Carr book, even bought the Nintendo DS game but a night out and I'm right back to where I started. I have my e-cig ready for when the urge to quit takes hold again, usually around NYE :indifferent:
  • cj0725
    cj0725 Posts: 28 Member
    Hopefully it gets easier for you. I quit smoking in July (after about 25 yrs) and now when my smoker co-workers come in from their break, they just absolutely stink (to me). I actually don't miss it at all anymore. I only quit because my son (6 at the time) kept asking me to quit. So I did.
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    Have you considered e-cigs? I have many friends that use them, they're better for you and you can even use them inside because it's just vapor. And they don't smell. :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Smoking for many relaxes them. Once you quit, you'll learn now to relax on your own. That's the feeling you like and why you liked to smoke. I know. I used to smoke too.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Grognit
    I quit smoking 2 years ago with Champix (in Canada) and haven't looked back. I didn't want to quit either but now I know I won't ever go back. One thing that helped me a TON was support and education (like here).

    Check out quitnet.com and join the Chantix Users Club (under Clubs!) Those people are a godsend and amazing support.
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    I'm not a smoker, but I wish you the best of luck. I have a few friends who switched to the e-cig, and they LOVE it. They get the enjoyment of smoking without the smell, coughing, and cost. I've been around one of them while he's using it, and I can't tell at all. The vapor is kind of nice because it's like a humidifier. :)

    Anyway, that might be a good alternative for you.
  • CyndiLuHughes
    CyndiLuHughes Posts: 4 Member
    Yes...I get very cranky when I quit...I tried chantix and it literally made me sick (lets not forget about the acid trip dreams!!). My biggest hurdle is when I drink I want to smoke...my goal is to ONLY smoke when I drink....so I have decided to cut back on my drinking! If I can socialize once a month and drink/smoke then I can do it. I did that for about 5 months then I snapped at work and bought a pack on the way home....At this point I had also weaned myself off the e-cig so if I would have just kept carrying it around I think I would have been able to pass the store.
  • thatonegirlamy
    I quit smoking in August. I didn't do it because I wanted to, but because I was starting a healthcare program at school and didn't want to be the tech that smoked and made all the patients queasy lol. I loved it too. It was my time to go outside and just relax for 10 minutes (or however long). I still miss it in a way but it's no longer a longing like it used to be. I know exactly how you feel right this second and I promise that it goes away...you bascially just need to get through the first 2 weeks and the physical cravings are gone...then get through the first month or so and the mental one leaves too. I did smoke a cigarette when I went out to a bar with my friend, but the bar/drinking is a once a year thing for me so it's not an issue. and also, it was disgusting and smelling it on people now makes me wonder why it never bothered me before lol. Hang in there!!!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I do too. I had to quit because my husband despises it and it's a pricey, stinky habit. But I'll still occasionally buy a secret pack and keep it at work for when I get uber stressed/angry.
  • 1258936
    1258936 Posts: 115 Member
    I loved smoking! Now, I am 5 years out and am repulsed by it. You really don't realize how bad you smell, how it lingers behind after you leave the room like foot stank. I had cravings for it years after I quit, usually when drinking. Now I don't want it at all. I missed it for a long time. Recently I found a great website - http://whyquit.com/whyquit/joelcigfriend.HTML this is a link to an article called " my cigarette my friend". I always thought of them as my little friends who kept me company and were there for me, but this really puts it in perspective.
  • Gurlyknockout
    Gurlyknockout Posts: 115 Member
    I originally quit in 2005 off the patch. I turned in to a closet smoker maybe 5 times a yr, it picked up with I got stressed (wedding planning). I hid it from my DH for yrs (hence the word closet smoker). In 2008 when the market crashed, I sold my house and was trying to buy another while living in family’s house with my DH, 3mo old and 2 bif g dogs. I started smoking full on again. It first started once in a while, then to cigars, then I said F it! I wanted the real thing... and all the time.

    I quit because of the mucus drainage, coughing/ hacking, stinking, health and cost.

    I quit again later in 2009. Let me tell you the cigs are different vs cigs from 2004. They are way harder to kick!! I think it has to do with them going out faster, so you smoke them faster and MORE often!! :devil:

    I figured out this last time that smoking is like being addicted to any other controlling drug. You crave it, you want it, it makes you feel good, you want more of it! So you need to treat it just like a controlling drug because really that’s what it is! Stop doing it all together, no smoke only when I drink, no only when Im stressed, no 1-3 times a month... cut yourself off from it and everything linked to it. Yup that’s friends included! If you still go outside with them when they smoke, you will give in! Because your body is craving it!

    I also know that once you’re a smoker, you are always a smoker. What I mean is this... just like alcohol you can never take another puff again! Years after you quit smoking your body will still remember how it felt and will want that. So I know about 1yr after I still felt like I wanted a cig after I ate. I seem to really want one when I am stressed out now that’s gone to only when something horrible has happened. So I know when someone close to me dies, I need to be on guard to NOT smoke and not hang out with those who smoke. Because I will take the bait! Always a smoker/ ongoing process.

    Cut your selves off for good!! GL

    ETA: The smell also now repulses me as well. I can smell if a shirt had went in a smokers house even if it was for 1hr and was aired out. Its amazing how good your smeller gets when you are off that stuff.
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    You guys are awesome. Congrats to those of you who have managed to quit, thank you to those of you who offer encouragement and good luck to those of you who are struggling just like me!!

    This e-cig....do you get a "buzz" off it like with a cigarette or does it basically just give you something to do with your hands?
  • SofaKingRad_
    I quit smoking today. But I really didn't want to. I like to smoke. I don't only smoke because I'm addicted to the nicotine, but because I simply enjoy it. Yeah, it stinks and makes you a social outcast, but honestly I don't care. I love smoking.

    To be honest, my motivation for quitting isn't to live longer and be healthier. My motivation to quit is that it's easier for me to work out and lose weight when I don't smoke and because I'll save more money.

    Anyone else in that boat?

    Yes!!!!! I love to smoke. I don't anymore, but I love it. WIth the e-cig I never got the buzz though. I was disappointed in that regard.
  • Faericn_Rising
    I smoked for 15 years..... I LOVE SMOKING.

    I vape now. no smell, no diseases, can vape anywhere i want.... im vaping right now as a matter of fact.... mail me if you want some info on how to get started. Dont let crappy ecigs fool you. theres some damn good, realistic ones out there..... i am also a paid vaping blogger.

    Edited to add i quit 6 months ago
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I smoke shisha.
    Once a week. It's ok and relating.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Yes... I am struggling also. I don't really want to stop... but it is soooooooooooooooo expensive now! :grumble: