Anyone else trying to lose weight for baby?



  • mikayla169
    mikayla169 Posts: 40 Member
    I was lucky with my induction, my waters were bulging so they were able to break them and I didn't need any drugs to start it off..but then after 15 hours there was no dilation and his heartrate was dropping everytime I had a contraction...turned out he was face up and back to back so I couldn't have had a normal water delivery had I wanted to!

    Hopefully the next time Ill be at my ideal weight and we can do it properly and it will go a little smoother!

    Good luck to all trying though, its definitely a fun venture!
  • PhoenixRising7
    PhoenixRising7 Posts: 194 Member
    I am! My daughter will be 5 this month, and I am kicking myself for waiting so long to lose this weight. I would have liked to have my children a little closer together, but oh well. I am hoping to shed this excess weight by March or April so that we can start trying for another! :)
  • lenartn
    lenartn Posts: 27 Member
    It's so nice to see so many people have the same goal. Many people who have commented have great weigh loss so far too!! We have so many reasons to be healthy and a beautiful baby is a major one!!! Good Luck everyone!!! :smile:
  • tinybry
    tinybry Posts: 71 Member
    I lost 20lb before my first pregnancy (to go from obese to overweight) and had a relatively healthy time - just some hip problems. But I wasn't very fit so didn't do much during pregnancy exercise wise other than alittle walking when I could. I was lucky to have a relatively easy labour but found it took quite a while to recover. I lost all my pregnancy weight (21lb so I only just got back up to my heaviest weight!) very quickly mainly as I was very stressed and struggled in the first 6 weeks (then we worked out feeding which had been a nightmare and things got better very quickly!).

    I've now lost another 20lb on MFP and am just into healthy - hoping to try for another baby (my daughter turns 2 tomorrow) next year and I'm feeling positive that I am so much healthier and fitter so hopefully my hips won't struggle so much.

    However am feeling a bit selfish that I am just starting to feel happy with my body for the first time in over a decade (still a way to go too!) and pregnancy is hard - but I think that is just anxiety really!
  • kandilynn03
    kandilynn03 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm also wanting to lose weight and get healthy so I can have a baby. I really want to have a baby before I'm 30. I've been married for 7 years and no luck so far. I even considered weight loss surgery, but I can't afford the insurance deductible and 20% of the procedure. So, I'm trying to lose it with exercise and diet.
  • It is one of my reasons, yes. I'm just a little overweight for my height, but ideally I'd like to be the perfect weight for my height when we do get to the point where we'd start trying (more important things than my weight to deal with first before that happens) just to be extra-healthy and not have any more added weight besides the baby to put pressure on my knees, which tend to bother me already.
  • NT77
    NT77 Posts: 8
    This is one of my reasons to, I need to lose 100lbs to get into a healthy BMI. I sufffer from PCOS and I am recieving treatment for this, although I have one biological child (and one step child who we have residency of) I long for another one but would ike to do it the right way. My daughter who is 3 took six years to conceive and due to my BMI I was consultant led through the pregnancy and didn't really have the labour I would have liked so that is a major factor in losing weight for me.

    Good luck ladies!
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    ME!!!!! this is one of my biggest goals. Trying to get to a healthy weight to make concieving easier. totally know how your feeling. Add me if you want
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Sort of! I'm at a healthy weight, but JUST. I'd like to lose a little bit, but more I'd like to be healthy and fit. I have difficulty with anything cardio related so I'd like to get that in better shape before hand and also I'd like to buildup some muscle, I don't have a great back and it's been suggested to me that I build up my back and abs before as well.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Because of my PCOS, the doctor said I needed to lose 50 pounds (minimum) to have a chance of ovulating on my own. After I lost 30, I was already ovulating. Before that, I had never done it before! I'm not TTC anymore right now. I'd like to wait another year, transfer schools, and get even healthier. But just knowing that I did what I needed to do feels amazing in itself!
  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    It is definitely on my list of reasons why I want to be healthy and fit. My husband and I just got married so we are of course wanting to enjoy our marriage for a little while before we start adding to our family :wink: but that gives me time to get as healthy as I can and be ready for when we decide it's time to start having cute babies! :bigsmile:
  • ColletteNicole
    ColletteNicole Posts: 145 Member
    That is one of my biggest motivations! I've been married 2 years and just turned 31 this summer.... starting to feel the pressure!!! I can't imagine getting pregnant at 250ish lbs and would REALLY like to hit my goal of 150 first (and maintain it for awhile too). I hate the feeling that I'm running out of time though (age-wise), ughhh.... because weight or not I'm still not "ready". I'd like to travel more and have more time with just hubby & I....
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    That is one of my biggest motivations! I've been married 2 years and just turned 31 this summer.... starting to feel the pressure!!! I can't imagine getting pregnant at 250ish lbs and would REALLY like to hit my goal of 150 first (and maintain it for awhile too). I hate the feeling that I'm running out of time though (age-wise), ughhh.... because weight or not I'm still not "ready". I'd like to travel more and have more time with just hubby & I....

    That's me right now, even though I'm only 23, I want to have kids young, but my boyfriend wants to have some years of us time once we're married. I've got baby fever now though!
  • I am basically in the same boat. We were married in July and by the time we got married I had already gaind the 25 lbs. that I worked so hard to get off (I still hadn't even reached my goal then!). Now I am starting this process all over again, discouraged, unmotivated and really not in the mood to do it. I really just feel like enjoying time that I get with my husband :love: (he works 3rd shift and I work 1st) and enjoying all the holiday treats that are piling in the office. :drinker: Yet, we both know we need to try within the next year. I am 35 and he is 40, so I know that I need to get heatthy ASAP so that I can have a health pregnancy. I welcome encouragement. I REALLY need it right now. :smile:
  • babyaj23
    babyaj23 Posts: 5 Member
    I was in your boat I lost 30 pounds and kept it off and kept watching what I ate and I just gave birth to my handsome Son in August!!!!!!! You can add me and we can chat more!!!! Be blessed!