2012 in Retrospect



  • nbhobbes
    nbhobbes Posts: 284
    2012 Goals Achieved

    Made it out to Phoenix to visit my best friend and also up to Show Low, AZ to visit my brother.
    Had lots of fun traveling
    Joined a Gym
    Imporvied on my overall 5K runtime and kept up with running until the weather got cold
    Went from 186 when I got back from AZ in April and I'm hovering around 170 at this point.
    Saw a lot of soccer games and got a season ticet for next year.
    Reviewed my finances and started putting money away for a car I'll be buying next year.
    Up graded my PC to a swanky laptop.
    Got the Google Nexus 7 tablet when it came out.
    Redid a lot of the decor in my apartment. (Better artwork)
    Upraded my TV (OK not intentionally done since mine died but hey it's an improvemnet.
    Replaced a lot of older things that needed to be replaced.

    2013 Goals
    Buy a car (Most likely in Feb or March)
    Road trip to either Philly or DC (Depends on when the Revs play them)
    Get more hikes in this summer.
    Go swimming more often.
    Check out the climbing gym near where I live.
    Put money away for a road trip across the country in 2013.
    Save up paid time off at work so I can essentally take a month off for the road trip in 2013.
    Replace my bed and couch
  • 2012

    - Joined MFP
    - Lost 13 lbs (not a lot but it's more than half the weight I want to lose so I'm happy about it)
    - Learnt to have a healthy lifestyle.

    - Started looking forward to the future again.
    - Started doing things and stopped being passive and miserable.
    - Found Happiness, Strength and Confidence again.
    - Met an incredible man who became kind of a father figure and made me achieve all the aboves.

    - Did good at uni
    - Passed my driving test
    & I'm sure I'm forgetting things! :)


    I just want to stay on this path, finish losing the weight and enjoy life more and more.
    Hopefully meet my goal weight before May and spend all spring/summer in a bikini until I get so tanned that I look black (and I'm pretty pale so it'll take a while) lol. It's just to make up for all these years I've been hiding under my clothes at the beach!
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
  • RockandRoseRebel
    RockandRoseRebel Posts: 35 Member
    I'm just glad to be done with hair school. I hated that place more than anything, and that includes junior high & high school. I spent most of 2012 being there and now I'm done and hundreds of miles away from that place. I am so happy I never have to go back there ever again.

    Also, I finally trounced my belief that I have to eat 500 cal/day and exercise three hours a day to get skinny. And I gained a lot of independence and confidence from being on my own and away from my toxic family.

    Pretty much I got my head on straight this year and that is priceless.
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    A few in the win column, a few in the regret column. All in all, not a bad year. I still believe 2013 is going to be better.
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    In 2012 I:

    Welcomed my daughter and 3 grandkids into my home
    moved to a bigger house
    quit smoking after 40 years~
    lost 22 lbs~
    Went to the Breeders Cup World Championship horse races

    In 2013 I will:

    Lose 22 more lbs
    Return to the Breeders Cup in November
    Continue living a healthy lifestyle
    hopefully buy a house
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