Question about Insanity....



  • Heck no! If it was designed for you to pause or take a break, the guy doing it would say; "stop video now and take a break". Don't cheat yourself, but again, its your money. Good luck.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Ok, I'm going to go against the majority on this one.. I would say not to push pause. Do what you can, take breaks when you need to, but keep it playing. It will motivate you to "get back in the game" quicker. And, as time goes by, you'll feel the need less and less to take breaks. Insanity NEVER gets easier, but you do get better. If you keep pausing the video (in my opinion) you won't feel yourself getting better.

    I agree ! i do the same,
  • gottaTuscany
    gottaTuscany Posts: 40 Member
  • gottaTuscany
    gottaTuscany Posts: 40 Member
    Guy doing video doesn't want the people he is trying to help to have a heart attack either.
  • superpapa16
    superpapa16 Posts: 244 Member
    Don't pause the video. Catch your breath, get a quick sip of water, and then jump back in. You'll get better at the routine after a couple of weeks...
  • jwiley78
    jwiley78 Posts: 48 Member
    I just started week 4 yesterday. As you go through the videos you will get a little better about keeping up. My suggestion is the same as others have stated. Stop for a second to catch your breath. Try to make it a short pause and keep going. There is no use in stopping the video.

    You can't compare yourself to Shaun T. He is a professional who does this for a living and has for a few years now.

    Some parts of the videos even he has to take breaks.
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    Oh my gosh! It would be impossible not to take breaks during insanity!! Especially in the beginning. Don't get discouraged. You'll find that next week you'll be able to keep up more and take fewer breaks. Just do what you can - if you're sweating and breathing hard, you're getting a good workout :) I'm a P90X grad, entering phase 3 of a P90X/Insanity hybrid who's in great shape...but I still can't keep up with the people in the video. I just do what I can and try to get the best workout I can get!

    I agree with the above posters as well. I usually don't pause the video unless I feel like I'm going to throw up (which did happen in the beginning a couple times - definitely don't eat for awhile before you do the workout!) - I just get the sip of water I need and jump right back in. I don't let my heart rate come down too much!
  • The first time I did Insanity, I had to sit down after the warm up so I didn't pass out. trust me, by the end of the 60 days you will be able to do sooo much more. If you watch the videos, even the people in the video take breaks. Shaun T even tells them to go sit down. As Tony Horton says"do your best and forget the rest"
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I didn't pause but I did struggle.. a lot!! My heartrate was almost 200 at one point.. not sure what it is suppose to be but that almost made me barf. After that I tried to keep it around 170 that helped a lot. Thanks for your help :)
  • AnnetteMY
    AnnetteMY Posts: 6 Member
    Ok, I'm going to go against the majority on this one.. I would say not to push pause. Do what you can, take breaks when you need to, but keep it playing. It will motivate you to "get back in the game" quicker. And, as time goes by, you'll feel the need less and less to take breaks. Insanity NEVER gets easier, but you do get better. If you keep pausing the video (in my opinion) you won't feel yourself getting better.

    I totally agree. Go at your own pace and take as many breaks as you need to get the right form but don't pause the video. If you do Insanity correctly, it should never get easier because you're pushing yourself harder as you progress. I'm on my 3rd round of Insanity and it's still kicking my butt. It's the Fitness Test that will really show you how much you have improved.

    BTW, don't listen to your husband and don't get discouraged. Before I started Insanity, I could barely do 5 girly push-ups, let alone a regular push-up. Now, I can do a Level 3 drill with 32 pushups total. So just keep at it.

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  • moomoosaurus
    moomoosaurus Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on week 7 of Insanity and you definitely want to stop if you need to. I do all the time. I finish each workout but sometimes I have to stop for a minute.

    It's a great workout though! I do it 4-5 times a week and count my calories with one cheat day a week. I've lost almost 20 lbs on it so far! I don't have a lot more to lose, but I like how toned I'm getting it's great!
  • Mel1509
    Mel1509 Posts: 166 Member
    Shaun T actually tells you to do so if needed, once you get into the videos you'll see that even the people there doing insanity will take breaks... GL with it, the first few days are rough but if your anything like me you'll become addicted to it!
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    I'm starting week 2 today and when I need a break I just walk to my water, take a few breaths and gather myself. I do not pause it because just like others have mentioned, Shaun T motivates me to jump right back in, even if I am a little behind.