I'm so embarrassed



  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm on a budget. My boys (my honey and his son), will eat whatever I put in front of them, so actually I've been forcing them to eat healthy as well. I tend to not eat out too much and I REALLY try and stay away from fast food joints. I was very proud of myself this Sunday. My boyfriend and his son wanted Farmer Boys. I didn't. They ate Farmer Boys. I made myself a turkey patty and a side of veggies. Eating healthy doesn't mean breaking the bank. I have good meals every day. I bring my lunch to work and I make sure to stay away from places that only have "bad foods". If your boyfriend wants to eat crap. You have to find the will power to not indulge. At the end of the day, it falls back on YOU!

    I got your post. I know you were being totally sarcastic. I got the meaning behind every " ".

    If you can spend 50 bucks per day eating crap, then you can spend 50 bucks eating healthy! I get it :)
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    TL;DR: I spent all of my money on food that makes me fat and sick. Help.

    I would LOVE to eat healthy foods all the time
    but "I can't afford it?"
    I've been complaining about not being able to afford Christmas presents,
    not being able to move closer to the beach,
    not being able to fix my car...
    and...being fat, and sluggish, and having panic attacks, blahblahblah

    But yesterday, before work I could afford to get a coffee for me and my boyfriend...
    $10, lots of sugar, caffeine and calories... (gee, why am I having panic attacks, why is it sooo hard to stay under calories?)

    Alright, one thing...
    NOPE I have to work, and There's just "nothing my bf and I can do besides eat..."
    $21, nasty old pasta, grossest tri tip sandwich I ever had... but I "had to eat it"

    I "didn't have time to exercise before work" ...even though I pay $100 for the gym (I know, right?) I live 10 minutes from the beach, 10-20 from 5 beautiful hikes, etc.

    So, I get off of work, still magically under cals, but feel like TOTAL crap...
    My boyfriend and I were literally talking about eating healthy, when he says "I want chicken strips"
    :| We pull up to Dennys, I think I'll have 1 strip, and maybe a diet coke...
    not chicken strips, 3 vanilla cokes, and mozzerella sticks.

    I spent 55ish dollars, in one day... on CRAP.
    I had a terrible stomach ache, I was moodswingy and gittery alllll day.
    I don't buy new work clothes because a) I "can't afford them" and b) I feel so uncomfortable in clothes, it's unreal.

    My boyfriend said if I can go from today to January 1st without eating out, he'll take me to a steak dinner...
    That sounds AWESOME but I don't know if I should reward myself with food.

    I was wondering... How did you overcome this "problem?"
    Any similar stories?
    Any advice?
    Any ranting?
    Anyone want to be my friend? Hold me accountable?
    Anyone else get gittery and panicy after certain foods?
    Any advice on healthy eating on a budget?

    I know, you probably see these stories all the time, and shake your head...
    but maybe, me...seeing how ridiculous I am being...and being held accountable will help me in my journey.

    Im ill. Im slowly terminal with COPD, i also have fibromyalgia, ive had 2 strokes from blood clots to the brain. i have crohns disease. I cry in pain on most days.

    I spent $18 on a meal tonight thats not only a comfort food.. but included sour cream and cheese.. and neither was fat free. it fed my family of four, and was 517 calories. (and we have leftovers.. the recipe feeds 10)

    I also do the 30 day shred every day but one a week.

    Wanna come b*tch to me? Seriously!! lol.. id love to be your friend! Im here daily and log daily, i also have a 30DS group on FB and a biggest loser group on FB where im holding a challenge for cash prizes and grand prize for the "biggest loser" that starts in January.

    Add me here.. ill keep ya motivated!!

    Wanna *****? come ***** at me!! Id love to be your friend!! <3 No really! I would!!
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    One day at a time. I think sometimes we get caught up in thinking about these big generalizations: I have to lose weight. I need to eat healthy. I should exercise more. And we end up doing NOTHING (or the oposite) because it all seems so daunting. Some people can do it - they can jump in with both feet and I applaud them. But that was never me. I had to start out slowly and concentrate on one thing a week and slowly add another and another. It has really helped me to NOT pack on the pounds while I've been on maternity leave (adopted so there is no post baby weight to lose). Working keeps my daily eating in check, being sleepless and busy with a new baby has thrown my schedule out of whack - I don't eat as well, I don't exercise as much. But I'm back on track and was able to not completely fall off the wagon because I kept up with the small changes.

    I still have weight to lose - and I'm back to doing it the same way I started - this week the only thing I'm concentrating on is what I eat and logging my foods honestly. I might do that for a few weeks - just get myself back in the grove and allow habits to establish. then I'll move on to other things like working out again. It's worked for me anyway.
  • 4jamaica
    4jamaica Posts: 69 Member
    One thing that has helped tremendously is having a routine, in particular, a regular food-shopping schedule. I go to the grocery store once a week on Sundays, with an organized grocery list. I make it a game to see how fast I can get shopping done--I've found I'm less likely to go off the list if I'm rushing about (personal best--1 hr. 10 minutes, not bad since I go to two stores and live 10 miles from town). Once I'm home from shopping, I immediate make one dinner meal that will last all week and cut up all the fruits and veggies we'll have with our lunches, as well as divying up random healthy snacks into ~100 calorie increments. I am then done, period, with food and thinking about food until next Sunday.
  • e001w
    e001w Posts: 46 Member
    Healthy foods are far cheaper that the other foods you listed. My wife and I cut back on going out to eat and we have saved a ton of money, enough for a down payment on the house we just bought. Shop the outer ring of the grocery store, i.e. produce, meats, dairy, etc. and you will find that your grocery bill goes down quite a bit. And it forces you to eat healthy. Once you stick to it for a while it becomes alot easier to stay in and make a quick dinner. Also it tastes so much better and makes you feel loads better. I try to make a habit of having my meals planned out on sunday so that if needed i can make them, freeze them, then heat em up at night. Works great for me. Also i always eat right before shopping. It keeps me from collecting everything in sight.
    As far as working out goes... If you are truly invested in the idea of being healthier, you will make time for it. I wake up at 2:30 in the morning on workout days and get it done, because it is a priority, or I do it as soon as i get home from work. I make it a requirement to eat dinner. In my mind if i want that good dinner my wife made i have to at least go for a run.
    All in all though, a healthy lifestyle is, in my opinion, 80 percent intake. Not to say exercise isn't important, but if you fuel your body correctly, you will be more likely to feel like working out and more likely to have great workouts.
    Take small steps towards being healthy and you will accomplish it very quickly. Keep at it!! I know it will be worth it!! You won't look back and see all the times you didn't get to eat that piece of cake, or all the horrible workouts. Once you change your perspective and begin to see changes you will only see the amazing change in your health, a love for a sweat drenched shirt, and a serious upgrade to confidence and desires. Best of luck. I'm here cheering you on!

    ETA: Because I can't spell...

    I total agree here. Since me and my wife have stopped eating out and started eating healthy. We have saved so much money. You just got to check whats on sale etc. I think by us shopping around and eating at home. We save at minimum a week $250+. And that is just by eating at home for dinner and breakfast and taking lunch to work.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    You can't afford Christmas and it bothers you but you can afford 100$ gym membership that doesn't get used... yup makes sense.

    Figure out a budget you can stick to and stick to it. Drop the gym membership if you "can't afford to eat healthy"

    If you want to do this you will find ways around it.

    I dropped my gym membership because I didn't use it.
    Then I joined Weight Watchers. It worked for a while, but then I dropped it because I stopped going and I knew I wasn't going to start up again anytime soon. It was a waste of money every month.

    I stopped going out to eat or ordering out. Now I might go out to eat MAYBE once a month, or even less than that. Same with ordering out.
    Start with baby steps.
    I used to drink Starbucks. My coworker asked how much my coffee was, and to multiply it by 30 to see what I would save a month/year. I stopped drinking Starbucks and made my own coffee at home.

    You want to afford things at Christmas? Start cutting back on "uneccessary expenses" (Starbucks, eating out, fast food, etc...).
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    One day I just decided to make myself a priority.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Ok I understand....you are where I was. My husband too....and kids. Same stuff...grab food cuz it's fast and sounds good RIGHT NOW.

    I can't tell you how to fix it in a day, cuz I have been working on this mess for almost two years and I don't stick to the perfect plan like I should. But, my husband, 16 year old daughter and I have collectively lost 150 pounds....the other two kids just got a lot taller with no loss or gain. So I say it's a win.

    Here are the huge changes in our household.

    1. Pop is for a special treat...water is the drink of choice...literally we save about $35 per WEEK! More like $200 a month when you add in all the dinners out where we order water now.

    2. Snacks and junk food are not on the regular grocery list. Yes we still buy a bag of chips now and then, but its after thinking about it and planning for it. Never just there to hog down on a whim.

    3. I love me some Starbucks and I'm not giving it up....but my venti turtle mocha with extra whip (650 calories) is now a tall skinny sugar free caramel latte (100 calories). Right there...I save 1000 calories a week....sometimes 1500 if I have three! That's 2-3 pounds a month...and about $10. Lol

    4. McDonalds and other fast food is limited to once a month...ok twice maybe...instead of 2-3 times a week. We all order 2/3 of what we used to order and small fries....$20 for our fam of 5 instead of $30-35 with sundaes. So really only $100 a month saved because making a good dinner at home is by no means free.

    5. This is a big one that keeps us on track....have lots of easy to grab fruits and veggies for a quick bite to eat. Keep an apple in the car....bananas, carrots, whatever keeps you from pulling into the next drive through or gas station and pigging out on 1000 calories without thinking. And at home, fruit makes everyone happy when they can't wait for dinner.

    So....here are my big changes...maybe try one or two and see how it goes. Before you know it, you will be coming up with money/fat saving ideas of your own. :)
  • Julie7741
    Julie7741 Posts: 93 Member
    Honey, we have all been there or we wouldn't be here. I was you a year ago. I went from 210 pounds in January of 2012 to 158 currently. I'd like to get to 145, so I still have a little ways to go. I'm going to give you a little tough love here... You have to decide that you mean business. You also have to decide if you're ready to make your health priority #1. You also have to recognize that this needs to be a permanent lifestyle change. Diets don't work. I've tried plenty of temporary diets. What worked for me this time was a complete lifestyle overhaul.
    What I'm going to do for you is eliminate your excuses :)

    Money- You are spending quite a bit of money eating out. We used to eat out a lot. Now we try to limit ourselves to once a week.
    You can buy healthy food (fruit and veggies, chicken breasts, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, etc.), cook at home, and probably spend less than you are now. Shop the perimeter of the store. The packaged convenience stuff is actually pretty expensive.

    Time- This ones tough. Nobody has more than 24 hours in a day. You have to MAKE time and make it non-negotiable. I work full time and have two elementary aged kids. My husband is the deputy police chief in our town. His job doesn't give him much opportunity to help out at home. We also care for my husband's parents- his mother has a heart condition and his father has terminal cancer. My kids are involved in stuff. Almost every night I am running the girls to various practices, etc., and fixing meals for us and my in-laws. I have no other option than to work out in the morning. VERY early in the morning. I have to be READY for work at 6:00. That is when my kids get up and have to get to the bus. I have to be at work at 7:00. I work out at 4:30 A.M. Yes, you read that correctly. Now, I don't go anywhere. I use my elliptical and/or spin bike in the basement. During the summer I will run/bike outside. This time is non-negotiable for me. I don't care how tired I am, or how badly I want to sleep. Believe me, there are many, many, many mornings that I'd love an extra hour of sleep. I have discovered that I actually have more energy when I get in the exercise than if I spend the extra time sleeping. My point is, we are all busy. You have to make that time sacred.

    So, how do I have time to cook healthy meals and not eat out? My slow cooker is my best friend. And thin crust frozen pizzas with veggies. Some of them are only 300 calories or so per serving. Tyson has new "lightly breaded" chicken strips that are pretty good in the oven. They are low cal and high protein. We have been known to have omelets for dinner. When all else fails, we hit Subway. No mayo, cheese, etc., and lots of veggies. Allrecipes.com has some good recipes. You can also search/select healthy recipes, quick recipes, etc., and you can search by ingredient.

    It's all that refined sugar that makes you jittery. Eat some good snacks that include some protein. Think Greek yogurt, apple with peanut butter, etc. and try to make sure your meals include more lean protein, less fat, and less sugary stuff. I can't do without my caffeine, but I limit it to 1 cup of coffee per day that I make myself. Some of the low cal creamers, etc., are pretty yummy. Almost like starbucks and much, much cheaper. I avoid artificial sweeteners, so I splurge on a little sugar in my coffee. 1 tsp has 15 calories. Much better than the hundreds of calories in Starbucks!

    You can do this. You just have to decide that you're a beast, your tough, you mean business and you're going to get it done!! Reward yourself with a new outfit or pair of shoes rather than that steak dinner... Fitting into Victoria's Secret stuff was huge for me. That's the reward that keeps on giving, let me tell you... Husbands are more than happy to contribute to that reward!! As you lose, you will need new clothes. You'll also enjoy shopping for them! Shopping will become fun again, and if you do this right food will no longer feel like a reward.

    Friend request sent :)
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    If you can afford to spend $55 on crap you can afford to eat healthy. I have an idea, lose the expensive gym membership and work out at home. Get yourself a workout video and focus on nutrition first. Or go to a place that is cheaper.

    Your boyfriend isn't supportive. He suggested chicken strips knowing you are working toward a healthier lifestyle? Wow. You shouldn't go out to eat and have one chicken strip. Go home and have a chicken breast with veggies, cheaper and healthy.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    You had me at TL;DR...and you were right

  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member

    Bout sums up.
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    I find that I eat healthier if I have food prepped. I cut all my veggies and refrigerate them so I can grab them when I feel like I could eat the entire kitchen. That's how you avoid the ease of fast food. If you don't have a spare half hour in your week to do this, you aren't using your time well.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    Put a small coffee maker in your office. I put a two cup coffee maker in mine. That will solve the spending $10 on coffee a day. Cant'put one in your office----then bring a thermous of coffee to work and heat it up at work.

    I used to buy coffee, breakfast, and lunch 5 days a week. Then one day I added up how much i spend on "outside food" a month. I'd rather have the $200 in my bank account than blown on crappy, unhealthy food. That motivated me to bring my breakfast and lunch every, single day. After the first month when I had $200 floating in my checking account that cemented the deal. Maybe one day a month i'll go out to lunch but $7 once a month is better than $200.
  • nikkiann671
    Hi! Don't be embarrassed, you are being honest with yourself. It's probably hard for you to say no or lose weight because your boyfriend is so supportive of your decisions and loves you the way you are. For the longest time I used my husband's support and love as an excuse for my "I'm fine the way i am, he loves me" excuse. Until finally I realized holy smokes! More fat layers! With the budget, it's your money, do what you want with it, its acutally fun to go grocery shopping with your boyfriend if you are both on the same track- looking at the calories and nutritional value of all the food you buy. I am still fighting my problem of over eating even though I know I don't need it or will burst throwing up and burping if I eat another bite. Just like you "I have to eat it". Lately I've been counting calories with the calorie counter, it helps tremendously. I also have alarms on my phone set on when I need to stuff my face so it helps me speed my metabolism and not be too hungry, plus its a bonus when your alarm goes off and I'm thinking to myself "yes! snack time"! Each alarm is titled how many calories to eat. For example: I set myself on a 1200 calorie diet each day, I just broke those calories evenly into 5 meals and set my alarm accordingly. Its okay to reward yourself with food every once in a while, heck if I had the cash, I would too. But for real though, once you start trying out the eating healthy bit (even when eating out) for a good week, your will will get stronger. Another thing before I end my ranting is when I still have food on my plate (I tend to put more than I should have-way more) and I know I don't need to eat all the delicious rest, I put a napkin on my plate/ food. Keeps me from picking on it or eating everything else. Does wonders at restaurants! hope this helps! Good luck!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    If you want to lose weight, look great and be healthy, it's going to take some work. You have to build a routine and stick to it. No one can tell you exactly what that routine is, you have to figure it out for yourself. Making your own coffee and preparing your own meals is a huge start. Cutting out the soda and fast food is another. Fitting in a walk on the beach at least 3x a week for 30 minutes would help a lot.

    But no one can make you, except for you...
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Forget about yesterday and move on. Don't go to the coffee shop...don't wander up and down the aisles of the grocery shop - stick to the perimeter and never go shopping without a list. Don't buy anything that isn't on the list. Eat before going shopping.

    "Eating healthy is more expensive," is nothing but a ****hole excuse. It's cheaper to eat healthy than it is to buy crap. Cook several meals in advance. Just last night I bought a tray of chicken tenders, some bell peppers, and a couple heads of broccoli. I then cooked them into a stir fry, and after consuming one portion for dinner, I have four more portions left over. I do this for all my meals except breakfast, which I cook in the morning.

    Oh, and having a boyfriend that doesn't support you in getting healthy isn't a guy worth having in your life. Just break up.
  • dunlunicor
    dunlunicor Posts: 189 Member
    Don't feel embarrassed. I'm sure a bunch of people on here (myself included) know what it's like to let the budget and your calories get out of hand with all the little impulse decisions.

    My advice:

    Plan your meals for the week in advance. Try to plan meals that involve some of the same ingredients so that you can buy in bulk, and plan based on what's on sale. The inevitable pitfall here, is that your man is going to want something else.

    It doesn't matter if he wants chicken tenders. Let him have chicken tenders if he wants them that bad, but don't sabotage yourself over what he's eating. You'll save your half of the bill by letting him go out to eat and sticking to your plan. Better yet, stop by your grocery store's deli for them - cheaper and they taste better. Better still, make them at home. Cheapest and best-tasting. And that way, you control what's in them, how much breading, etc.

    Ditto coffee. When my bf and I get coffee from Starbucks, it's never more than $3-4 because we don't shell out for the big sugary coffee-desserts. We get black coffee and then dress it up as we please at the condiment bar. But mostly, we just make coffee at home. This is not something that came easy. We used to drop $10-15 there easily, sometimes twice in the same day.

    And it never hurt to plan a restaurant meal into your food plan for the week. Just make sure that if you're eating out, it's what you planned to do and you're staying on budget both in your pocketbook and your food diary.
  • dbuterman
    I was exactly where you were 2 years ago! My bottom point was ordering a lunch in food fair, then once I was done, I went and got a SECOND lunch, then cried all the way back to work. I FINALLY made a change 2 years ago. And it was hard because my husband didn't change his eating/exercise habits and I have 2 small children at home too. For the first 2 weeks of my new "diet" (not a diet, just a change of lifestyle) I felt sick and cried for almost 2 weeks. It was HARD. But I did it and today I am 50 pounds lighter and I exercise everyday (just a walk in the am, but hey, its excercise). I am so happy with who I am today. I'm back to being "me" before I got fat, lazy and stopped caring about what I looked like or how I ate or what I did. If I can do you YOU CAN DO IT! Baby steps. One day at a time. Make little changes like no more cream in your coffee (I only drink black coffee now). Salads for lunch with applie slices. Plain yogurt and fruit for breaky. Changes like that. The physical change you will notice will be big, but even bigger and better is the change in your self confidence and the change in your energy level. Every teensy step forward is a step forward. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • BrittKnee_Rae
    BrittKnee_Rae Posts: 111 Member
    Cook Cook Cook!! I cant stress that enough.. Have you looked at the ingredients that goes into fast food? YUCK!

    If your not a good cook, then get recipes! I love pinterest, lots of creative ideas.. Not only for food but for exercise ideas too! If money is tight, then dump the gym! And dump the excuses while your at it, we all have them but they are not needed!!!! The beach seems much more enjoyable then a smelly gym anyway!! (oh man I wish I lived near a beach!!) -jealous- So many cheap ways to keep active! Walk in the park, hand wash your car, work-out video!

    I am on a budget as well.. AND I cook every meal! Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.. I bring my breakfast, lunch and snacks to work everyday! I have not eaten fast food in a very long time. I feel great! Your body reacts to what you put into it!! Listen to your body.. Planning out every meal may be annoying at first, but you will get used to it and learn to love it... You will feel a lot better and your wallet will too! Don't let yourself get HUNGRY, then you make bad choices.. Eat healthy meals and healthy snacks throughout the day and you will see a huge difference! I hope this helps.. Feel free to add me if you need the extra motivation, you got this! and good luck :)