Am i the only one who likes to work out alone



  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    You're not alone in preferring to be alone. I even go so far as to lock my family out of the basement if I am using the treadmill. Leave me the *kitten* alone.
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    I am right there with you. My boyfriend accompanies me to the gym sometimes, but it's more like we're just there at the same time, not necessarily working out "together." I can see why working out in a group appeals to some people, but I'm just not one of them.
  • Lincolnlady217
    Lincolnlady217 Posts: 49 Member
    I like to workout alone! If the point of working out to is to work our a**es off (literally) then I cannot see how some people do that while socializing, reading or watching tv. Maybe it works for some, but all I am at the gym for is a workout to the point of being an out-of-breath sweaty mess-certainly not my best look lol!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Only if they are better than me cause the inspire or can teach me. But why would they want to be with me ignorant I'm doing them done? So Ya I prefer doing my own thing.
  • I need a spotter that's all.
  • GabyG69
    GabyG69 Posts: 213
    Nope. I prefer working out alone. I go at my own pace and don't have to wait on anyone and they don't have to wait on me either..
  • amclaws25
    amclaws25 Posts: 128 Member
    I too like it alone. My workouts are much quicker and more intense. The girls that I occasionally might go with are only cardio queens so its beyond boring. I hate cardio. I do like to go with my boyfriend like once a week or so to have a spot when I wanna up my bench press and squats though. We have fun together when we go usually but he hasn't been going as much as me so sometimes its hard to schedule it. And we need a babysitter for it too. But ultimately, its my chill time to get my mind off stuff. :)
  • iWILLbeFit062012
    iWILLbeFit062012 Posts: 97 Member
    Nope, I revel in the solitude.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I've taken jogging buddies and they always want to talk more than exercise...

    I love working out alone. Clears my mind.

    Music is the best workout buddy, aha.
  • Not the only one. If I go with others, I usually can't do everything I want or as long as I want, and I'd rather not adjust my workout to theirs. I'm also self-conscious so I prefer a little space.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    For me, it depends. I prefer biking and doing machines alone. I like to go at my own pace when biking. I'd enjoy walking and doing workout videos with someone if doing the videos at the gym 'cause I'd feel less self conscious.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I'm with you. Completely.
  • I prefer to go by myself, as well. I like to go and just zone out to music and do everything at the pace I want, and for as long as I want. I know a lot of people enjoy the company of friends when they go, but I feel like it would just slow me down - unless the person I went with was okay not chatting and doing their own thing, too - in which case, I don't see the point in going with someone.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I like to work out alone too except yoga. But even with yoga I don't like a lot of noise. I wish all people would respect the silence of the yoga studio before and after class.
  • GUILTY....why would I want someone to see me sweat buckets???
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    I am the slowest runner I know, but I enjoy it at my own pace, even off-road rugged terrain, not out of breath - just slow. I get there and its not a race for me.

    The worst runs have been where I have gone out with work colleagues who are always eight feet or so in front and running jut slightly faster than my pace. That might be good occasionally to help me improve, but not when I complete an hour's rocky run (for me that is) in 45minutes and I throw up my evening meal a couple of hours later!

    No - it's the lonely open road for me.

    I prefer bodyweight exercising at home to gyms full of people queing up for the same weights as well.

    The only time I work with others is the yoga studio; even then you are really working alone on your mat with the pose being the together work being done, unless it is a bit of partner work which I enjoy but not its not for the whole session. Plenty of time to socialise afterward.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    I like to work out alone too except yoga. But even with yoga I don't like a lot of noise. I wish all people would respect the silence of the yoga studio before and after class.

    I agree. I am lucky in that the classes I go to are quiet once class begins and even walking in and out of the studio is done quietly and maybe a little gentle exchange of news and laughter. It's nice - really look forward to it every week.
  • tcatcarson
    tcatcarson Posts: 227 Member
    No, I like it specifically BECAUSE I get to be alone!
  • LisabethG
    LisabethG Posts: 24 Member
    I'm with you. (figuratively speaking). I had a colleague want to join me on my walks. I couldn't say no, I just
    wasn't available any of the times she asked to meet with me!! Sad, I know. I am very content going to the gym and
    walking alone. I use this as prayer time, quiet time, and I concentrate much better than chattering away and losing
    my focus. I'm also not a professional fitness trainer and shouldn't be giving anyone tips on how to use the machinery.
    So, i'll continue to go alone.
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    Same here. Leave me to my weights and headphones.