issue staying within their calorie limit

Hi guys! I've noticed I'm having a hard time staying within my calorie intake. Does anyone have/had an problem with this? If so, any tips on how to change this?


  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    It would help if you opened your food log
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    Only once in a while do I have an issue staying under, but I have a larger amount of calories than most women.
  • catieishealthy23
    catieishealthy23 Posts: 12 Member
    What I've found is that first you have to experiment with new healthier foods you like so you can come up with some options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. The best thing I ever did was start to eat breakfast, it gets your metabolism going and something with protein( greek yogurt for me mostly) will carry you over until your mid morning snack or lunch. Where I always fail is if I don't have any food after lunch until dinner I get really hungry by the time I get home and usually eat over my limit. So to make it easier I'm just gonna list my tips...
    - Eat breakfast low calorie but high protein!
    - Eat snacks through out the day ( measure the portions of dry ones)
    -Bring lunch with you to work or school so you don't have to end up eating take out
    - Find foods you love to eat that fit your new healthy life style

    I hope this helped a little, but these are just where I can make or break my day!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I do sometimes. For better advice, we really need more information. It may be that you're not eating enough. It may be that you're eating the types of foods that don't really fill you up properly. It may be that you are eating when you're not really physically hungry but for other reasons.

    ETA: you may need to experiment a little to find out a pattern of eating (eg meal timing) that suits you best. By no means do you have to eat breakfast, for example, but some people find it helpful for them. Some people need to snack regularly, or have lots of small meals through the day to keep from getting hungry. Other people do better with only eating once or twice a day, but having much bigger meals at those times. For weight loss, it doesn't matter when you eat, but you might have to find a way that suits your needs better.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    like others have said, we need more info. How many calories is your limit? (and how did you figure it out) are you eating 3 times a day or 6?
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    I exercise so I can eat more. But, I also make my calories count most of the time. So if I am eating over my calorie limit it is not junk. (But sometimes it is. We are human after all. ) :)
  • Sheymarie417
    Sheymarie417 Posts: 40 Member
    I changed my privacy setting for my dairy if you want to take a look at what i eat. I do have to say that ive also been a little stress but im gonna use that as an excused as to why i keep going over
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I changed my privacy setting for my dairy if you want to take a look at what i eat. I do have to say that ive also been a little stress but im gonna use that as an excused as to why i keep going over

    Your diary is still closed.
  • Sheymarie417
    Sheymarie417 Posts: 40 Member
    my calorie intake is 1500. my nutrionist told me to do so. i eat (try) about 6 meals. 3 snacks and 3 meals
  • Sheymarie417
    Sheymarie417 Posts: 40 Member
    ok diary setting is changed
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    If you stopped drinking so many calories, you would have an easier time sticking to your goal.

    A 540 cal coffee drink put you way over one day. Pepsi caused the problem another day. Switch out the high calorie drinks for water or low calorie drinks and you should have an easier time meeting your goal.
  • Sincere24
    Sincere24 Posts: 126 Member
    what helps me is eating within a range rather than one specific number, anything from my bmr and under my TDEE with enough wiggle room to lose enough per week. But eating whole foods mostly, things not wholly processed with a treat sprinkled in here and there tends to satiate my cravings.

    Example if i'm craving something sweet i wip up homemade milkshake, with banana and berries, hits the spot all the time. But majority of the time i don't stick to diet food, but watch my portions or cook healthier alternatives to my favorite meals.

    Try what works best for your. I've isolated all forms of drinks besides water to make sure i've got the best bang for my buck, with occasional cup of milk for dinner or tea thrown in here and there
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    If you stopped drinking so many calories, you would have an easier time sticking to your goal.

    A 540 cal coffee drink put you way over one day. Pepsi caused the problem another day. Switch out the high calorie drinks for water or low calorie drinks and you should have an easier time meeting your goal.

    I agree cutting out the pepsi will help. Try to limit liquid calories, that will leave more room for solid foods.

    Also things like peanut butter are very calorie dense, I try to limit these when cutting calories
  • I reccomend looking for lower calorie snacks. I noticed in your diary that some of your snacks were higher in calorie counts, take some more time and look at different foods in the grocery store. stay away from cereal, those carry a lot of calories. Also try eating cleaner, more vegetables, more high protein foods, and incorporate vegetables in lunch and dinner. You will notice that once you start eating cleaner your body will start to crave the healthier foods. Take a look at my diary and see what Ive been eating if that helps. Im not a total health freak but I have learned to eat healthier and in return I have seen results.
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    Soft gloved answer: You need to look at this as changing your nutrition plan from your current unhealthy one to a healthier one. You've been consuming this unhealthy nutrition plan for a while and you've become overweight because of it.

    Direct answer: Stop consuming the Iced coffe, soda, candy, ice cream, and cheetos on a daily basis.

    I'm not saying that you cannot enjoy these things, just not on a daily basis. Perhaps treat yourself to an iced coffee 1x week? Reward yourself for every 5lbs lost with a candy bar or ice cream. Perhaps have a "cheat meal" once a week where you can treat yourself to a little somthing(dont go too overboard or you'll wipe out your loss from the previous 6 days)

    Once you switch to healthier food choices, you'll find that you can eat a lot of food and still stay around your limit.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    checked out your diary.
    MORE VEGGIES. not only are they good for you, they create a feeling of being full sooner, so you are less likely to over-eat.
    I'm not a "carbs are bad" kinda girl, but you are eating a lot of grains and breads each day. Not only are they often calorie-dense, but unless you go for whole-grains, they often start that cycle of wanting more carbs/sugar.
    More LEAN PROTEINS! You can have your fried chicken wings for 618 calories, or you can have a nice serving of baked/roasted chicken or turkey for 1/3 the calories.
    Watch PORTION SIZES. 4 tbsp of Peanut Butter is 2 servings. 6.5 tbsp is over the top for sure. 4 slices of toast is about 4 times what I would eat at a single meal.

    Lastly, cutting out things like bags of chips, sodas, donuts, 960 calories worth of pizza at one meal and pop tarts is an obvious way to get your intake under control. I love treats, you don't have to cut them out entirely, but you have treats with high calories just about every day.

    hope that gives you some direction of what to look at.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    It looks to me like you typically have one really healthy meal. Some days, it's your lunch.. other days, it's breakfast. Then you blow it out with a pepsi, or mikes hard lemonade, or snickers.
    There has to be balance with what you eat so you don't dive in to the temptation of getting that snickers bar or pack of doritos. It isn't that you're doing snickers/pepsi every day, but over the course.. those are excess calories.

    If you're given a number that you're trying to stick to, consider preplanning your meals. Stick to it strictly, or give yourself 100 or 200 calories of wiggle room in case you DO get ravenous and have to eat something.
  • Sheymarie417
    Sheymarie417 Posts: 40 Member
    thanks guys! all your input was exteremly helpful. like i said in previous post i have been a little stressed. so there are some stress eating in there. i typically try and eat a balanced breakfast a salad for lunch and a balance dinner i try to stick with the same snacks every day until i feel comfortable with changing things up. ill take all of your advice and use it!
  • moreORless50
    moreORless50 Posts: 261 Member
    If you stopped drinking so many calories, you would have an easier time sticking to your goal.

    A 540 cal coffee drink put you way over one day. Pepsi caused the problem another day. Switch out the high calorie drinks for water or low calorie drinks and you should have an easier time meeting your goal.

    this ^^ 690 cals on one of the days used on just 2 drinks
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    thanks guys! all your input was exteremly helpful. like i said in previous post i have been a little stressed. so there are some stress eating in there. i typically try and eat a balanced breakfast a salad for lunch and a balance dinner i try to stick with the same snacks every day until i feel comfortable with changing things up. ill take all of your advice and use it!

    You eat pretty well but like others have said, you have to watch your drinks. (Drinking problem? lol)

    What I've done to fix area's of my food intake is look for the high numbers of whatever I'm examining (calories, sodium, etc.) and figure out how I can make it better. I really like eating so I make sure I get enough food for the calories I eat. ( I like beer but not enough to miss too many meals for it.)