What are some of the strangest things.....



  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Bridges...I have to be as close to the middle as possible; so I can't see over the side (especially over water). If I'm driving, I white-knuckle the steering wheel until we're clear. If I'm not, I just close my eyes & count the nanoseconds until we're safely back on solid ground. The Bay Bridge in San Francisco & the I-95 bridge in Philly (the one you have to cross to get to the stadiums) have been the worst for me...especially when you're on the bottom tier.
  • TheirEllie82
    TheirEllie82 Posts: 162 Member
    Grasshoppers. The way they can shoot straight up into the air and then divebomb people. Plus they have those gross gripper things on their legs that allow them to stick to anything *shiver*
    ^^ This times 1,000,000. I almost wrecked a car because of a grasshopper

    Also, sidewalk chalk freaks me out
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Latex balloons.

    Sweet Baby Dejesus.
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    Sometimes I'm still afraid to hang my feet over the edge of the bed at night!

    hahaha i can't hang mine over either
  • jayhawkfan51
    jayhawkfan51 Posts: 78 Member
    Clowns here too!
  • jennapony
    jennapony Posts: 73 Member
    Balloons :indifferent:

    Not really sure why but I hate them, and it scares me when they pop to the point where people can chase me around trying to pop them in my face because they think it's hilarious
    The bottoms of boats or planes. Nope, I don't get it either, but they put me in panic mode every time.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    revolving doors. I hate 'em.
  • alliejoberry
    Worms and snakes. So, soooo disgusting. XP
  • Gotspunk1
    Gotspunk1 Posts: 33 Member
    I went backpacking this summer and had just set up my tent and laid down to test it out when one of those wolf spiders plopped down from the top of the doorway into my tent and sent those damn babies scattering everywhere. Talk about a hysterical flip out moment! The ONE minute I didn't keep the door zipped shut of course!
  • jennapony
    jennapony Posts: 73 Member
    and wasps
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member

    Because of Poltergeist.

    did you ever see i think it was Poltergeist III or II -- with that VERY creepy old man singing church tunes...?!.....omg - - i freak out now when i see old men! lol
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    Snakes...poisonous snakes...rattlers and water moccasins. I"m not deathly afraid of them but have a healthy respect for them and pretty much all snakes in general. If I can't identify immediately I just assume it's poisonous and leave it the hell alone.
    that 's same with me...
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Terrified of clowns... I went downstairs late one night and my mum had fallen asleep watching IT... I sat down to watch it... yeah and my room was decorated with clown EVERYTHING! Saw a clown at a fair last year that came up to me... ran away crying.
  • silverburk
    Terrified of clowns... I went downstairs late one night and my mum had fallen asleep watching IT... I sat down to watch it... yeah and my room was decorated with clown EVERYTHING! Saw a clown at a fair last year that came up to me... ran away crying.

    That movie did not give me a fear of clowns, but it did give me a life long fear of bathrooms. toilets, sinks, shower, drains... Yup.. great stuff. I'm going to be 27 soon and I have a complete and ridiculous fear of bathrooms. People make fun of me for it. :(
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    Creepy crawly bugs, snake and feet.... *shiver*
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    I was so happy to see this thread because I thought I was the only one with strange phobias. I have a weird fear of:
    birds and railroad tracks. Whenever I have to drive over RR tracks, I freak out and flap my arms (which is weird in itself since I don't like the flapping motion of birds). If I'm the one driving, it's scary for the passengers in the car with me! My friends all think it's a riot, but it's not funny to me! I don't like any kind of bug, and can't even kill one (because I'd have to touch it in some way), but I'm not sure that qualifies.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Zombies....... a movie or a commercial with a zombie in it will give me nightmares for days.

    Clowns...creapy effers...
  • zoober
    zoober Posts: 226 Member
    Anything alive that lands on me, especially on or around my face, but anywhere that I can feel it. Stay the eff OFF OF ME. Also, I get really agitated if someone starts to talk before I'm finished speaking. And smug idiots, people who are completely off of the plane of reality the rest of us live on, but are so completely sure that they have all the answers, so they sort of smirk at you. Ok, that's enough. Except for the people who talk religion or politics in a bar. You know who you are, and you make a compelling case for justifiable homicide. All right, NOW I'm through. 8-)
  • superpapa16
    superpapa16 Posts: 244 Member
    Any animal (minus domesticated pets) that gets into my home. Birds, squirels, mice, bats. Whatever. I'll run and scream like a 12 year old girl meeting Justin Beiber.

    In an old apartment we had a mouse and my wife was trying to capture it while I was standing on the couch screaming. Not my proudest moment.