Is Christmas going to be a free day for you?

Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
Just wondering who is taking christmas off calorie wise.

It's not such a big deal in my case seeing as I'm eating a surplus at present anyway, but I'm going to eat some JUNK. Gravy, cake and chocolate come at me! Plus a few beers, maybe some champagne.

Will you log your calories?
I will. Mostly out of curiosity. What about working out?
Is there anything in particular you're looking forward to chowing down on?


  • DropOfSweat
    Most likely... but it will probably just be for dinner. The rest of the day will be spent with kids and their presents.
  • Mac_X
    Mac_X Posts: 110 Member
    For my family, the big eats come on Christmas Eve...we're from the South (Alabama, United States) and about 40 family members all bringing their favorite recipes to a table...yeah, I will go over, I wont feel bad about it. Sure, half of it will be fried...

    On Christmas Day I will probably eat light and recover, and count the calories I burn from chasing my 1 year old all over the house while he plays with his new stuff.
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    I'm going to wake up, run 10k and then eat what I like all day. Should minimise the damage and it is only 1 day after all!
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I usually stick to the meats (chicken, turkey, beef, whatever the fam makes) and the veggie trays. Maybe some taters if someone makes them.... I like to save my cals for the inevitable night of drinking and late night fast food that ensues when my cousins are home from Vegas :bigsmile:
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I will be skipping the log for Christmas Eve (Feast of the 7 Fishes) and Christmas Day (Brunch w/my family then Dinner w/inlaws). No point in torturing myself. It's a holiday... I'm going to let it be a holiday.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I'm dealing with it like I did Thanksgiving-pre-logging and will enjoy myself. I know more about serving sizes now than I did when I joined so I'll be mindful of that as well. If I want to eat it, I will. If I end up going over, well, it's one day and I'll get right back on the horse called being under/at my goal the next day. I'm also planning a nice long run on Christmas Eve when I get out of work so it'll all work out.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I usually stick to the meats (chicken, turkey, beef, whatever the fam makes) and the veggie trays. Maybe some taters if someone makes them.... I like to save my cals for the inevitable night of drinking and late night fast food that ensues when my cousins are home from Vegas :bigsmile:

    (Maybe I'll throw in leg day on Christmas morning after present time. That should hold me over for a couple days til I get back into the routine.)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    no, thanksgiving wasn't a free day either.
  • hdjjones
    hdjjones Posts: 130 Member
    Yes I will log my calories and I probably won't go over.
  • mell6355
    mell6355 Posts: 171 Member
    I will also have a harder time on Christmas Eve than on Christmas. But I know how to eat less and add more veggies to my plate now, so regardless of my count for the day it will be WAY better than any Christmas I have had in the past. I think my kicker will be skipping some of my favorate craft beers and drinking some white wine or wedding beer instead.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I am not going to hold back.

    Here's my strategy:
    1) 16 hour fast
    2) weights session towards end of fast
    3) eat until sick
    4) 16 hour fast into Boxing Day
    5) overall eat normally/maintenance but "clean" from 20th December for 14 days.

    It will be during my two week diet break, though, so aiming for 2300 calories a day, logging everything. Will continue with IFing and my usual training schedule, though. Seems like a fantastic time to build some more muscle and make use of the fuel.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    I'm going to wake up, run 10k and then eat what I like all day. Should minimise the damage and it is only 1 day after all!

    Haha, same here! Me and my hubby will be in hotels while visiting family so I'm hoping they at least have a treadmill somewhere. On Thanksgiving I woke up early to do 5 miles, on Christmas I'll try to do 6. That way I can even out all the cookies.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    I've worked too long an hard losing it to invite it all back on again.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Two Words, HELL YES!! Lol, We've been sick so we missed Thanksgiving, we missed the Christmas Party, we've missed everything. So when Christmas gets here, I'm totally making up for lost awesomeness.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Not a cheat day, a continue to log and lose/maintain day. If I eat a gazillions calories, I'll just average it out over the week so that I meet my TDEE.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    We do a dinner xmas eve with my family and a brunch xmas day with the boyfriend's family so they will be two cheat meals. I will be working out both days though, and told my boyfriend not to put any candy/chocolate in my stocking pretty please! :)
  • kipkerd
    I have only been using this tool since the end of November. I do not deprive myself of any foods but I have noticed that I make better choices and smaller amount. I log my food and exercise every day regardless. If I did not I would feel like I am trying to hide something. I have lost 5.6 lbs since I have started and I feel better and have more energy than I have had in a long time. I hope this will help or inspire you to keep it up. I do have a question anybody have a good substitution for liquid coffe creamer? I did not realize how much calories I have been drinking in my coffee.
  • StarTrekkinDelta
    StarTrekkinDelta Posts: 30 Member
    Nahh, I have actually started eating really well during the Holidays.

    What I do is take just a little bit of everything. I mean, I don't need LARGE amounts of food to get the taste and enjoy it, too. I also drink a whole waterbottle before eating and drink one while I am eating. I also eat at a nice slow pace, allowing me to feel full faster.
    All this helps me not to gain an insane amount of weight over the Holidays. Plus, there are always leftovers. (:

    That's just me, though. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and Good Luck!!!(:
  • bitterbrownie
    er, yeah
  • erinlibke
    erinlibke Posts: 144 Member
    I'm going to be in a whole heck of trouble. We are going back to England to visit my husbands family and have already decided on all the naughty food we have been missing. Kebabs, Crispy Duck pancakes from our favourite Chinese, Indian, and a special trip back to Wimbledon to our favourite Italian restaurant where I will most likely indulge in their amazing spaghetti carbonara, bread, olives and probably bannoffee pie! Yep, not the smartest choices I could make but I don't care!!! I haven't been in a year and a half since we moved and I'm going to enjoy it all!!!!