somewhat discouraged



  • runny111
    runny111 Posts: 58 Member
    I am vegetarian and I think cutting out meat without an adequate back up plan is a bad idea.
    I had 23g of protein at breakfast alone.
  • runny111
    runny111 Posts: 58 Member
    I also recommend Bob Harper's skinny rules, done with MFP. And weights.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Type A blood so avoiding red meat and poultry?

    What on earth? Who the hell told you this rubbish? Beatings should be in swift order...

    Anemic too? Really? While avoiding red meats? You don't say?

    Red meat = best source for iron.

    Iron supplements do not get absorbed nearly as well as from food sources sadly. More than half the supplement simply gets wasted.

    So yeah... eat meat. Animals are delicious. Sad but true. Just don't eat your pets. Cuz favoritism rules in the animal kingdom. Cuteness = alive. Smelly+ugly = dinner. DO NOT apply this formula to humans... please...

    Anyone telling you not to eat red meat, especially if you're anemic, is not doing you a favor. Just another fad that will go the way of all fads, but probably do more harm than some of the others. Excluding a particular food completely or adding one to the virtual exclusion of all others in order to lose weight NEVER works. It's not sustainable. You will lose weight, maybe even a lot, but you'll gain every ounce back and possibly more. I will never understand this. The formula to successful weight loss is summed up in 4 words.... Eat Less. Move More. Eat a balance diet including all of the food groups. Burn more calories than you eat through exercise. Works every time. Now go have a steak.
  • I am new to this site but have been battling with my weight forever!

    I find I reach platos when I am stressed emotionally, even if my excersize and diet don't change.

    Do you change what type of excersize you do? Maybe you just need to mix it up.

    Also, I don't know where you live, but I always get unmotivated in the winter or if the weather is really nasty, as I do much of my excersize outside. I dislike tanning just for looks, but I have found over the years if I go for one or a couple sessions in the tanning bed, the artifical sun really helps lift my mood...but its bad for your skin. Note: I live in NE Ohio where the clouds linger.

    IDK hope that helps.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Type A blood so avoiding red meat and poultry?

    What on earth? Who the hell told you this rubbish? Beatings should be in swift order...

    Anemic too? Really? While avoiding red meats? You don't say?

    Red meat = best source for iron.

    Iron supplements do not get absorbed nearly as well as from food sources sadly. More than half the supplement simply gets wasted.

    So yeah... eat meat. Animals are delicious. Sad but true. Just don't eat your pets. Cuz favoritism rules in the animal kingdom. Cuteness = alive. Smelly+ugly = dinner. DO NOT apply this formula to humans... please...

    Anyone telling you not to eat red meat, especially if you're anemic, is not doing you a favor. Just another fad that will go the way of all fads, but probably do more harm than some of the others. Excluding a particular food completely or adding one to the virtual exclusion of all others in order to lose weight NEVER works. It's not sustainable. You will lose weight, maybe even a lot, but you'll gain every ounce back and possibly more. I will never understand this. The formula to successful weight loss is summed up in 4 words.... Eat Less. Move More. Eat a balance diet including all of the food groups. Burn more calories than you eat through exercise. Works every time. Now go have a steak.

    And if I may add to my post... I am also Type A and just had 3 ounces of ground beef wrapped in a hamburger bun for lunch. I feel great! AND... if animals weren't meant to be eaten they wouldn't be so damn delicious.
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    i meant all meat, except fish. I am A blood type, and that type is discouaged from eating red meat and poultry. I am only trying it out for one month, it will be over at Christmas. i have been eating a lot of beans.
    I am also anemic, i have been for about 10 years. I take iron daily, but sometimes i am just too tired to go to the gym, i could sleep all day.

    First thing I want to mention is iron can be found in vegetables as well. I agree that getting from diet is MUCH easier for the body to absorb. Check out this link:

    It's also known that Vit-C helps the body absorb iron better.

    Other suggestions for you:

    1) I was stuck at same weight for over 30days doing 1200/day, after losing 18#s in 3wks. I did some reading, and found an article that helped me tweak my goals. I increased my daily intake by 100 every other week(any drastic change is not good), until I LOST weight(some temp gain might occur). Yea, go figure, I'm losing about 1#/week now at 1400-1500/day now while mostly sedentary. Back injury slowed me down.

    It's important to understand your BMR and TDEE. If you drastically restrict calories, your metabolism slows way down to accommodate the lower intake. This will also complicate "maintenance" later.

    These links will provide the tools to calculate YOUR numbers.

    2) Success stories on MFP really get me going. Measure yourself, take pictures... work on your future success story.

    3) Get enough sleep. Bad sleeping habits will decrease the happy hormones bigtime. Not to mention it messes with metabolism as well.

    4) Set mini-goals, and reward yourself when you meet them.

    5) Buy something you can ALMOST fit in, and then hang it in plain view. Work to get in it comfortably.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Blood type A-Positive here. I lost 40 pounds via diet and exercise. My diet consisted of a LOT of poultry, lean beef, (relatively) lean pork, and the occasional seafood dish. It was also balanced with a number of various fruits, veggies, and whole grains. My doctor also tells me that I'm the healthiest patient he sees.

    In other words: eat more meat! And a balanced diet, of course.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    i meant all meat, except fish. I am A blood type, and that type is discouaged from eating red meat and poultry. I am only trying it out for one month, it will be over at Christmas. i have been eating a lot of beans.
    I am also anemic, i have been for about 10 years. I take iron daily, but sometimes i am just too tired to go to the gym, i could sleep all day.

    Since when was Type A discouraged from eating red meat and poultry... no doctor has ever told me that. Actually I need to eat rich iron protein sources from time to time or my red blood cell counts get screwy. That's the occasional organ meat (liver), generally from poultry, on top of supplements.
  • FluttershySweetie
    FluttershySweetie Posts: 216 Member
    I look at how much work I have done... take out old clothes... find a tape measure and measure out how much you lost... carry around the same amt of weight you lost... usually just that is motivation enough. If your like me I need breaks. I will do a 1lb loss/ week for about 6 months or so... then maintain for a couple months... then go back to loss... it has worked really well for me but its not for everyone...
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    Why are you cutting out meat and fish? If you would like to reduce, then cut back on carbs not protein.

    I agree.... that' is all the good stuff. stop eating oatmeal, bread, potatoes, rice, etc. anythign that spikes up your blood sugar. look up high glycemic foods & see how many of those are on your list of foods you eat. Fat in food is not bad!
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    It's also known that Vit-C helps the body absorb iron better.

    truth, especially for non heme iron sources from vegetables.

    There is nothing wrong with being vegetarian btw. But it would be better to not claim junk science for what is actually an ethical decision. I can respect it on ethical grounds even if this is not my personal choice.
  • sujenwujen
    sujenwujen Posts: 43 Member
    If you're anemic, I'm not sure why you've given up red meat. That seems counterintuitive.

    Everyone plateaus. I've hit one myself. But I've also had bronchitis, which stopped me going to the gym, and Thanksgiving, and now holiday parties, yada yada. I've given myself somewhat of a holiday reprieve. Now, I'm not saying I'm being lazy & eating everything in the house! But I have decided that my goal for the holidays may be to just maintain, and I've decided I'm not going to beat myself up about slip-ups.

    Because of my success, I KNOW that I can do this. I KNOW that I will reach my goal. I KNOW that I need to be careful during this season. But I'm NOT going to beat myself up & be negative.

    It may be time to change things up with your exercise routine, though. Give it a try!
  • ivonya
    ivonya Posts: 2 Member
    I've eaten a more blood type specific diet, and I was vegan on and off for 6 years, and I'm also an A type. Since adding fish and poultry back into my diet I've felt so much better/stronger.
  • LinkousSara
    LinkousSara Posts: 29 Member

    After reading all your comments, I did have a little beef with dinner :)
    I also think that I may try out a new class at the gym.
    I also went to the tanning bed.... i think tan fat looks better that white fat! and it makes be feel better.
  • LinkousSara
    LinkousSara Posts: 29 Member
    thanks so much! i also have a crazy sleep schedule and i am sure that does not help. I have to be up at 4am for work.
  • jaceface87
    jaceface87 Posts: 35 Member
    I am not going to get into why cutting out meat is a bad bad BAD idea, but it certainly is. Especially, since you are probably overdosing on carbs. Watch your carb intake (not more than 100g/day) and strive to get them from fruits and veggies and not complex carb rich foods like grains (yes, this includes whole wheat) Grains and legumes can have VERY high caloric values (most more than meat) You can cut your calories, but if your body is not getting the nutrition it needs from poor food choices, your fat will not budge, even if eating 1000 cals/day. Also, not getting enough protein and getting too many carbs can cause insulin resistance, which is a very bad thing for weight loss as well as total body health. You're hormones and nutrition play just as much of a role in your successful fat loss (if not more) as calorie counting and going to the gym. On a side note: plateaus are extremely common and not necessarily a bad thing. Your body has to adapt to your new eating habits and lifestyle. It knows what is best for it and might just need some time to "reboot" Changing your body composition is hard work! I really hope this helps! and hang in there! If diet and exercise were easy, everyone would look good! You just gotta figure out how important your health and self-esteem are to you. :) Best of luck!
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    If you are at a plateau you may want to calculate out your new BMR/TDEE numbers and adjust your caloric intake to get going again. I had to do the same thing at 40 pounds lost. Now I've hit another plateau at 50 pounds lost. You have to recalculate every 10 pounds or so.

    Use the one on the right if you know your body fat %
  • But for the past 2 months, i have been at a standstill.

    I had the same thing happen to me. The only thing that helped me was to reduce my carbs significantly and increase my protein intake. To determine how many grams of protein you need, take your body weight and multiply it by .4. This will give you an idea of about how many protein grams you should be eating.

    I am not saying this will work for you. Good luck :)
  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
    Type A blood so avoiding red meat and poultry?

    What on earth? Who the hell told you this rubbish? Beatings should be in swift order...

    Anemic too? Really? While avoiding red meats? You don't say?

    Red meat = best source for iron.

    Iron supplements do not get absorbed nearly as well as from food sources sadly. More than half the supplement simply gets wasted.

    So yeah... eat meat. Animals are delicious. Sad but true. Just don't eat your pets. Cuz favoritism rules in the animal kingdom. Cuteness = alive. Smelly+ugly = dinner. DO NOT apply this formula to humans... please...

    HAHAHAHA! Love this.
  • I maintain the weight, give it a week or two then pick up again.
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