Is Christmas going to be a free day for you?



  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    Yep, it sure will be. I did this on Thanksgiving as well and lost weight that week.
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    Christmas week will be spent at Great Wolf Lodge for, I tend to not focus too hard on calories
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Christmas day, no. I'll most likely be logging. But my hubby's bday (23rd) we're having our big dinner with extended family so I probably won't log my meals. I'd rather focus on enjoying my family time rather than worrying about calories. But I will try to get a decent burn in that morning.
  • jenniferrow
    Food doesn't give me the same thrill that it did when I was at my heaviest, so I don't look forward to it like I used to. I will eat a modest portion, savor, and enjoy. I will log, and not go over. I will slip away for an hour and go for a run. I will set a healthy example for my loved ones.
  • Kathy_TheVampireSlayer
    i am taking off, but logging just to see the damage. lol
  • MonsterToBe
    MonsterToBe Posts: 244 Member
    I'm diabetic, so handling holidays is tricky. I've worked out a pretty solid approach, though. I log everything and test my levels before and one hour after eating, and I consider it a free day as far as calories are concerned but keep it to no more than 45g of carbs in a sitting. My goal is to allow myself a day of indulgence without letting my blood sugar ever approach the levels where it starts doing damage to my body. So I'll be eating things I love all day long in small amounts -- dark chocolate covered cherries, regular ice cream, dark chocolate with orange filling, orange juice, croissants, pie, etc. -- that don't spike my blood sugar too high, and when the big dinner rolls around it'll be much easier to resist piling some of everything good onto my plate and make good choices for that meal, because I've been enjoying my treats all day instead of packing everything into one meal. I tried this strategy out at Thanksgiving, and it worked wonderfully. :o)
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,276 Member
    I don't take free days but I take maintenance days. If I do not plan to make my calorie goal I make sure I am within maintenance calories instead. If not for the day for the week. I find it isn't the holiday day that is the problem but the days after. Seems like there are all these sweets leftover that are hard for me to resist. What I generally do is try to stay on maintenance calories during the holidays. My husband's birthday and our anniversary are in December. This year though I am working some seasonal jobs and am finally losing again because of the increased activity level so I am going to keep trying to lose and on the celebratory days keep to maintenance calories. No not really a free day. After we lose we need to maintain so it is great practice. Plus when you maintain and exercise you lose inches. So you make progress. I think decreasing bodyfat percentage is more important than losing just weight. I definitely believe in celebrating and having breaks from deficit calories. It is healthy. However I log daily even when I can't get online I log by hand and enter later. We have an annual family camping trip that resets my days logged every year. I am going to try to do better limiting temptations around the house this year.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'm going to log it...I'll be over, but it's just one day out of 365. I'm a big picture guy, so I don't really worry about it. I've actually pre-logged everything already and will make adjustments as necessary...I'm actually just a bit over maintenance so long as I stick to the serving sizes I logged.

    It's also a run day for me, so I'll do 5K after opening presents with the kiddos which should put me right about at goal.
  • SloRunner25
    SloRunner25 Posts: 89 Member
    Not Christmas but the day after Christmas my family and my husband's family are finally meeting for the first time and 2 mothers foods = awesome. Like everyone else, I'm going to eat until I'm full and not go crazy and eat half my weight in sugar/fat/salt. I'm going to have cookies and enjoy them. I'm baking 5 different kinds for Christmas presents next week and plan to eat my portion Dec 26th. :)
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    i will personally fast that day and go all out on dinner xD
  • greenpointmoni
    Nahh, I have actually started eating really well during the Holidays.

    What I do is take just a little bit of everything. I mean, I don't need LARGE amounts of food to get the taste and enjoy it, too. I also drink a whole waterbottle before eating and drink one while I am eating. I also eat at a nice slow pace, allowing me to feel full faster.
    All this helps me not to gain an insane amount of weight over the Holidays. Plus, there are always leftovers. (:

    That's just me, though. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and Good Luck!!!(:
    I'll probably do the very same thing.
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    I'm dying to know how many calories are in a big round of baked brie and brown sugar :heart:
  • roguestates
    Yes, the point of MFP for me is to learn how to eat healthfully and normally, adopting good eating habits for the rest of my life. This means that for all the holidays or social meals to come, you gotta eat in moderation and also enjoy yourself a little bit, while keeping an eye on your health. Deprivation or diet-mode will eventually give way to actual life, if you go back to eating poorly.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    not one to plan an oink fest. I will enjoy what i eat and not stuff my face full of crap just for the sake of a "cheat day" ,--hate that term anyhow.

    my whole thing is being with my family and talking and laughing and having good old fashioned brawls ( it's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt and then it's flippin hilarious) We are more about the stuff that goes on WITH the meal instead of the "meal" itself.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I do love the day afters on the threads though.... boo hooo hooo I gained 2 lbs and don't know why. I feel like crap cuz I ate so much. It will be entertaining once again.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    not a free day but I will enjoy myself..I will log everything and not go over my limit. Plus i will find time for myself so I can workout. I have come too far to be lazy for 1 day!

    ^^^^ thank you ...LOVE this!
  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    With a big hearty, HELL YES!
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    I will be trying to log everything as it is sure to be an interesting blow out!

    I also have a party to attend that is within walking distance (3km) and I will have to walk there, walk home to feed my dogs after a few hours and (maybe) walk back then back home again so will have a 6-12km walk/stagger to do that day. No taxis or public transport and I'll be drinking so no driving. :D
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    Bhahahah girlykate I was just about to write the exact same thing!!


    I am going to eat a little bit less on the days leading up. I also predict boxing day will be a light day due to still feeling full haha

    I will log to the best of my ability, but honestly, I dont care how much I log. I just want to enjoy the day.

    We are starting with crepes and fresh berries in the morning; turkey, ham, prawns and salads at lunch; and chocolate cream pavlova for dinner. Plus all the morning tea nuts, cheeses and biscuits, and then cherries in the afternoon. OH MY GOD.
  • 2012ema2012
    Christmas will definately be a free day for me!! I'm going to eat anything I want and as much of it as I like, then get back on the wagon the day after... :)