Weight Loss and Size...

Anyone else have this issue, I started Nov 2010 at 289 lbs and a 4 - 5X shirt and TIGHT 26 pants, through a lot a hard work I made it down to 212 (this past sunday) I know I still have a ways to go, but it took me losing the first 40 lbs before I even went down "1" size in pants and for anyone else to notice. Over the next 35 lb loss I am at a comfortable size 20 (1X maybe 2X shirts). I am very proud of what I have done, I am hoping in the next 2 years to be around my ultimate goal of 160 and size 12!! Anyone else have to lose a ton of weight before fitting into smaller clothes???


  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    While I started out at a different weight than you it took 25lbs for me to go down a pant size! It depends on how someone is built and carries their weight. Don't give up....you've got this!
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    I definitely know how you feel. How tall are you and what is your build?

    I'm 5'11 and hourglass, "big boned" if you will. It takes literally a 30 pounds loss/gain to notice a difference, even in the way my clothes fit. At 250 lbs I'm wearing a somewhat loose size 18, and at 180 lbs I wore a comfy 14.

    Congratulations on all your success though! You're doing awesome:smile:
  • i went down about 5 pants sizes with 27lb loss then i started lifting and filled out my bum and added a pants size and a few pounds
  • wow, you're doing great!
    And your weight probably just comes off in different places,
    a 5x shirt to a 1x?! holy cow that's amazing! :)
  • I am about 5ft2 and pear shaped...maybe thats is why it takes so much weight loss to notice??
  • I am about 5ft2 and pear shaped...maybe thats is why it takes so much weight loss to notice??

    me too i lost my boobs first
  • anikisa
    anikisa Posts: 39 Member
    I am about 5ft2 and pear shaped...maybe thats is why it takes so much weight loss to notice??

    me too i lost my boobs first

    I am loosing my boobs too! lol how sad T.T
  • heathercicle
    heathercicle Posts: 91 Member
    I am about 5ft2 and pear shaped...maybe thats is why it takes so much weight loss to notice??

    This is exactly me! I am also 5'2" and pear shaped. It took about 35lbs to go from a size 16 to about 15! I swear, it's annoying! I still can't fit into a size 14 jeans but my size 16s are noticeably too big. (My hubs reminds me of it constantly.) :|
  • Mrsfreedom41
    Mrsfreedom41 Posts: 330 Member
    I would rather lose the boobs and be healthier. I don't have big boobs to begin with so have nothing to lose anyhow. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
  • I've gone down two pant sizes and I've lost a bit over 70 pounds. I went down a cup size and probably two shirt sizes (it's hard to tell, since a 2x from a plus sized store seems sooo much bigger than an XL from a department store). I don't know my body that well, but I think I lost most of mine from the top, which is a good thing I think since stomach fat is supposed to be the most unhealthy.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    As an aside... I'm right around 160 lbs and a size 8-10 and others I know are in a 4-6! :) You'll be in a size 12 before you know it!! :bigsmile:
  • mandisu
    mandisu Posts: 57 Member
    Someone once shared this example and it helped me to feel better about losing *ONLY* 1 pants size.

    For this example, consider a healthy weight a paper towel roll and the paper towels around it layers of fat. One someone who is farther from their goal, takes off one layer, or one sheet of paper towel... it barely reduces the width (pant size), but the closer you are to your goal or the smaller you are, taking off one layer might mean 2 or 3 pants sizes.

    Hope this was clear enough. A whole pants size is a big deal! Take pride in that and let it fuel your motivation to the next size down!
  • gluestic14
    gluestic14 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm with those who say it's how you are built. I have no butt so I've gone from about size 12 pants to 6, but I have broad shoulders and my boobs are last to go (some would say it's a blessing but I'd rather have some junk in the trunk!! lol) so my shirt size hasn't really changed at all. Sometimes I can fit into a medium shirt but I've pretty much stayed at a large throughout all the weight loss (I'm 6' tall btw so I also have quite long arms haha)
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this because this has really bummed me out. When I started MFP I was wearing size 14 jeans. They fit well--not too tight. After losing 20lbs I thought for sure I'd be in a 12 but when I went to try jeans on the other day, I discovered they were too tight. I was so bummed out because I really wanted a new pair of jeans that were a size smaller.

    And I haven't lost in the boobs either, which I'd like to do.

    Ah well, maybe when I lose 5 more.
  • voleibolchica9
    voleibolchica9 Posts: 4 Member
    I feel you completely!!! I weigh 226 and wear a size 16-18. I started in January of this year and I've lost 12 inches and only 20 pounds. It took me almost 11 months to lose that. I am heaviest in my lower body. I hate it. I hate my booty, yes, I hate it and for some reason I cannot lose these thunder thighs to save my life. I've lost my upper body but for some reason cannot get these hips and thighs to go down no matter how long I run or walk. Any suggestions? I will just keep at it. The scale seems stuck though.
  • voleibolchica9
    voleibolchica9 Posts: 4 Member
    So what did you do to lose your thighs and hips....for some reason, mine will not deflate!
  • peacemongernc
    peacemongernc Posts: 253 Member
    It seems to me as if the difference betweeen sizes is very inconsistent. But after reading this, I'm wondering if it more an issue of where the weight is coming off at any given time. I'm not exactly sure how much weight there was between sizes... I started out at a 26 when I was around 300 pounds, and now I'm in a 14/16/18 at 217. Actually, that isn't exactly right... I have 14s and I have 18s...all the 16s I've tried are too small... go figure! LOL!

    But it seemed as if the size 20s were falling to the ground from bagginess before I finally got into a size 18. It seemed as if the the difference between 18 and 20 was at least 2 sizes! Then as soon as I hit the 18s, it was no time before I was finding 14s that fit, and sqeezing into 16s (but as I said, they still don't seem to fit just right... I'm sure it has something to do with the brands I'm trying).

    I believe the taller you are, the quicker you go through size changes. I'm 5' 7". My sister is about 5' 10" and she can drop a size losing about 10 to 12 pounds. I'm sure I lose at least 20 between sizes, and about 35 or 40 between the 20 and 18s.
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
    Ive lost 41lbs and its taking forever for me to tell in sizes, i was a 26 now i can wear some 16 to 18!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Totally get what you are saying. I started at 276 pounds and a size 22/24. Took about 35 pounds to go down to a size 20, then another 20 pounds to get down to an 18, and about 50 more pounds to get down to the size 12 that I am now at 170 pounds, and I can ALMOST fit a 10....so, 15-20 pounds per size for me. I am 5'1", hourglass, with a ginormous booty, though, so maybe that's why...lol. I've gone from 2XL men's shirts to M men's shirts/XL ladies fit shirts (never fit into ladies fit shirts EVER before), cause of my boobs....grr.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I'm 5'11 and hourglass, "big boned" if you will. It takes literally a 30 pounds loss/gain to notice a difference, even in the way my clothes fit. At 250 lbs I'm wearing a somewhat loose size 18, and at 180 lbs I wore a comfy 14.

    Nobody is big boned. But congrats on the loss anyway. Just please don't ever say 'big boned' again.... nobody is.