Shaun T Insanity 60 day Workout



  • MsSmitty77
    I have done the Insanity program 3 times now! Feel free to add me or ask any questions you may have.
  • smileyyogini
    I started yesterday. Did my first Fit Test and today I did Plyo Cardio. OMG. This is going to be interesting. LOL Add me if you are starting too. :)
  • kazmurphblin
    kazmurphblin Posts: 114 Member
    How did you get on with that? x
  • improvninja
    improvninja Posts: 19 Member
    I have started the Insanity training a few times now and can't seem to get past day three. Maybe I am further behind that I thought. Or maybe I am out of least the one I am striving for. Looking for some friends here on myfitnesspal to help encourage and give tips or suggestions about this program as I am looking to start it up on Monday again. Any help is great. Thank you!
  • smokinjackd
    Im on day 19 and finding my stamina is increasing rapidly. Surprisingly my weight hasn't dropped an ounce, in fact I may have gained. what i have noticed though is my muscularity is becoming much more dense. My goal is to hit 200 but if my body has a set point higher and it just ends up being heavier with muscle I guess Im ok with that too.

    One thing to consider though with this workout, do you look like the people on the video? No?? Then why should you be able to do the same amount and intensity of workout that they are capable of. My first week I was barely able to do 50% of the workout, now I would say I am up to 65%. I just keep plugging away with what I can do until the end of the workout. And a heart rate monitor is very important if you are not in top shape, this workout shoots your heart rate to max very quickly.
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    I am on insanity week 2 day 4
    the hardest part is getting started
    add me!!!
  • emfischer90
    emfischer90 Posts: 42 Member
    so with a trainer and eating clean I managed to loose 35 pounds...fell off board gained 10 back but I would like to loose them again by January. Started insanity today...lets support each other..we can do this
  • cholderer
    cholderer Posts: 45 Member
    I just started. I'm on day 3 today and I hope I can keep going. Do you guys follow the insanity nutrition guide exactly? I'm trying to do the whole 5 meals thing of 300ish calories each but it's hard for me to do meals like his because I'm in college and don't have access to the same cooking supplies/I'm eating at a dining hall. Is it ok for me to be eating the small meals but with just healthy food, not the preplanned meals? I try to eat protein, whole grain carbs and vegetables so it shouldn't be a problem right?
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    I'm also doing Insanity. I'm on my 1st week of doing it at work with my co-workers. I did 1 wk before to try it out but now I'm actually sticking to it.

    There is a group for Insanity that I belong to. Check it out!
  • Pnknlvr96
    Pnknlvr96 Posts: 104 Member
    One thing to consider though with this workout, do you look like the people on the video? No?? Then why should you be able to do the same amount and intensity of workout that they are capable of. My first week I was barely able to do 50% of the workout, now I would say I am up to 65%. I just keep plugging away with what I can do until the end of the workout. And a heart rate monitor is very important if you are not in top shape, this workout shoots your heart rate to max very quickly.

    ^^^^This, this, this. Very well said. I can't keep up either so I just pace myself and do the best that I can do. If you give 100% of what YOU can do, you've succeeded.
  • superpapa16
    superpapa16 Posts: 244 Member
    I've done one whole round. Started running during the summer, but I'm going to go back to Insanity (I think...) for the winter.

    Feel free to add me...
  • superpapa16
    superpapa16 Posts: 244 Member
    I just started. I'm on day 3 today and I hope I can keep going. Do you guys follow the insanity nutrition guide exactly? I'm trying to do the whole 5 meals thing of 300ish calories each but it's hard for me to do meals like his because I'm in college and don't have access to the same cooking supplies/I'm eating at a dining hall. Is it ok for me to be eating the small meals but with just healthy food, not the preplanned meals? I try to eat protein, whole grain carbs and vegetables so it shouldn't be a problem right?

    I didn't follow their nutritional guide at all. I used a couple of the recipes in it, but overall no. As long as your at a deficit and you're hitting your macros you should see a steady drop.
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member

    I'm on day 44 . I went from the couch to Insanity .
    The hardest part of it is, staying true to your self and staying committed and having discipline .

    When I think back to the first day that I started ,I was so out of shape , out of breath , but one thing that I knew is that I had to get up everyday and Push Play for ME !
    Shaun T will get you in shape , You just have to show up every single day .
    When you feel like giving up , Think of your wedding Dress , And find the will power to give it all you got !
  • nickynat1979
    nickynat1979 Posts: 1 Member
    I've started the Insanity work 2 weeks ago...feel free to add me as a friend so we can motivate each other and reach our weight goals together!!!
  • scorepiyo
    scorepiyo Posts: 73 Member
    I am on day 5 of week 1 Insanity, anyone feel free to add me.....ShaunT is an evil genius!!
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    I never did insanity, but I'm doing hip hop abs right now! shaun t is so much fun!
  • Dianalovescats
  • jwiley78
    jwiley78 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm starting the recovery week Monday. Add me if you would like. The first month has been very challenging but I have really enjoyed it so far.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I'm in week 2 of Insanity.. add me if you'd like :)
  • madhulostlbs
    madhulostlbs Posts: 2 Member
    I am day 37 of Insanity. Feel great so far. Please feel free to add me as a buddy. I use MFP to track my foods as well as HRM to track calorie burn. I like to loose weight and get in shape.