


  • Hertford86
    Hertford86 Posts: 55 Member
    I know it sounds daft - and I started it as a sort of panic reaction when I had cancer (I'm fine now) but discovered that when I had green juice for breakfast and lunch I had tons of energy, never felt hungry . . . so now I do it regularly. No squirting, no problems, no nothing. Don't knock it till you've tried it, people.
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    I wouldn't recommend a juicer at all..but rather a great blender.. bar tender type. Juicing removes a lot of the pulp, which is full of nutrients and fiber. There are some great blender veggie/nut/protein power/fruit drinks that are full of nutrition, protein, good carbs (your body needs those to function properly) that will burn fat, give you energy, suffice as one meal and one only a day or a snack.

    All this from my nutritionalist and MD and a lot of research. You can keep the unecessary carbs down by choosing the right fruit and using fat burning raw veggies, egg whites, etc.

    It works great and far better than juicing. Did juicing for 10 years. Started serious loss last spring when I ditched the juicer for a great blender. Have lost inches and feel awesome! I do it 4 to 5 days a week as a meal and am completely full. Skins on as well.

    Good luck!
  • annus123
    pls stay safe
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    I can't wait to start juicing!
  • joeamendiola
    beets are suppose to be real good for you and apples make everything sweeter.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I can't wait to start juicing!

    Good job ditching all the good advice and cherry picking what you wanted to hear
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    I didn't "cherry pick" I read everyone's comments and I think juicing a few times a week is a good idea and I am excited to do that. I am sorry if you disagree with my opinion on wanting to juice, but you don't need to respond to the post.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I can't wait to start juicing!

    Good job ditching all the good advice and cherry picking what you wanted to hear

    ^Good job not comprehending and adding sarcastic remarks which clearly makes your self look like an (_0_).. hole

    Reading is hard......
    I don' want to just juice and not eat anything else or try to get a "quick fix" I am just very curious in juicing and thought it would be a good way to get a lot more vegetables in my diet.
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    I juice veggies 4-6 times a week. Would do more but it is a lot of prep and cleaning and isn't at all filling. I do find it gives a great energy burst and helps get more veggies into my diet. Highly recommend spinach carrot and apple as core as well as fennel and cucumber and parsley for flavor. The high quality blender also sounds like a good idea.

    Eta that I do mine in conjunction with regular meals, not as a replacement. So I satisfying in the hunger department :(
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Juicing is NOT getting more vegetables into your diet, it's getting more refined vegetable extracts into your diet. Juice does not count as more than one serving a day for good reason, a ton of nutrients are lost in the skin and pulp, you concentrate the pro inflammatory sugars, there is no work for the digestion to do to extract those sugars and if it keeps you regular that is because you are basically taking a natural laxative!

    By all means have smoothies, you then get all the beneficial components of the fruit or vegetable. Dietetic/ nutrition science simply does not support juicing, for a start many of the beneficial nutrients are tied up in molecules and cell bodies that will not be broken down fully in juicing, for example chlorophyll (green pigment) is rich in magnesium.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I enjoy the occasional smoothie, which gives me the benefit of everything I throw in the blender. Juicing just seems to be the equivalent of making a smoothie and straining out just the clear liquid from that, so I don't get the point.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I recently just watched a documentary called Change for hunger and it introduced juicing to me, I have a lot of questions about juicing, (Yes, I have searched the forums before posting this) I heard that when your juicing you are not suppose to eat anything else? Also, how would you log the juicing into the myfitnesspal program? Lastly, does anyone have any good recipes they use for their juices.

    When a person is starving (not starvation mode, but actually starving), the body's defense against the pain of it is to produce a euphoric sensation, much like the one people who juice fast experience.

    Think about that.
  • VictoriaWorksOut
    VictoriaWorksOut Posts: 195 Member
    Alexandria, I have been juicing for many years and have done juice only diet for 5 days.
    If to go on juice only diet for any period of time you really need to research it in advance. It is a very drastic change for your body. The absolutely best you can do is to incorporate fresh juice in your regular diet, preferably drinking it on empty stomach. You will get your enzymes, minerals and vitamins while still eating your regular healthy food. You can replace dinner with fresh juice and that will be an awesome option.

    There are many recipes of juices for different things- dehydration, skin, tiredness, stress...etc.
    For example, when you are sick and need hydration make celery, lemon and cucumber juice - celery is packed with electrolytes, lemon is vitamin C, cucumber is just plain awesome! it contain plant lignans which bind with bacteria in the digestive tract and convert them to enterolignans for both pro and anti-estrogenic effects, they are also are cancer fighting, and Cucumbers also contain silica, a trace mineral which contributes to strengthening connective tissues. This results in stronger hair and nails.

    I think that benefits of juice fast for those who are sick,and overweight definitely outweighs the stress juice fast puts on body, because that seem to be only way those people are able to get back to health period. If you watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead movie on www.jointherebboot.com you will see what I am talking about. I rather be doing juice fast and getting back to health then be taking bunch of pills and dying slowly from illnesses AND pills.

    Invest in slow RPM juicer, because it does not strip enzymes by heat that fast speed juicers generate. Enzymes is your living force. Look at discountjuicers.com, they have awesome library of comparisons and all the pros and cons for all juicers. Omega J8006 is the best for the money. I just got me a new juicer after 10 years of juicing and I got Green Star Elite. Made juice this morning. :drinker:

    - Drink fresh juice, because minerals and enzymes are lost as juice oxidizes.

    - Eat your fruit and juice your veggies (add apple and lemon in veggie juices for taste).

    - Buy organic, or peel what is not organic.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    since I'm not sure bacon can be juiced, I believe I will avoid this eating plan.

    Ditto, Does anyone have a steak and bacon juice recipe? That I would be interested in.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I love fresh squeezed juice, but I don't think it is healthy to just have the juice. I do tend to add in things that I wouldn't normally get in my normal daily intake like beets, celery, things I don't like the taste of as much.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I am getting a juicer for christmas to add some veggie juice to my daily food ration (notice, I did not say diet... so back off haters). Just wondering how you account for the calories once you remove the fibre etc...?
  • SwoleSista
    Invest in slow RPM juicer, because it does not strip enzymes by heat that fast speed juicers generate. Enzymes is your living force. Look at discountjuicers.com, they have awesome library of comparisons and all the pros and cons for all juicers. Omega J8006 is the best for the money. I just got me a new juicer after 10 years of juicing and I got Green Star Elite. Made juice this morning. :drinker:

    - Drink fresh juice, because minerals and enzymes are lost as juice oxidizes.

    - Eat your fruit and juice your veggies (add apple and lemon in veggie juices for taste).

    - Buy organic, or peel what is not organic.

    Thank you very much for your advice. I watched the same "Hungry for Change" documentary (www.hungryforchange.tv) as the asker, and I had the same questions. I was researching juicers and became overwhelmed with options. I appreciate you suggesting the slow RPM juicer!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am getting a juicer for christmas to add some veggie juice to my daily food ration (notice, I did not say diet... so back off haters). Just wondering how you account for the calories once you remove the fibre etc...?

    XYZ (insert name of fruit or vegetable) juice should be in the tracker.
  • Will606
    I recently just watched a documentary called Change for hunger and it introduced juicing to me, I have a lot of questions about juicing, (Yes, I have searched the forums before posting this) I heard that when your juicing you are not suppose to eat anything else? Also, how would you log the juicing into the myfitnesspal program? Lastly, does anyone have any good recipes they use for their juices.


    When I first saw the title "Juicing", this is the first thing that came into my head.
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    The documentary I also watched was called Hungry for change, sorry got the title wrong =P I think juicing will do good, as long as I still eat veggies and fruits whole and keep eating healthy too.