Can't eat just one...



  • JJRunning
    JJRunning Posts: 146
    Any type of chocolate! I try to avoid it all together because I know better than trying to say "I'll have one piece"... I don't have that much self control :laugh:
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Cucumbers... and grapes! I love those things!

    Lucky you having an addiction to super healthy things punk :tongue:

    Yeah it pisses my wife off that I dont like candy, cookies, etc. lol But I dont. My vice was always bread and it made me swell because of the glutten.
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    Twizzlers and Almonds....
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    You're going to laugh at me. Grapefruit flavored tic-tacs. They might be 5 calories a piece, but when you eat the whole container, it's not good for you.. lol
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Chips and Salsa/Dip....
  • katie192
    katie192 Posts: 18 Member
    How about a drink

    I can never seem to have only one beer

    Completely agree. I always want more! try to stop at 3-4 pints but that still 600-800 calories!!! over half my days allowance
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Thin Mints

    Gooey chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven

    Scoops of garlicky hummus made with good olive oil

    Made me think of all the sleeves of Do-si-dos I've wolfed down. Yummo.... Keep that Girl Scout away from me!!
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Doritos :bigsmile:
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Kiddie ice cream at TCBY. My best friend works there, and she always gives me one while I'm visiting her. Problem is we stand around and chat, and next thing I know I've eaten 3 of them =/

    But seriously, anything chocolate, or baked goods. I really just can't have sweets, as soon as I get a taste, I'm never satisfied lol
  • Phillips28
    Phillips28 Posts: 32 Member
    I just had to laugh when I read you post! I am sitting at work at my desk today and someone brought in animal crackers this week...a HUGE share with everyone. So I can't help myself! I read on the label...16 crackers = 120 calories! I think I have had plenty this whole week! Who knew Animal Crackers were so hard to say no too??? :wink:
  • HelloSunshine
    Doritos :bigsmile:

    mmmm... doritos make me excited to. Good thing there aren't any around right now.
  • HelloSunshine
    I just had to laugh when I read you post! I am sitting at work at my desk today and someone brought in animal crackers this week...a HUGE share with everyone. So I can't help myself! I read on the label...16 crackers = 120 calories! I think I have had plenty this whole week! Who knew Animal Crackers were so hard to say no too??? :wink:

    Right??? Little buggers. And sitting here working on something for work you just keep reaching and grabbing one and the next thing you know... the whole bag is gone.

    I'd be a goner if it wasnt for the 1 portion baggies I made myself and keep in my drawer. :tongue:
  • TheMotherAwesome
    TheMotherAwesome Posts: 174 Member
    Almonds, and beer. Delicious, delicious beer...
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    glasses of wine. Can't have just one.

    Also chocolate chip cookies.

    chocolate chip cookies are the devil..:laugh: ...they're so hard to resist, i'm a clean eater 98% of the time, until my kids put cookies in the oven...I actually go for a run so I can a have few!
  • CAworkout
    CAworkout Posts: 27 Member
    Cheese!!! I have to just not buy it anymore...which is so sad. :-(
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Pizza Flavored Gold Fish Crackers. nom nom nom nom:laugh:
  • CraigFoster
    Pizza.. i always say I'll just have a slice.. or maybe two. Then 4 or 5 slices later.. ugh.
    That and pretzels & potato chips
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I have a very bad sweet tooth, so I usually cant eat one of anything and I love animal crackers, m&m, snickers, gummy bears, cake and the list goes on and on an on

    Funny enough I am not a donut person, if those were the only thing I was around on a daily basis, I could survive.

    So i try very hard not to buy it, and I told my mom not to bring them when coming to look for grandkids, she seems to always get goodies at work and bring them here, I begged her to stop
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Cheese!!! I have to just not buy it anymore...which is so sad. :-(

    I am in the same boat... If I could, cheese would be 100% of my caloric intake!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Oreo Cakesters...they are the devil. I can barely...barely...steer my cart away from them in the opposite direction if I see them on an end cap in Target.


    Gin in the summer

    And Nacho Cheese Doritos

    And pizza