2013 Bride Weight Loss



  • VictoriaWorksOut
    VictoriaWorksOut Posts: 195 Member
    If you are not juicing fresh vegetables I highly recommend you check into it. Especially if you need to loose considerable amount of weight and/or have health issues.
    Here is great website and video to watch, their main movie http://www.jointhereboot.com/ is about several people who got on juice only diet.

    You don't have to go juice only, you can substitute lunch or dinner with fresh juiced juice and have great results over period of time in loosing weight and improving your health drastically.

    If you need to buy a juicer, look for one that is low RPM (under 120) because they do not strip juice from enzymes by generating heat. Juicer is investment you will get return on many-fold, by not being sick and feeling great, staying young longer. But you got to use it :smile: . Omega juicers are great for money and easy to clean and assemble.

    There are tons of videos on youtube comparing juicers, and on juicing.

    Few basic tips that I have learned over years and they work:
    1) eat protein for breakfast, it will keep you feeling full until lunch and beyond.
    2) keep dinner light and eat at least 3 hours before bedtime, if possible.
    3) eat fresh vegetables and fruit every day. Or juice your vegetables and eat fruit to get even more minerals in.
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm getting married in June and want to lose 55 pounds by then. I'm not sure if it's doable, but I hired a personal trainer for a few sessions just to get me started because I'm clueless when it comes to exercise!

    I just found out thyroid condition and they haven't been able to get the dose of medicine right yet. I'm really struggling at the moment and could use the support as well!!!!
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    I would first suggest change the reason for the weight loss from "to look good in my dress or for pictures" to "I want to live a healthy lifestyle & be healthy for myself and my partner."

    Why put in all the hard work just to baloon back up afterwards? Work towards establishing a healthy lifestyle that sticks instead of short term and often times unhealthy methods of weight loss just to squeeze into a dress.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Bought mine too! I bought what fits now and figured it'd be worth it to alter it to my body so it fits like a glove. Only 5 months but a lot can happen in 5 months!! :))

    I'm a bride to be getting married on August 24th 2013. A lot can definitely happen in 5 months! I bought my dress in September and it fit like a glove, I went back to pick it up November 24th and it now has to be taken in a full dress size after losing 20lbs. A little makes a huge difference :)
  • vmarie74
    vmarie74 Posts: 26 Member
    It's not our first rodeo - so we're getting married in Mexico by ourselves on 4/6/13 - but we're doing 'trash the dress' pictures - I'm terrified of the camera - been working my ars off ...but it hasn't gotten the memo yet. I'm frustrated, I want to lose at 'least' 30 lbs by April 1st. I'd love to lose 40. I won't buy my dress until I get closer - I'm getting it online.
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    I would first suggest change the reason for the weight loss from "to look good in my dress or for pictures" to "I want to live a healthy lifestyle & be healthy for myself and my partner."

    Why put in all the hard work just to baloon back up afterwards? Work towards establishing a healthy lifestyle that sticks instead of short term and often times unhealthy methods of weight loss just to squeeze into a dress.

    Fair point! But if the the dress and the pictures motivate me to make the changes I need to so I can live a healthy life, I'm going to take the motivation and run with it!
  • I'm getting married April 20, 2013... looking to lose at least 34 lbs (gotta get back in the 100's) by the wedding. The more the better!

    Feel free to add me. :flowerforyou:

    thats the day after my bday!r
  • lharpul
    lharpul Posts: 14 Member
    My goal is 30lbs gone but my dress fits now (a little loose actually :) ) so that took off a little pressure!!

    My dress fits now too. I figured I can reward myself with getting the dress taken in if necessary. Even though I'm confident I will be smaller and stronger on my wedding day (and actually already since I bought my dress) I didn't want to add any unneeded anxiety and stress about my self image.
  • lharpul
    lharpul Posts: 14 Member
    I would first suggest change the reason for the weight loss from "to look good in my dress or for pictures" to "I want to live a healthy lifestyle & be healthy for myself and my partner."

    Why put in all the hard work just to baloon back up afterwards? Work towards establishing a healthy lifestyle that sticks instead of short term and often times unhealthy methods of weight loss just to squeeze into a dress.

    I don't think anyone's planning on ballooning back up afterwards and this site is geared around lifestyle change, not fad diets. All of us are months away from our wedding too. We have a date to prepare for and serves as good motivation instead of feeling like we have "tomorrow" to start eating healthy and working out.

    I think it's perfectly okay to want to look good in my dress or for pictures.
  • Well said
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    Well, I hope all of you have better luck than the ladies I know in my area. Most of them that lost weight for the wedding, put weight back on once they started their new married life. The ones that were aleady active before hand are still about the same size as when they were married, even my one friend that had a baby. She got back down to her pre-baby size within a few months after birth.

    Trust me, I commend you for working hard, I just hate to see people focus only one the one short term goal instead of making it a lifestyle change/choice.
  • samred293
    samred293 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey my name is Samantha and I am also getting married in May...strange huh...I know right. We just had our daughter in September so I am in need of so extra pounds to be off. Good luck girl:wink:
  • I understand your point 100%. I see girls doing these pills, or weird string cheese diets, or restricting so much that it is just not possible to do that for a lifetime commitment. However, I was smart.. did some research, got into a great, supportive gym and decided to do it all the natural, healthy way!
    For my case, I wasn't always dealing with a weight problem. I was always between 140-145 and fit and healthy. Then, I had a rough year. Our apartment burned down in spring where we lost everything. My aunt died in the fall, then I got laid off from work in December. I was at rock bottom. Before I knew it I gained 25lbs. Life happened and it got the best of me. Now I'm engaged and I am working back to how I was before that a tragic year occured. I wouldn't work this hard to throw it all away just because I get married or have a baby. I will stay fit, healthy, and will be a busy working mother. I have loads of faith, determination, and trust in myself to do whats best for me and my health :)
  • viki_88
    viki_88 Posts: 14 Member
    I am also getting married in August 2013! I'm using my wedding date to motivate me to get back into shape. I've let my good habits slide a bit and I'm not as active as I was even 6 months ago. So wanting to look and feel my best for my wedding day is the little extra kick I needed to get my butt back in shape! (and all my other body parts). :)

    Good luck ladies! May we all look fabulous on our wedding days!
  • Good luck! Sounds like you have great determination! :)
  • 1917Ashley
    1917Ashley Posts: 100 Member
    Congrats Ladies! I am also a bride to be! Not until Fall 2014. but I have a significant amount of weight to lose before I even attempt to go dress shopping!
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    HEY ... i am searching for a life partner and would love to settle down early and get my goal weight and have 30lbs to loose....... i am suffering from PCOS ... and have been gaining weight even after i do exercise and proper diet ... do not know what to do?
  • im getting married october 20th, 2013 and want to losse about 75lbs! add me if u would like!
  • ceciljacobs
    ceciljacobs Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Brides! Happy new year! I getting married in Aug 2013! I also have PCOS which makes it tough. Hoping to lose 10kg to fit into my beautiful dress! Feel free to add me, it's nice to hear from people who are on a similar path! Good luck
  • I am getting married 3 Aug 2013. I am trying to loose 25 lbs and tone by then. Feel free to add me!