How can I force myself to exercise when I hate it???



  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Go volunteer a few hours a week at your local stroke center. Being around those that can't is often enough motivation to appreciate the gift that you can.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I am already at a healthy weight but would like to be more toned and fit, and for me to stay thin, my calories have to be low, which for me is much easier to do than exercise. I just have a block against it. I've tried hypnosis CDs, subliminal CDs... I've been trying to walk a bit in my neighborhood, but all I do is think about other things I could be doing with that time that would be more creative or enjoyable. I really want to LIKE exercise, because liking something is the only way I'll do it. If it were something you could just do a few times and get it over with, I'd be fine, but the idea that you have to do it daily or regularly for the rest of your life is just overwhelming to me. I've always been more of an arty, creative, indoor type, never the outdoorsy, active, sporty type, and I don't know how to suddenly become one of those people who love exercise... I eat very healthy foods, take supplements, don't have any medical problems, but know I have to exercise to be truly healthy and get the body I want. Does anyone know of a specific hypnosis CD, hopefully one I haven't tried or SOMETHING, anything that will motivate me to do it? Or a good way to start that's not too time consuming? Also, I don't feel comfortable working out in front of other people and feel really awkward at a gym, especially LA gyms where everyone is obsessed and has perfect bodies and I feel like some kind of goofy sitcom character just trying to figure out what to do with the equipment or even goofier trying to follow yoga classes. I was one of those kids usually picked last in gym class, but I was really talented and successful at other things so I guess it just stuck in my brain that I'm not a sporty person, live with it... So I don't know if it's just laziness or some real block, but the "just do it" slogan does not work for me... Any suggestions? Thanks.
    Like you, I hated exercise. Hate sweating. I decided it was time to grow up and be an adult - at 50 years old. I still don't love it but I don't like feeling old. Exercise helps. I started with walking. All you need is shoes. Any place out of your front door will work! I got a dog to walk with me. I got a jack russell mix because he is an active dog and I am a dog lover. If I don't feel like walking for myself, I can't punish the dog by not walking him. Only good if you do plan to be motivated no matter what, or else don't try the dog approach!

    In a nutshell, make a decision to grow up. Have your tantrum. It isn't fair. You shouldn't have to exercise (even though most people who what to be healthy do). Whatever. You can't expect to live a long and healthy life without exercise. When you turn 50 or so you will start feeling it or sooner depending on how much over weight you are. You can wait until then if you want or you can start today. It is completely up to you. You can sit in a chair and rot and it will only hurt you. In the end, it won't reall affet the rest of us. We don't really care if you do or don't exercise, but don't want to see you suffer needlessly either. You have to find a way to succeed for your own good health. Excuses are enablers of failure.
  • AliciaHollywood
    AliciaHollywood Posts: 102 Member
    Go volunteer a few hours a week at your local stroke center. Being around those that can't is often enough motivation to appreciate the gift that you can.

    I don't have to. My mother just had a stroke. I visit and help her all the time.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Go volunteer a few hours a week at your local stroke center. Being around those that can't is often enough motivation to appreciate the gift that you can.

    I don't have to. My mother just had a stroke. I visit and help her all the time.

    I am sorry to hear that. Well that's even more reason to need to find a way to motivate yourself because you may be more likely to inherit the possibility of having a stroke. Hope you can find something that motivates you.
  • brittrose33
    I think yoga would be right up your alley! I am very creative, and yoga is the bomb. There are different types of yoga that you can research, some are calm and involve lots of slow stretching - probably what you think of when I refer to 'yoga'. I mix it up with what I call "death yoga", which is more fast paced and burns lots of calories. You will definitely become more fit and 'toned' looking. When you really get into it, yoga is a mindset and a lifestyle that is very beneficial to your mental health. I am not quite at that stage yet. :tongue:
  • 2fat4knees
    2fat4knees Posts: 25 Member
    You are arty and creative and like to exercise alone...what about dance?? Dance videos or dance-type video game??
  • 25poundshed
    Buy some "Craze" either at or some place in your city that sells it.
  • hayalaham
    If you don't like working out for long periods of time just do short 10-20 minute exercises. Both p90x and insanity are weight loss programs that have more of a mini version of the full thing. They're not time consuming at all. Plus, you won't have to go to a gym, you can do them at home.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I also think that you maybe need to sort out your food a little more, I hope you don`t mind but I took a sneak peek at your diary also?

    I understand with the exercise that you can not get into it, but if you are not eating enough then you really won`t have the energy to get into anything.

    Maybe try to add more food to your day and see if it improves your stamina and motivation.

    As far as the hypnosis and psychology goes it used to be my day job for many years and hypnosis only works if you want it to?

    I can give you more info on hypnosis if you pm me?

    But really I think eating is the bigger issue x
  • kristinsteck
    kristinsteck Posts: 4 Member
    to get myself motivated i usually picture google search "reasons to be fit tumblr" and it brings up a ton of fitness motivation pictures! It made me get my lazy butt off the couch!
  • soleilxo
    soleilxo Posts: 202
    you NEVER regret exercising, yet you always can regret not doing it so its about thinking long term :)
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    On days that I'm just not in the mood, I pop in a 15 minute low-impact workout video. 15 minutes is so short a time, there's just no way to hate it. And at the end of 15 minutes, I usually discover that I'm in the 'zone' and I'll pick up some weights and do some more. Or, sometimes, at the end of 15 minutes, I find that I really do feel like I'm done and that's enough. And at least I know that I got that 15 minutes in, because 15 is better than 0. And I ALWAYS reward myself with a nice stretch at the end of any workout. I love stretching so much, that it really is a reward and something to look forward to. So when I'm dragging through a bad workout day, I can tell myself "Only 9 more minutes until stretching time!"

    But...I'm seeing that your calorie intake is so low. You're losing muscle mass and possibly doing damage to your organs. That's not the way to maintain a healthy weight.
  • bhfood
    bhfood Posts: 77
    your title tells me Ive got something in common with you. I have hated it all my life. Since I've been on mfp I have seen, heard, read and done. After 4 mo. I have something that works for me: First, don't look at it as forcing yourself. Just do it. Give yourself a couple weeks to start this habit. I guarantee no matter what level you're at or how little or how much exercise you do. Try everything that you've even remotely been interested in. You'll find the one(s) that you love. I do curves 3-4x a wk and the other days I do walking (either outside or inside w/Leslie Sansone's walking video.)
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    your title tells me Ive got something in common with you. I have hated it all my life. Since I've been on mfp I have seen, heard, read and done. After 4 mo. I have something that works for me: First, don't look at it as forcing yourself. Just do it. Give yourself a couple weeks to start this habit. I guarantee no matter what level you're at or how little or how much exercise you do. Try everything that you've even remotely been interested in. You'll find the one(s) that you love. I do curves 3-4x a wk and the other days I do walking (either outside or inside w/Leslie Sansone's walking video.)

    I use Leslie Sanson's videos too! I have several on DVD. And there are about 15 of them on YouTube. I love that they're low impact but still very intense. And there's such variety in length. That's what I was talking aobut earlier...she has some that are 30, 40, and 45 minutes. But she also has some that are 15 or 20 minutes. Good stuff.
  • AliciaHollywood
    AliciaHollywood Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks everyone. I think I'll try first to increase walking. I already stretch in bed, while watching TV (how lazy is that!) I'm going to try self hypnosis again. Yoga I would like to do, but not in public. Tried that once and I had to take time away from the other students because the teacher had to focus on me because I was the only one who had no idea what I was doing. I make up my own stretching exercises in bed, but that's not real exercise... I have this glider thing that I started to use but my downstairs neighbors kept banging on the ceiling, I guess it makes too much noise. I tried dancing too, also too much noise. Recently I went to the LA Zoo at an off time when it was empty and walked for hours and miles, it was so pretty and fun to stop to look at the animals. It was great to feel in tune with nature. I think I'll try to find somewhere pretty with a lot of nature somewhere close and try to go on longer walks with an mp3 player. That's so far my favorite exercise... I appreciate everyone's suggestions, thanks :)
  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses. I'm thinking I may try self hypnosis again to kickstart things because I do believe I have a psychological block. A lot of people run on the sidewalks around my neighborhood, but the truth is,I don't even remember how to run! I ran across the street so a car wouldn't have to wait for me at a stop sign and I felt like such a dork and nearly tripped! Also I've found most LA people who talk about working out all the time so boring and superficial and self absorbed that I'll try to change the subject to quantum physics or existentialism or something to see if they can keep up lol. To me, listening to people talk about working out is the equivalent of hearing about hair extensions and spray tans... In high school, where I went to school in NYC, we made fun of cheerleaders and football players (our school was too small for either and focused on academics --which is why it didn't bother me too much being chosen last in gym.) I may have a deep seated association of working out with being dumb or an airhead! So I realize I have to change my mindset first. I've actually taken classes in hypnosis and am technically a Certified Hypnotherapist although I don't really practice and work in creative fields for a living. I might just try some personal self hypnosis without CDs and see how it goes... But just thinking this through here, I think I've at least analyzed what the problem is! Of course it could be that I'm just lazy and making all kinds of excuses, but at least I think self hypnosis will help... But I have to want it badly enough first even for that to work! I think I need to fall in love. That would solve everything lol...

    I really admire all of you who have learned to love it. Hopefully one day soon...

    Don't get me started on quantum physics unless you're ready to wave functions and wave particle duality. :D
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    you have to get over something. either get over the awkwardness of working out in front of everyone, or start enjoying the exercises. or you can start to like the results of those exercises.

    The oatmeal and a Battlestar Galactica fan. You win! :)
  • chimpoforevah
    Don't think about it, ponder it, get ready for it.. don't think about it whatsoever, when time comes to do it, just do it, start the motions, do it 'till your done then after you're done, stop thinking about it again completely. Get on with your life, when the "time" comes again, just do it again.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Make yourself go. I hate it, too. But I've been forcing myself for two years now and look and feel better because of it.

    So basically: do it for the benefits it will give you, and not how it will make you feel while you're doing it. No one likes doing laundry, but it's better than being that gross person who wears their underwear more than once.
  • _namaste_