


  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Great Job everyone for Starting 1 of the hardest home workout programs ever put on DVDs. Insanity is the Hardest. Google it. Try is after P90X but keep a bucket near by.

    Anyway, the keys to P90X working is the Nutrition. It's going to be 80% of your visible results. The other 20% is the workouts. If you eat twinkies and workout you'll still look like a twinkie.

    The workouts are only an hour a day...eating is an 12-14 hr a day thing.
    Also, consistency is the other key. Show up everyday and press play. Don't worry if you can't keep up with the people in the videos...if you could you wouldn't need the program.
    The 1st week is the hardest...when you make it thur that the other 12 get easier. 1 day at a time.

    So to sum it up...Eat Clean and Press Play everyday. You can do this.

    I started 2009 at almost 250 lbs. After a year of P90X, Insanity and Rev Abs (all from beachbody.com), I lost over 80 lbs. You can do it too. The weight I've gain back is all muscle. I'm very happy.

    Congratulations on all your success and hard work!!!! What an inspiration!!:drinker:

    Definitely right on the nutrition. I don't expect the results I could get if I was strictly following the diet plan, but I do eat pretty dang well overall (occasional slip for a piece of chocolate or some sunchips, but hey, no one's perfect, and it's not daily:blushing: ) and I've come a LONG way in changing my diet over the last year....I want to do another round of P90X later in the year and my goal is to be able to easily follow the diet plan by that time:happy:
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    KaitieBug: Where did you find your little cartoon icon for your signature? I keep seeing them and i want one!

    Sorry to hijack the thread!
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    KaitieBug: Where did you find your little cartoon icon for your signature? I keep seeing them and i want one!

    Sorry to hijack the thread!

    http://www.freesmileys.org/emoticons-tuzki-bunnys.php :bigsmile: they are so fun!! i was warned to be careful, though, that people have gotten viruses off this website!:frown: Haven't had any problems myself with it but just figured I better pass along the warning just in case it had some truth to it!!
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    KaitieBug: Where did you find your little cartoon icon for your signature? I keep seeing them and i want one!

    Sorry to hijack the thread!

    http://www.freesmileys.org/emoticons-tuzki-bunnys.php :bigsmile: they are so fun!! i was warned to be careful, though, that people have gotten viruses off this website!:frown: Haven't had any problems myself with it but just figured I better pass along the warning just in case it had some truth to it!!

    Thank you!

    Back on topic! Yesterday was day five and it went really well! Back & Arms and Ab Ripper X. With one of the ab exercises I feel it tugging on my c-section area so I avoid that one and do regular crunches instead.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    How is everyone doing? Hanging in there? :flowerforyou:

    My lower back is a bit sore (anyone experience this) - I think from the ab ripper - I have generally strong abs, but haven't done much for my lower back in the past.

    On a side note, anyone notice an increase in libido?! (Is that a TMI?....) Hubby and I are (luckily) doing the program together and have noticed a difference! :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Start Week 5 tomorrow!!! Waiting for the hubby so we can do the body fat check...kinda nervous, not sure I want to know...but we also need to take some pictures to compare to Week 1!!!

    AJCM....yes, yes I have :bigsmile: :blushing: :laugh: Not sure if P90X did it....but yeaaaahhhh :laugh:
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    AJCM: Uhhhh....no....no, I haven't noticed and now I feel ripped off! Curse you P90X!

    Just finished Day 6 of Lean program! KENPO! It was so fun and a tough workout!

    Is it terrible if I allow myself 10 peanut M&M's after a workout? I'm justifying it by saying its protein but I love them soooo much! According to MFP, ten is 103 cal.
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    AJCM: Uhhhh....no....no, I haven't noticed and now I feel ripped off! Curse you P90X!

    Just finished Day 6 of Lean program! KENPO! It was so fun and a tough workout!

    Is it terrible if I allow myself 10 peanut M&M's after a workout? I'm justifying it by saying its protein but I love them soooo much! According to MFP, ten is 103 cal.

    hahahaha!!! kenpo is probably one of my favorites!! great for letting loose aggression after a tough day!! i don't think allowing yourself some m&m's is so bad-of course, Tony Horton would disagree I'm sure, but you're limiting yourself to a decent amount and logging it. Now and then it won't kill you, and it'll help you from going overboard! I keep dove chocolates on hand for when I have a chocolate craving, and one or two do the trick. Helps me keep from going after my hubby's ice cream!!:happy:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Start Week 5 tomorrow!!! Waiting for the hubby so we can do the body fat check...kinda nervous, not sure I want to know...but we also need to take some pictures to compare to Week 1!!!

    AJCM....yes, yes I have :bigsmile: :blushing: :laugh: Not sure if P90X did it....but yeaaaahhhh :laugh:

    I'm telling you - it's the P90X!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    AJCM: Uhhhh....no....no, I haven't noticed and now I feel ripped off! Curse you P90X!

    Just finished Day 6 of Lean program! KENPO! It was so fun and a tough workout!

    Is it terrible if I allow myself 10 peanut M&M's after a workout? I'm justifying it by saying its protein but I love them soooo much! According to MFP, ten is 103 cal.

    When I was first losing the bulk of my weight (almost 2 years ago now - after having a baby) I really indluged in some treats, but withint my calorie limits, and I lost at a steady pace. I use the 90/10 rule - 90% of your eating is clean, and 10% can be treats (within reason, and within the calorie limits). You should be just fine! What about a spoon of PB instead?
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    klouttit I have read that a 4 to 1 (carb to protein) food is good for recovery from a workout. Not sure how peanut m&m stack up but I bet they are close.

    AJCM I noticed the same thing but I am a guy and that's nothing new. Anyhow, my wife went 5 wks thru the program and nothing for her. Maybe a combination of weight loss and feeling great about yourself and what you have accomplished.
  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm starting week 2 and I still love it. I'm working hard and feeling great.

    Although I am on atkins, I am no longer doing induction and eat around 90 carbs per day. I have looked over the nutrition program with p90x and it is very similar to what I am doing. The main carbs I am cutting out are sugar and potatoes. Also, I only eat whole grain breads. I've even added a little pasta once or twice a week. As long as I continue losing about one pound a week I think I'll be doing great. I was eating my sandwiches on one slice of bread, but with these workouts, I've added another slice.

    I'm doing great staying away from the sweets and chips. They are the bad carbs. I'm eating lots of veggies and high fibre carbs.

    I love this p90x.

    decide - commit - succeed
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    AJCM I noticed the same thing but I am a guy and that's nothing new. Anyhow, my wife went 5 wks thru the program and nothing for her. Maybe a combination of weight loss and feeling great about yourself and what you have accomplished.

  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Just finished Plyo....MAN I HATE IT SO GOOD!!:laugh: Definitely my least favorite, but it works!! Mmmm, chocolate protein shake...I usually make mine with almond milk because it's so yummy, especially if you get the vanilla flavor, it tastes like a milkshake to me :happy: I mixed leftover strawberries and blueberries into it today with peanut butter...sounds a bit weird, yes, but surprisingly quite tasty!!!:bigsmile:
  • kilburni
    kilburni Posts: 22
    So this seems to be mostly ladies sharing their P90x experiences but I thought I'd chime in and share! So I convinced my 3 roommates to start the program with me last night...after about 2 hours at work this morning I had received the following texts from them...

    a) "I'm at work and it hurts so much to type and use the phone that I feel like vomiting"
    b) "so who else feels like they got hit by a train this morning?"
    c) This one I won't type out but you get the idea...

    Anyway, that was just Day 1 - Chest and Back with Ab Ripper X so hopefully they're ready for Plyometrics tonight!

    I never thought that it was possible to get that kind of a workout from a DVD program so, I'm really excited to keep it going!

    OH...and those comments are reflecting a workout in which we didn't even have a pull-up bar! Next week should be interesting...
  • alisaperry74
    How is everyone doing? Hanging in there? :flowerforyou:

    My lower back is a bit sore (anyone experience this) - I think from the ab ripper - I have generally strong abs, but haven't done much for my lower back in the past.

    On a side note, anyone notice an increase in libido?! (Is that a TMI?....) Hubby and I are (luckily) doing the program together and have noticed a difference! :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    My back also hurts when I do ARX. I'm hoping it will get better and better the more I do it.
    Congrats on the increased libido. Taking care of your body and working hard has all sorts of benefits! :wink:
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    So this seems to be mostly ladies sharing their P90x experiences but I thought I'd chime in and share! So I convinced my 3 roommates to start the program with me last night...after about 2 hours at work this morning I had received the following texts from them...

    a) "I'm at work and it hurts so much to type and use the phone that I feel like vomiting"
    b) "so who else feels like they got hit by a train this morning?"
    c) This one I won't type out but you get the idea...

    Anyway, that was just Day 1 - Chest and Back with Ab Ripper X so hopefully they're ready for Plyometrics tonight!

    I never thought that it was possible to get that kind of a workout from a DVD program so, I'm really excited to keep it going!

    OH...and those comments are reflecting a workout in which we didn't even have a pull-up bar! Next week should be interesting...

    we didn't have a pullup bar until about the 2nd or 3rd week, we were using bands....i though we'd be ok, oh how sadly wrong i was!! i'm still using the chair lol!! good for you and your buddies for starting!! hang in there, the results are well worth it!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Kilburni - WELCOME! I'm with your friends - every muscle in my body hurting, and I'm only 10 days in, but soooo tired. Stick with it, and get lots of sleep.

    Alisa - glad you are still doing great! I'm a bit embarassed by that libido comment I made...

    Katie - I still use the bands attached to the pull up bar, do you think the chair/bar is better? I feel like I can get a good 20 reps in with the bands, instead of 3 pull ups on the bar.
  • kilburni
    kilburni Posts: 22
    So it's day 3 and the Arms and Shoulders dvd skipped out on us!!! I was so disappointed since we were only about 15 minutes into it...

    Anyway, we decided to do each of the workouts that we could figure out through googling them or through lifts we had done in the past and got about 6 of them and just did extra sets of each (trying to balance the focus between muscles).

    I'm disappointed that we weren't able to stick 100% with the program but we ended up pushing ourselves through ab-ripper x and I can definitely feel it (although nowhere near as bad as plyo yesterday :-D)

    How's everyone else doing!?
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    I was EXHAUSTED the first two weeks!! I could barely make it through my Tues/Thurs pilates classes, my instructor must have thought I was soo lazy, but I was too tired to explain why I couldn't hold planks very long lol!! It will get better as your body adjusts!! I'm still tired, just not as bad lol!! :laugh:

    AJCM, don't be embarrassed about the libido comment :smile: It's a natural thing, and you weren't rude or crass (which is more than I can say for myself, I have no manners lol) and it was cool to realize you were right, I hadn't thought about it/noticed it til then lol!!:blushing: :bigsmile: As for the bands or pull up bar, I think they're both great. I only wanted to get on the bar because I want to do real pull ups again, haven't done them in a year or so :wink: If you like the bands better, I say stick with em! You'll still build muscle and strength!!

    Kilburni-sucks about the dvd! Good on you guys for continuing anyway! Talk about "Bring it!!" :drinker:

    Alisa-hope your back starts feeling better!!!:flowerforyou: