drunk eating



  • nerolimoon
    nerolimoon Posts: 32 Member
    Oh yes, this is so familiar. And as some others have said, giving up the drinking just isn't an option. I just try not to let it get me down, and just eat a bit less over the next couple of days. I have never managed this myself, but having some healthier snacks to hand for when you get back home seems like a good way to go.
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    Yup, and the worst part is, I don't get hangovers...not sure if that's a good thing.........but I do factor it in my weekly goals, so it isn't such a big deal. I also make sure my workout rest day is usually the day after!
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    When i used to drink i used to binge on drink and food so i just stopped
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Here's my advice: stop getting drunk then.

    That's terribad advice.

    She gets drunk, overeats, and regrets it in the morning. So why is 'stop getting drunk' bad advice for her?

    Not to mention the hangover, damage to the liver, possible DUI or vehicular manslaughter charge, or death, totalling out your car, or waking up to a stranger in your bed, or in a strange bed with someone really ugly!

    So many reasons I am glad I no longer drink.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I'm the opposite, i can't stand looking at food when i'm drinking and especially when i'm drunk. I may pick at the odd cracker or carrot but that's usually the extent of it. Have you tried eating a good meal before you go out, so you're not hungry for a while into the night?
  • SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel
    If I've had a drink, I don't eat much, but the next day I make up for it...and some! So that's why I don't drink anymore. Plus the fact it just makes me tired and want to sleep. :)
  • meliad
    meliad Posts: 71
    Totally- Even after a glass of wine WITH DINNER I am gnawing at my finger nails a few hours later resisting the urge to pop popcorn and slather it with butter and salt. Awful but wine tastes so good and makes me feel so warm and happy for a few hours.
  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    Yea....been here before...as in, almost every time I get tipsy hahaha.. Pig skins, homemade popcorn with no butter, something high protein....my only suggestions ;-)
  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
    I typically go out once a month with the girls and have found it takes a bit less then a week to undo the damage caused by that night and the next day. I would say its mostly water weight cause once i finally get a ton of water in me the excess sheds off quickly and i'm back on target. HOWEVER this weekend, there was a cookie exchange (and yeah there was beer too) with lots of random munchies, then the next night DH "office party" which was held at a bar (which btw has some of the best 'bar' food, no joke) so now im having the mental issues of well screw it..i got all these cookies and peanut butter fudge and yummy stuff and hubby just brought some taco bell home for lunch blah blah blah. So while I am trying to be good, the hard part is keeping track of the random foods. Tomorrow is a bright new day and I know i'll be back on track then, but i figure its ok to enjoy these small get togethers, and try to keep the munching and drinking from getting too crazy. This time of the year is definitely more difficult as there are a surplus of opportunities to stray down the road that got me here, however now, even when i stray, I am making the conscious effort to wander back to the path i have now chosen to follow.
  • sophasaurusxx
    Mcdonalds come at me bro!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Here's my advice: stop getting drunk then.

    That's terribad advice.

    She gets drunk, overeats, and regrets it in the morning. So why is 'stop getting drunk' bad advice for her?

    Not to mention the hangover, damage to the liver, possible DUI or vehicular manslaughter charge, or death, totalling out your car, or waking up to a stranger in your bed, or in a strange bed with someone really ugly!

    So many reasons I am glad I no longer drink.
    That all happens when you eat bad food??:flowerforyou: sorry, I couldn't resist. As I understand it, she's talking about drinking and eating, not drinking and driving or drinking and boinking.:happy:
  • x_ItNeverEnds_x
    I eat any and everything while drunk. The more unhealthy the better. Fried icecream, cheese, cheese and cheese with some fries. This is why I only do it once a month. LOL Plus I try to only bring enough cash for a few drinks and that is it.
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    If I know I'm going to tie one on I do Caloie destroying workouts that day, and I eat super lean during the day, putting me at a pretty huge calorie deficit. Then I tell my husband, once I'm drunk I can afford a jr cheeseburger, or chicken nuggets or whatever. I savor the treat, enjoy the buzz, hydrate like mad the next day and move forward.
  • FreeToGoodHome
    I find that when I drink I put on weight. It feels like this even if its only one night. But when I drink and eat... Man... I make very poor food choices. I get the beer munchies and eat crap that I would not eat if i'm trying to lose or maintain my weight. So as I am currently trying to lose weight, I know drinking will have to wait... I still have a drink now and again. I consider those day's my cheat day's. But try not to do it too often because what happens with a hangover the next day? A case of the f@#k-its. Where all you want to do is hide out, watch movies, and eat crap... lol. Thats me anyway...
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Here's my advice: stop getting drunk then.

    That's terribad advice.

    She gets drunk, overeats, and regrets it in the morning. So why is 'stop getting drunk' bad advice for her?

    Not to mention the hangover, damage to the liver, possible DUI or vehicular manslaughter charge, or death, totalling out your car, or waking up to a stranger in your bed, or in a strange bed with someone really ugly!

    So many reasons I am glad I no longer drink.
    That all happens when you eat bad food??:flowerforyou: sorry, I couldn't resist. As I understand it, she's talking about drinking and eating, not drinking and driving or drinking and boinking.:happy:

    LOL, it was more to point out all the OTHER bad choices we sometimes make when we drink too much. It doesn't always stop with the late night drive thru runs at White Castle or Taco Bell!

    I actually never worried about what I ate during my drinking years. No idea how many calories I put away at 2am.
  • FreeToGoodHome
    I eat any and everything while drunk. The more unhealthy the better. Fried icecream, cheese, cheese and cheese with some fries. This is why I only do it once a month. LOL Plus I try to only bring enough cash for a few drinks and that is it.

    Yeah... This!! lol
  • soldierzside
    soldierzside Posts: 19 Member
    yes totally! I love going drinking though so it would be too hard to give up. I want to let loose and have fun but the eating afterwards needs to be avoided.
  • Iknewyouweretrouble
    First of all, I love you for posting this.
    Second, I avoid drunk eating by eating enough before going out (close enough together to counteract the alcohol).
  • kittyd7015
    kittyd7015 Posts: 4,546 Member
    First of all, I love you for posting this.
    Second, I avoid drunk eating by eating enough before going out (close enough together to counteract the alcohol).
    good idea :-) worried Id just eat more tho hehe xx
  • dangerline
    So glad you posted this! I have the same problem. I see absolutely nothing wrong with some drunken shenanigans here and there, so when people tell me to "just stop drinking", that's not an answer for me because I know I'm going to continue doing it anyway. :laugh: I think I'm just gonna start making something healthy to put in the fridge before I go so I can just grab it to munch on when I get home! Maybe even make something special, but still low-cal that I've been craving, so I'll be excited to have that when I get back instead of going and getting fast food.

    I'm going out tonight and already plan on having a serving of Skinny Taco Dip and whole grain tortilla chips when I get back. Still yummy 'junk' type food, but with all low-fat ingredients so it won't skyrocket my calorie intake!

    Cheers, and good luck! :smile: