No support from family or boyfriend...



  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    you can only make changes for yourself, not others. you have to have the willpower to not eat that way, and if you dont, then CHOOSE not to go with. perfect example... my mom called yesterday and invited my husband and i to my little brothers football banquet... i know all the good food there, and i didnt think i would be able to resist it... so i declined the invite, and CHOSE not to go...

    you cant change your boyfriend, you cant change your boyfriends mother, you can only make changes for yourself... it comes down to this... either you want to be overweight and unhealthy, or you want to be fit and trim, and live a healthy lifestyle... i choose the latter.
  • Maybe if they see you doing well and losing they will start to be motivated to make healthy choices. Don't give up if have a long way all you can do is try you best. Everyone has slip ups every once in a while just keep telling your self you can do this and if you have to go to the gym by yourself it's ok.
  • AnnabellKE
    AnnabellKE Posts: 26 Member
    How can you have a mother in law and a boyfriend at the same time? Does your husband mind?

    Hahaha I'm sure he's okay with it
  • jennylee813
    jennylee813 Posts: 9 Member
    Before you make assumptions about me or my life based on one post, I suggest you hold your tongue and keep the negativity out of your post...I am not going to "f my boy toy" because he doesn't go to the gym with me...He supports me in every way and uses teasing as a way to keep me's not bad or negative in anyway, it's just jokes...

    Ummm ... teasing is not a way to keep anyone motivated, and by calling it just jokes, you're contradicting yourself. If it was in fact, "just jokes", you wouldn't have posted this at all. Bottom line is that they aren't supporting you.

    Words hurt.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    wow! you are the one who gave us all this info, asking for advice... then you get advice, and you get hostile about it because you dont like it? most WOMEN here are not going to support a man degrading another woman as a way of "motivation"... my take on YOUR POST, your boyfriend must be a major *kitten* for talking to not only a woman like that, but someone he is supposed to be in love with...
    Before you make assumptions about me or my life based on one post, I suggest you hold your tongue and keep the negativity out of your post...I am not going to "f my boy toy" because he doesn't go to the gym with me...He supports me in every way and uses teasing as a way to keep me's not bad or negative in anyway, it's just jokes...
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I am not going to "f my boy toy" because he doesn't go to the gym with me...He supports me in every way and uses teasing as a way to keep me motivated...

    Oh that must be why you the title of your post is "No support from family or boyfriend...". Because he's very supportive of you.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    why am I explaining this to you all relationship status shouldn't really effing matter...
    all I wanted was some friendly advice...not to be criticized about making "excuses" and "blaming it on others"
    You guys don't know me....and are already making assumptions....which you shouldn't do, because it makes you look like an a-hole.
    I really was under the illusion that this was a positive community....but i guess not.
    Thank you to those who were positive, my faith has not been completely destroyed...but I am seriously going to think twice before posting anything else on the forums again.
    Anywho...thanks again to all those who actually responded with advice instead of assumptions and accusations..

    because you said you have a boyfriend and a mother in law... YOU SHOULDNT GET ANGRY BECAUSE YOU ARE CONFUSING PEOPLE... no one cares that you are not married and living with your boyfriend... really... no one cares... but when you are confusing people, then those people are going to ask questions... in order to clarify some things... mother in law, boyfriend... its like... YOU HAVE A MOTHER IN LAW AND A BOYFRIEND??? WHERES YOUR HUSBAND??? get it? wow, you seem very hostile here...
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    YOU HAVE A MOTHER IN LAW AND A BOYFRIEND??? WHERES YOUR HUSBAND??? get it? wow, you seem very hostile here...

    Lots of us with long-term partners call one another's parents "in laws" even though we're not married. So what. It wasn't the point of her post. If you can't respond to her post without clarification on the details of her marital status then you shouldn't be responding at all.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    if i write a post than confuses others, im not going to be shocked if they ask questions for clarification...
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    YOU HAVE A MOTHER IN LAW AND A BOYFRIEND??? WHERES YOUR HUSBAND??? get it? wow, you seem very hostile here...

    Lots of us with long-term partners call one another's parents "in laws" even though we're not married. So what. It wasn't the point of her post. If you can't respond to her post without clarification on the details of her marital status then you shouldn't be responding at all.

    no, i dont care, i was responding to her anger at others trying to clarify. i could care less. i think its a bit confusing tho, when other were writing thier responses to her, not knowing if they should refer to him as husband, boyfriend... or the lady as a mother in law... my point was, other people were confused, and trying to clarify... she can call him a pink and green ground hog for all i care... but keep it consistant if she doesnt want others asking questions...
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    YOU HAVE A MOTHER IN LAW AND A BOYFRIEND??? WHERES YOUR HUSBAND??? get it? wow, you seem very hostile here...

    Lots of us with long-term partners call one another's parents "in laws" even though we're not married. So what. It wasn't the point of her post. If you can't respond to her post without clarification on the details of her marital status then you shouldn't be responding at all.

  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    no, i dont care, i was responding to her anger at others trying to clarify. i could care less. i think its a bit confusing tho, when other were writing thier responses to her, not knowing if they should refer to him as husband, boyfriend... or the lady as a mother in law... my point was, other people were confused, and trying to clarify... she can call him a pink and green ground hog for all i care... but keep it consistant if she doesnt want others asking questions...

    Thanks for your valuable contribution
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    no, i dont care, i was responding to her anger at others trying to clarify. i could care less. i think its a bit confusing tho, when other were writing thier responses to her, not knowing if they should refer to him as husband, boyfriend... or the lady as a mother in law... my point was, other people were confused, and trying to clarify... she can call him a pink and green ground hog for all i care... but keep it consistant if she doesnt want others asking questions...

    Thanks for your valuable contribution

    no problem
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I see a long list of reasons why all of this is other people's fault.

    here's an idea - try owning your life, your decisions and your consequences. It's not them that are trying to lose your pounds, it's you.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member

    I know I can't force them to change, but it would be nice for them to at least try to support me...

    You don't want them to support you, you want them to do it for you. Decide to make it a priority and gain the willpower to make your own decisions.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    I know I can't force them to change, but it would be nice for them to at least try to support me...

    You don't want them to support you, you want them to do it for you. Decide to make it a priority and gain the willpower to make your own decisions.

    Im so hot for you right now
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Why does your mother in law do all your driving? Take control of your life! If there is a medical reason then fine. If not, get out there and get your license! I know you're getting mad a people saying you're making excuses...but you're making excuses. If MIL wants to stop for junk food YOU don't have to eat it.
  • StarTrekkinDelta
    StarTrekkinDelta Posts: 30 Member
    Well, you could try getting your own license unless you just can't physically drive (because of medical reasons&whatnot). I depend on people driving me, too. But only because I have a phobia of driving. But I have decided that is no excuse and I can't sit around on my helpless butt because I am scared. So, I feel ya, but if you have the ability to drive, going for your license will make life easier, trust me.

    &As for your boyfriend... I know it's not easy sometimes to do so, but talk to him. Tell him how you feel and how important this is to you. He'll listen. A relationship involves , love, trust, communication and all of that good stuff. He'll listen of you take him aside and say hey this is what's up.

    &Your Mother-In-Law, keep telling her what you have been telling her. It might click in it might not. &Try eating at home before you go out and eat healthier while you are at it. If your Mother-In-Law wants to go out, she can do that. But you don't have to.

    Good Luck!
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    At the end of the day, I think you have gotten some good advice out of this post (minus useless comments about calling your boyfriend your husband, etc). As much a pain as it is to be in an environment where you aren't supported, you can still have great success. Of course it would be nice to be surrounded by parents, friends, and significant others that had your back 24/7. Someone to push you to stick to those workouts or do a fitness challenge with you, someone to cook healthy meals together, someone to stop you from slipping back into old habits...we would all love that. Agreed, it would make things much more simple. I think there's probably one in fifty people who live in that idea environment. At the end of the day, no matter how much it sucks, the people in your life will only change if and when they want to. I still live at home with my parents, both of whom are overweight. They eat bad food and too much of it, have no desire to exercise, and really I think anything I've tried to explain to them goes in one ear and out the other. My mom continues to buy pills and powders and supplements and is forever confused why they don't work when she doesn't change what she eats or how active she is. You can always be positive and offer advice, ask them to come with you to the gym, cook them something healthy...but you can't make them change. I do things on my own. I work out alone, buy food get the idea. I don't think people were trying to be negative or upset you, but their point is that even though you may be fighting an uphill battle, it's still YOUR battle. You can achieve all your goals, whether they go along for the ride or not. Take time, look over your priorities. How bad do you want it? How important are these goals to you? What do you gain from them? Make a plan and keep those priorities fresh in your mind 24/7. If you're in a situation where something you're doing doesn't align with what you're trying to achieve, take note of it and make the change. You can't change your boyfriend or his mom, but they also don't get to make your choices either. Stick to your guns, do what needs to be done, and if they have a problem with you doing what is best for you and bettering your life, then I'd start to wonder what you mean to them.
  • Ibelievenme2
    Ibelievenme2 Posts: 96 Member
    My heart goes out to you. Anytime I say I am going to do it this time the reply is "I heard that song before." It hurts, but I keep praying for the day I reach my goal. I just had a set back. In 3 weeks I gained almost 13 pounds back. My back went out yet again. I got depressed, angry and felt like a failure yet again. I got up and dusted myself off. I am moving forward. I don't go to a gym. I sometimes can't walk. I use my chair and do exercise in the chair. I use bands for strength. I have exercise equipment here that was given to me in the past before back issues. I bought a bike at a thrift store for $10. When I can sit and stand I am on my bike and treadmill. My row glider I have to use caution. I am starting again 10 minute walks at 2.0/ 3 times a day and riding the bike 10 minutes. I will increase as body allow. I make sure I get 30 minutes total daily.

    You can even use your broom as a bar and add bags with cans in it for the weight. Use your internet for aerobic videos. Step stool for stepping(be careful that it don't move) The length of your yard as your track. Outdoor steps for stair climber. Empty gallons of milk containers fill with water, one in each hand and do lunges. The list go on and on. We can't allow others to block our goals. When there is a road block find another route. I have to. When I can't move and on bed rest. I will do low carbs. It will be hard because I like real country food, not diet food. You will do it, believe in yourself and look for ways to reach your goal.:bigsmile: