What age to let a child stay at home alone?



  • xceptional1
    xceptional1 Posts: 24 Member
    I think it all depends on the maturity level of the child. I'm a single parent and when they were younger than they are now I had to leave them home but the oldest had a cell phone and house phone for to keep in contact with me and feel safe.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    It depends mostly on the kid. My parents left me home alone with my sister and brother (I'm the oldest) when I was 8 and possibly before. But I was an asburdly responsible kid with an unusual amount of common sense. I think as long as parents have a talk with their kids on how to behave (no using the oven, don't let anyone in the house, don't leave the house, etc) and that their kids are responsible enough to follow the basics then 8 isn't unreasonable. With that said, I'd probably do the same as you just to make sure things turned out ok.

    ETA: It's also a little different today with everyone having a cellphone. When I was a kid, I most likely couldn't reach my parents if they weren't home but most kids today could call their parents if something went wrong. In either case, I'd make sure they knew how to contact police, family and neighbors.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    When we lived in NY our neighbor would leave her 7 year old alone all the time. This kid couldn't take it. She would come over crying and just stay and play with my at the time 4 year old. I had this kid in my house for years. The mother didn't care. Never said thanks or even sent a bag of chips (this girl ate at my house for 2 years straight).

    And I am not talking short bursts either. These parents would be gone for 6 hours at night, drinking at the bars. Some nights this little girl would just stay over. Never once did i get a call asking where she was. The older sister was supposed to be home, but she had a night job and couldn't stay. It was the weirdest thing.

    That just makes me so sad for that little girl that no one related to her cared enough to see to her emotional needs. She's so fortunate that she had such a great neighbor . . . because (quite frankly) she could have ended up on the door step of some creepster.
    I took her everywhere with us. She was like another child to me. Even tho we like 800 miles apart now and she is a beautiful young lady with a job of her own now, we keep in touch via FB. I had a neighbor like me when I was young. Someone who always had my back. I am so grateful to have been able to pass that good karma along.

    She goes to college in the fall of 2014 and she said she wants to go to Coastal Carolina (very near us). I have my fingers crossed. I'd love to have her back in the fold.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I think where I live..it's 12/13?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Just here to read.
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    My oldest will be 10 in january and I have just started leaving her for quick trips (under 20 minutes) to pick up her brother, return a movie, etc. Usually she wants to be on the phone with me the entire time I am gone anyway. I guess it depends on the kid because I probably wont leave my son home alone until he is 30. I love him to death but he has ADHD and a history of making bad choices without thinking things through.
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    I was about 8 or 9 when my parents let me stay home alone and I was pretty responsible! The worst I ever did was bake a lot of cakes without permission... hahaha
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    I was babysitting newborn twins at 8. but then again, in a single parent home, by brother and I stayed home alone a lot, so we were quite mature I guess
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    My oldest son could do it at 8 for brief amounts of time and does great. My middle son is almost 9 and can't handle it. I don't like to leave him home alone (even with his older brother). He picks on both his brothers and causes lots of grief. I know it is a call for attention and we are trying to give him more attention. So yeah, I am one of those that believes every child is different maturity at different ages. I think it is a decision that needs to be made with each child.
  • simplyeater
    simplyeater Posts: 270 Member
    I was 9 when I was a latchkey kid, and babysat for other kids at 10. For my oldest son. I decided on 10.
  • awesome_inferno
    awesome_inferno Posts: 58 Member
    I would say 11 if they are a mature, responsible kid.
  • itsmyvwbeetle
    itsmyvwbeetle Posts: 272 Member
    For my family, 12-13. Any younger and I am just not so sure they will react the best way in an emergency. Heck, I am not sure even at 13 they will react correctly but the chance is higher!
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    A lot of that, IMO, depends on the child's maturity level. I've seen some kids, where I wouldn't leave them home alone at 18 or ever if I was their parent. However, I know a couple of cousins that would be fine by themselves at younger ages. It all depends on the kid, how they are raised, and what they are capable of. There is always a "legal" age where you can leave them home alone, In the state I live in it's 13, but again, I think it depends on the kids themselves and how responsible and mature they are.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    In Illinois the LAW says a child must be 12 to be home alone, and 13 to babysit a younger child. I don't have kids yet, but my mom didn't leave me and my brother alone until we were older because it would never cross her mind to not obey a law.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Legally I believe it's 12 or 13. I could be wrong. But even then, I think your child's maturity level should play a big part in that decision. And solid rules should apply in regards to answering the phone/door, spending time outside, use of the stove, etc...you know your child best.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    The law here is 12, too. My son turned 12 in August... He's an only child, and a wee bit immature. We now leave him for short periods (1-2 hours at a time), but we still make him go to the formal care program at the school with adults most days after school. We still hire a companion (sounds a little pedo, I know, but babysitter seems so baby-ish) for him on evenings when my husband is travelling and I have MBA classes for 5-6 hours at a time--makes me feel better about the whole dinner preparation situation since we have a commercial stove.
  • inksyrup
    inksyrup Posts: 81 Member
    Just throwing in my two cents:
    My parents would let my brother and I stay home alone when he was about 15. I was only six, he was old enough to watch me, and was responsible enough to know what to do in case of an emergency. However, they were overly-cautious and much more strict with him growing up than they were with me. I was allowed to stay by myself (for short periods of time, like an hour to two hours) when I was about eight. It wasn't until I was about 11 that I was fully allowed to be on my own.

    To be honest, it's really up to what kind of kid(s) you have and how responsible they are. Trust plays a huge part in it, too. My parents knew that I was pretty easily entertained by the computer and drawing--they trusted me that I wouldn't invite people over, and drilled me over and over on what to do if someone knocks at the door, if someone calls, etc.

    Heck, 17-18, they let me stay on my own for days at a time. Perks of being a wallflower, I guess.
  • wolfpack77
    I started letting my boy stay home alone when he was 11 for short periods, but I took his younger sister with me. When he was about 12 1/2 I started letting him babysit her while I ran errands. But never for more than an hour or two, and not at night.

    It also helps that my folks live up the street within walking distance.
  • rachelmorgan77
    rachelmorgan77 Posts: 131 Member
    Like previous people, I think it all depends on the child. My son (8) told me that his guidance counselor at school told him he could stay home alone at eight. While this came up in random conversation, it made me start thinking. So I've allowed him to be home alone for short perids - like while I run to the grocery store. If he can handle it responsibly, then we'll take it from there. I was a latch key child and was home a lot by myself while my parents had to work full time jobs, so there are times I think we underestimate our kids. However, once again - it all depends on the child.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    8 seems a little young for me, but hey, in 7 years, if my 11 month old has proven himself to be a respectful, smart, responsible little boy with a good head on his shoulders, I might consider letting him be alone in our house for a few hours. It all depends on the child.