How much $$$$ have you saved by dieting



  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
  • jimbo480
    jimbo480 Posts: 22 Member
    Any money I've saved from eating healthier and not eating out is blown on new clothes. I'm down 2 sizes and trying to buy minimal new clothes until I get to my goal weight. Such a pain, but I'm not complaining!
    I have lost 37lbs so far, but I have managed to recycle some of my 15 year+old clothes.
    I am planning a shopping blitz come the January Sales.

    Speaking of old clothes, I dug a pair of 12 yo jeans out and they fit. My son saw me and the first thing he said was OMG, MOM, Dad's wearing skinny jeans! I was so mortified I went and took them off. Funny thing is they were just regular cut jeans back in the day..
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    I spend more money every week on groceries to have better quality food. I just consider it an investment in my health, especially since I don't have health insurance.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    People perceive healthy eating/ dieting as expensive to a greater or lesser extent because of what they choose to eat - the perception that fresh vegetables are healthier than frozen, that meat in any way needs to be part of a healthy diet, still eating more than the recommended portion size, unwillingness to consume fish or pulses or organ meats, not considering if it is cheaper to remove fat or skin or bone from your own meat ... choosing fruit or bagged salads over vegetables, eating out of season, wasting a lot more food than they admit to themselves.

    Dried beans and lentils, canned oily fish, frozen and root veggies are all incredibly cheap here in the UK as are many other healthy foods, many vegan meals cost next to nothing to make for example (I am not pushing the lifestyle from any angle other than cost and nutrients). Anyone in the UK should check out Moneysavingexpert forums, plenty there are feeding their families healthily on the cheap.

    Just looking at Tesco and Asda not shopping around: pigs liver £1 a kilo, eggs £1.50 for 15, canned pilchards in tomato sauce £2.20 a kilo, whole chicken £2.50 a kilo, plain yoghurt £1.30 a kilo, mixed dried fruit ~4p a serving, fresh carrots, red onions, dried green peas and mixed frozen veg ~5p a serving, fresh pineapple ~8p a serving, canned kidney beans 6p a serving, dried red lentils £1 a kilo, peanut butter £1.80 a kilo, wholemeal flour in bulk 50p a kilo, porridge oats 75p a kilo.
  • Chris0h9
    Chris0h9 Posts: 24 Member
    I used to eat loads of fast food, so dieting has saved me much money. I however now buy better brands and overall healthier stuff though.