Do right and not lose a pound ... WHY?

Hello, my name is Tasha and I'm a very frustrated 25-year-old. For the past month I have been eating better (you can see my food diary) and exercising more (at least 40 minutes 4x's a week) and yet my weight has not dipped below 188 lbs in probably close to 6 months now. I guess I should add that I'm 5' 9" and have a large build.

I was told I could no longer have gluten, milk or ice-cream nearly a year ago. I've greatly decreased my cheese and pasta intake to next to none, I eat plenty of fruit, and more veggies (still not their hugest fan... but working on it). I reduced my salt intake years ago but I will admit, I have a bit of a sweet tooth though I work very hard on keeping that under control (Christmas won't be easy). I also eat plenty of lean white meat so protein is covered as well.

I joined the "Biggest Loser" competition at my gym last month and so far have lost 4 1/2 inches in my waist, 2 inches in my chest and an inch in my hips... but not one single pound. I'm really getting tired of my trainer's disappointed looks. Especially after my last check in (every two weeks) where I only lost an inch and a half in my waist and that was the ONLY thing that shrunk. My chest actually GREW!!!

Please, I'm exasperated, exhausted, and downright frustrated as to why I can't lose weight. Yes, I know that muscle weighs more than fat, no my thyroid, adrenal glands and liver are all fine (had them tested 6 months ago)... I haven't a clue why I can't lose weight and doctors seemed to be stumped as well. The one medication that I am on... actually acts as an appetite suppressant so that's not the cause either.

Please, if ANYONE has any ideas or tips or just encouragement... I'd take anything at this point. This is me... a year later, after a lot of hard work and not much avail. It's a bit hard to stay motivated and here I'm going to school to become a wellness coach. :/

If you've read all of this... thank you. :) I know that it was a lot. Have a truly blessed day.

-One frustrated chick,



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    food diary is private; please open it
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    You lost 4.5 inches from your waist in a month? You shouldn't be looking for advice, you should be giving it. I'd kill to lose 4.5 inches off my waist, no matter what the scale said. Honestly, I don't know why your trainer is disappointed in you, that's an awesome achievement and should mean way more to you than worrying what the scale says.
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    food diary is private; please open it

    Bottom of the page.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    If your trainers are giving you disappointed looks because you have lost inches and not pounds they are ****s.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You've lost 4.5 inches from your waist in a month. You are making fantastic progress.
  • I know you are frustrated but the amount of inches you lost in one month is amazing. My doctor told me something I did not know, She said your body won't lose pounds and inches at the same time. You will lose inches then lbs then inches then lbs and so on. I have been at the since April when I had gastric banding and I am losing pretty rapidly but I has I've never had a month where I have lost as many inches as you did in that one month. You should be pretty darn proud of yourself. Keep at it and you absolutely will see results, both with the tape measure and the scale.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    You've lost 4 1/2 inches in your waist in a month and you're complaining about the scale? Which is more important to you: having a lean, aesthetic body that looks good, or a number on a scale? I'd take the former every time; in fact, if I could drop 4 1/2 inches from my waist, lose bodyfat and stay at the exact same weight I'm at right now, I'd be thrilled beyond belief. Nobody sees a scale number floating over your head when you walk around; they see the body you're in and how it looks. If I look in the mirror and am proud of what I see, I couldn't care less about what the scale reads when I step on it (within reason, of course).
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    We are women. It is INCREDIBLY difficult for some of us to lose weight. It took me a year and a half to drop 60 lbs which I quickly gained half of back, then had to do it all over again. I am the Yo-Yo queen! Lol There are so many factors that influence weight loss honey; you would be abnormal if it was EASY for you to lose weight. It's hard not to just give up, but if you just do one thing a day to help change bad habits, you are heading in the right direction!! :flowerforyou:
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    If your trainers are giving you disappointed looks because you have lost inches and not pounds they are ****s.

    Agreed! A trainer should know better.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    You must be doing something right if you are losing inches. Do you have weigh-in's in the evening? I had these and drove me crazy because I drink a lot of fluids and eat snacks during the day. For my weigh in days I would limit food and drink for hours before and then do my weigh-in and go to my car to eat and get my bottle of water before the meeting.
  • Tasha your actually doing great but what is happening is that your gaining muscle which is why certain aspects on your body is growing and you not losing any weight. In track we called it "Plateau-ing". Without knowing your actual workout program it's hard to tell what you actually need. But "Insanity" might be a good idea at this time as it focuses on Max interval Cardio.. The commercials make it look worst then it actually is but you do lose the weight if you actually "DO THE WORK" (meaning keeping the FORM). I've been doing it for 4 weeks now and I can see the difference. I'm not promoting, just recommending.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Everyone can see the inches you lose but only you can see the number on the scale.

    It is very impressive! It mean that you are losing fat !
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    chances are you aren't eating as well as you think - or you aren't eating enough - but because your diary is private we can't see it....

    if you're doing the same kind of exercise day in and day out, you should change it up.

    are you doing strength training? if you're not you should be.

    also, the ultimate measure is NOT the scale. screw what the scale says. it's the devil.
  • Aitm20
    Aitm20 Posts: 92 Member
    Don't go by the scale..go by the inches and the way clothes fit. Muscle outweighs fat and you are toning up.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    For the hundredth time, muscle does not weigh more than fat.

    If you are losing inches and your clothes fit better you shouldn't worry about the scale.

    That being said, we can't see your diary.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    chances are you aren't eating as well as you think - or you aren't eating enough - but because your diary is private we can't see it....

    if you're doing the same kind of exercise day in and day out, you should change it up.

    are you doing strength training? if you're not you should be.

    This ^^^

    I hope you aren't eating 1200 calories a day... maybe open your diary for us?
  • I'm not sure what you weigh, but for some reason your body loves being at the weight it is at. It is also reconfiguring nicely e.g. you're not fat, you're not skinny fat, you are amazingly skinny fit.
    Congrats is what I say.
  • As your losing inches thats great success. I dont know why your trainer is not happy with you :s 4.5 inches in a month is amazing! As your are doing so well you probably are indeed losing fat but its probably being replaced with muscle. So although you are the same weight you probably have a lower body fat percentage. Its good for your health to lose inches especially round the midriff. Have you have your body fat percentage calculated, maybe it would be a good idea.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Inch losses are far superior than scale losses..believe me.
    I'm heavier now than what I was last year but since strength training I've gone down 2 sizes.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    For the hundredth time, muscle does not weigh more than fat.
    Per volume, muscle weighs more than fat. That is what the vast majority of people mean when they say "muscle weighs more than fat". Just like most people would say that lead weighs more than chocolate, even though yes, 1 lb of lead = 1 lb of chocolate.