is there life after heartbreak?

Well is there? :o( What's it like to move on


  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    *waiting for everyone else to comment*

    My divorce is the first relationship I've left and actually been heartbroken that I had to end it...I know I've moved on from him, just not the pain of a failed marriage. It doesn't seem to be getting easier just yet :-/
  • davyrockhit214
    sorry to hear this! that sucks.
  • cwettstain
    cwettstain Posts: 58 Member
    I am no expert. I know that heartbreak is awful, but everyone lives through it. Find something you want and make it your mission to attain it. Maybe in the process you will lose track of what it is that's bothering you. Like anyone else on your friend's list, I'm here to listen if you need to vent. :)
  • bettacheckyoself
    Of course !!

    You just have to remember how you felt before you met this person or how you felt eventually after breaking up with someone else...everything goes back to normal eventually, trust me... force yourself to remember this.... this is what I usually do when I get hurt ...I think we have a tendency to create mr. right in the guy we are with because we want to feel that this person is the right person..sometimes we are just wrong and eventually realize this
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    I have been single for three years myself so I am rusty if anything on this topic, but I would say yes, that there is life after heartbreak. I'd go far enough to say it is largely what we make of it.
  • emdeegan
    emdeegan Posts: 219 Member
    there is plenty, you just have to be open to experience it.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Ohh, i had a conversation like that today with my bestfriendd... apperantly he's a heartbreaker or something!

    it IS possible to have a life after heartbreak! i understand that you are sad about it if it's was a boyfriend situation and you need some time to deal with it. BUT YOUR LIFE IS NOT OVER.. you shouldnt stop living and doing things you love because someone doesnt want to be with you anymore! you had a life before you even met this person and you shouldn't throw your life away and stop going to school or work or hanging out with your friends because your not in a relationship anymore.. because the pain is temporary,but, life is still going on around put on your big girl/boy pants and deal with it..

    and if you were married,i know that it's gunna take time to heal,but, you still have to move on and remember life is still going on..

  • MyNewZen
    MyNewZen Posts: 101 Member
    Single for one year and happier then I have ever been in my life.

    It was hard and first but things just keep getting better and better.
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    Yes. It is the same each time. You're hurting for awhile. Sometimes really bad depending on the severity or abrupt discourse amongst other factors... you just have to keep going and busy yourself with other things. There will always be things that remind you of them but you just have to think of the good times and then say to yourself, "I will find someone that makes me happy" and continue working hard despite pain inside. Keep your goals and tasks in mind and don't get distracted from accomplishing them. Things will get better, it just takes time. For me, the more bitter I am about the break up the longer the anguish lasts for.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Oh yes! Having had this little heart trampled on several times, life still goes on and when you discover you and it again, wow it is exciting! I promise (I was married, had two kids and was divorced by the time I was 30) do need the cliched TIME though, the mind goes through various degrees and stages of grief and recovery...when you are ready you will move on and up and in and around though. LIFE IS GREAT!!! So is love...but I have found learning to love myself is possibly the most important bit...when this happens, then other things follow, hard to explain in a few words, and I know this is beginning to sound mushy and I am so not a mushy gal...
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    Depends. It's never going to be the same, but that's not necessarily bad. Time and practiced optimism help a lot. It's a struggle at first, but if you don't give up, things improve.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    There most certainly is :). I thought I would NEVER get over my ex. But low and behold, the feeling of heart break eventually subsided. Sure, I still love him. Everyone still loves their first love. But I no longer feel the pain and anguish. And trust me, I thought that day would NEVER come.

    Time heals all wounds :)
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Sure there is life after a breakup. How you live your life is up to you and no one else. Too many people look at life in the rear view mirror instead of moving forward. Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't love and cherish you.

    Judging by your pic you will have plenty of guys approaching you.
  • Dinamita_TNT
    Of course it is!! Live proof there it is, is me :) Here I am, almost 8 years after the last heartbreak... Happy, doing what I've always wanted, working, and... with the best body I've ever had (but not yet the one I want).

    Come on, girl... Time puts things in its place ;)
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    Yes, a better one.
  • taekwonkenpo
    no there is not!!!

    It is not possible. No one can live if thier heart breaks. It is a very important organ that you can not live without.
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    Divorced just over a year after being married for 22 years. Ready to move on but don't know how to date anymore.
  • bdtyson77302
    bdtyson77302 Posts: 86 Member
    There is life after heartbreak. My heart was shattered on December 19th 1997 when a police officer knocked on my door and told me that my husband had been in an accident. He was hit head on by a drunk driver and died before they could get him out of his truck. Our children were one and three at the time.
    Fifteen years later and this is still the hardest week of the year for me. It makes my heart hurt to know I won't ever feel his kiss, his touch, or the butterflies he gave me when he walked in a room. It makes my heart hurt to know that he won't be at birthdays, graduations, or walk our little girl down the isle at her wedding. My heart just hurts!!
    Now for the life took a LONG time but I did meet someone who has filled the hole. He gives me butterflies, too! :) I still miss my husband and wonder what he'd be like at our age now...but I have someone that I love deeply and who loves me! We have a strong that I didn't think I'd ever have with anyone else. There is life after heartbreak....and it's pretty good! It doesn't mean that all the memories will go away...but, you can have happiness!
  • dukeninja
    dukeninja Posts: 50 Member
    It may not seem so now, but there is life after a heartbreak. We come out a stronger and better person, as without that "failed" relationship we wouldn't be who we are now. It's very important to grieve the loss and not suppress it as otherwise it will come back and bite you when you're unprepared. This is a time to take care of yourself-be selfish. Being in a relationship makes us dependent and we operate as one half of a person, so now is the time to turn ourselves into a whole person again. There is light at the end of the tunnel, we just need to remind ourselves that the world continues to revolve regardless, and we can choose to either jump back and be part of it or not xx
  • Ellas_Time_4_Change
    I think you got some really great advice here. I'm in the same boat as you and honestly it is hard but like people have said here we should try to focus on attaining goals and keep busy so we don't think about them too much, Oh and a really important note that helped is to completely cut out contact, this includes facebook etc. Good luck :smile: