ok soo i know people have been asking about the exercise calories and if you should or shouldnt eat them and most have said eat them....well thats wrong haha i went to see my nutritionist and i asked her whats up with the exercise calories and if you eat them or not and she said no that there is no point in workin out if you are just going to eat the calories you worked off even tho MFP tells you that you have this many extra calories you can eat DONT EAT THEM! if you are hungry then feat some fruits or veggies or something light but if your not hungry your good! just wanted to let you guys know what my nutritionist said to me today cus she told me to post it on here so that everyone knows not to eat the calories if you arent hungry she said being at negative balance (ex.-800 cal til your MFPgoal is met) then you are fine and if you stay under even if you are working out then you will have more weightloss...hope this helps you guys :)


  • girliegirl1822
    girliegirl1822 Posts: 164 Member
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    It doesn't make sense to eat them if your calories are at your maintenance level and you want to create a deficit. However, if the allotted calories are already calculated at a deficit then not eating them might mean that you are not getting enough fuel in your body (creating too large of a deficit). Of course this all depends upon how much of a deficit your allotted calories are set for.
  • Did you make sure to tell her that MFP already calculates your deficit? So if you do not exercise, you are eating at a deficit. No offense to you or your nutritionist, but you should have all your info correct before you post something like this. Try reading the permanent posts in regards to this topic. They explain everything in detail. When you go back to your nutritionist, take her the correct information.

    Please, anybody reading this, read the info that has already been posted to understand how this site works. If you feel it is not correct for you, speak to a medical professional about yourself and follow accordingly.

    I don't think this is going to go over well, lol.:laugh: I'm just sayin..................
  • tutujoli
    tutujoli Posts: 104 Member
    Your nutritionist should probably not be making blanket statements. :grumble: Like Kaitlin said, if you're using excersize to create your calorie defecit, then no...you should not eat them back. But if you already have a defecit, not eating them can create too large of one.

    There are lots and lots of other reasons for excersize, besides calorie burn.

    It increases your endurance.
    Strengthens your heart and lungs.
    Overall conditions your body.
    Strengthens your bones and helps prevent osteoporosis.
    Supports your joints and spine with stronger muscles.
    Allows your body to burn more calories at rest.
    Provides a natural mood lift. :smile:
    Can function as a social outlet.
    Helps regulate your sleep, and other processes in your body.
    Relieves stress.

    So, while I understand that someone might not see how the math and science works, calories are not the be all, end all, of excersize.
  • healthbug
    healthbug Posts: 21
    Thanks for the post! I eat mine a lot of times because I am usually hungry at the end of the day. Sometimes I work out just to earn some extra food, but I see how it could be very beneficial not to eat them.
  • healthbug
    healthbug Posts: 21
    As I understand it, her nutritionist knows we're already eating at a deficit. She is suggesting that more of a deficit is not a bad thing. I've heard this advice a lot lately. That starvation mode does not happen unless under very extreme circumstances and that having a few hundred more calories burned than what MFP already accounts for is perfectly healthy and will speed weight loss.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    :noway: Not again.

    This site sets you up with a deficit to lose weight at the recommended 1 - 2 lbs per week. Without exercising. But you have to work with your body!!! Some people HAVE to eat all their exercise calories to lose weight. Some eat about 1/2 to lose regularly. Please make sure you fuel your body properly. If you need info about this, there are some links in my signature line you should read. At least give the system a fair shot the way it is set up. If it doesn't work after 4 - 6 weeks of doing it this way - then start playing with the numbers a little! You have to give your body time to adjust and start functioning properly, especially if you haven't been fueling it adequately for a long time!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I don't understand why you would come here, as a newbie, you joined in March of this year, and tell everybody that what they are doing is wrong. Maybe it is wrong for you and your nutritionist but it is pretty agrogant to come to a site that has a premis and tell everyone on here that they are all wrong. This site is about being healthy and it has people who have followed a healthy way to loose a very specific rate of weight loss. It works for a lot of people and there are people who have been here for years. So I will continue to follow the advice of the veterans of this site and ingnore your mandate that they are all wrong. Thanks anyway.
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    you know, I think even nutrionists, personal trainers and doctors all are going to disagree on this. fact of the matter is everyone is different and what worked for you once before, may not always work the next time. i think that you should just listen to your body and keep track off what works for you and what you feel comfortable with and if you hit a plateau, switch it up.

    and on the topic of exercise calories.... I found this online, and it kind of makes sense to me. So, if you DO eat your exercise calories back, this may be a worthwhile read to you....

    Mistake #2: Overreporting the "extra" calorie expenditure of exercise

    Most people count the calories they spend exercising as "extra" calories. There is a difference between calories burned while exercising and "extra" calories burned exercising. Here is an example: you burn 300 calories on the treadmill instead of your usual activity (watching TV at home); in reality, you have to subtract the calories you would have spent watching TV from these 300 calories to calculate how many additional calories you burned. Let's say that watching TV, you would have burned 80 calories. In this specific case, you have expended 300 calories while exercising, and 220 "extra" calories.

    Calorie counters mindlessly add the calories burned exercising as "extra" and in some cases, this practice can significantly influence the calorie calculations. Hence, calorie software counts the part of your usual activities that overlaps with the extra activities twice.

    How to estimate the "extra" calories burned exercising?

    In order to make the calculations more accurate, I shall first introduce the concept of MET values. MET values are a convenient way to calculate the calorie cost of activities. MET values are multiples of the resting energy expenditure per time. In plain English, a MET = 3 means burning 3 times more calories than resting. A MET = 1 signifies how many calories you burn at rest (your Resting Metabolic Rate or Basal Metabolic Rate). Whatever you do, you burn calories at a rate of at least MET = 1 with the only exception being sleeping which has MET = 0.9. During the day, most activities include sitting and walking which have MET values between 1.2 and 3. Your total daily energy expenditure is calculated by multiplying your Resting Metabolic Rate by the average MET of all your activities. Is your head spinning?

    Let's use a real world example. Consider a female person with a Resting Metabolic Rate of 1200 calories a day. One day has 1440 minutes. Our example lady is burning 1200/1440 = 0.84 calories per minute at rest, which signifies a MET = 1. Let's say our example woman just returned from an aerobics class, where she exercised for 30 minutes. General aerobic class training has a MET = 6. Our example lady has just burned 30 (minutes) x 6 (MET) * 0.84 (calories per minute) = 151 calories while exercising. Suppose our lady would have chatted on the internet instead of exercising (MET = 1.5). In this example, the woman substituted chatting on the internet with aerobic exercising. Remember, that every time you do something you substitute one activity for another. In order to get the extra calories, we have to subtract 1.5 (chatting) from 6 (exercising). Now let's calculate the extra calories: 30 (minutes) * (6 - 1.5) (MET value) * 0.84 = 113 calories.

    Let's consider what a standard calorie counter would have done. First, it will assume an average calorie burn rate of 1 calorie per minute. Then the counter will find that exercising for 30 minutes will yield 30 (minutes) * 6 (MET) * 1 (calories per minute) = 180 calories. The calorie counter will add these 180 calories to your daily expenditure without considering that a part of these 180 calories is already accounted by your usual activities.

    Do you now see the difference between 113 calories and 180 calories? If that woman spends 5 hours a week in that aerobics class, the standard calorie counters will overreport her calorie output by: (180-113) * 10 = 670 calories a week. The woman will be fooled that her metabolic rate has dropped while she just overestimated her calorie expenditure. Enter weight loss plateau, wasted time and efforts. Do you have the time for trial and error calorie estimations?
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    :noway: Not again.

    This site sets you up with a deficit to lose weight at the recommended 1 - 2 lbs per week. Without exercising. But you have to work with your body!!! Some people HAVE to eat all their exercise calories to lose weight. Some eat about 1/2 to lose regularly. Please make sure you fuel your body properly. If you need info about this, there are some links in my signature line you should read. At least give the system a fair shot the way it is set up. If it doesn't work after 4 - 6 weeks of doing it this way - then start playing with the numbers a little! You have to give your body time to adjust and start functioning properly, especially if you haven't been fueling it adequately for a long time!

    Yeah, wow... :grumble:

    I like that you have the links right in your signature. There should definitely be a tutorial that new members must go through before starting on MFP, that goes through the basics of defecits and exercise calories.
  • :noway: Not again.

    This site sets you up with a deficit to lose weight at the recommended 1 - 2 lbs per week. Without exercising. But you have to work with your body!!! Some people HAVE to eat all their exercise calories to lose weight. Some eat about 1/2 to lose regularly. Please make sure you fuel your body properly. If you need info about this, there are some links in my signature line you should read. At least give the system a fair shot the way it is set up. If it doesn't work after 4 - 6 weeks of doing it this way - then start playing with the numbers a little! You have to give your body time to adjust and start functioning properly, especially if you haven't been fueling it adequately for a long time!

    Thanks girl!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    oh gosh, good luck when the crap hits the fan later and everyone reads this...
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Did you make sure to tell her that MFP already calculates your deficit? So if you do not exercise, you are eating at a deficit. No offense to you or your nutritionist, but you should have all your info correct before you post something like this. Try reading the permanent posts in regards to this topic. They explain everything in detail. When you go back to your nutritionist, take her the correct information.

    Please, anybody reading this, read the info that has already been posted to understand how this site works. If you feel it is not correct for you, speak to a medical professional about yourself and follow accordingly.

    I don't think this is going to go over well, lol.:laugh: I'm just sayin..................

    I agree with this statement. Make sure you tell your nutritionist that you are already using a deficit. Depending on what you put in your goals (1 pound per week = 500 calorie DAILY deficit). Since MFP automatically calculates your deficit depending on how many pounds you want to lose per week, you SHOULD be eating your exercise calories. Because, even if you do eat your exercise calories, you will have 500 calories deficit at the end of the day, which equals to 3500 a week, which equals one pound per week.

    If you have anymore questions or have any confusion, feel free to PM me. I'd be more than happy to share with you why you need to eat your exercise calories. But, if you do choose to not eat your exercise calories, you will find that in a few weeks or months you will reach a point where weightloss will stop and you will wonder why, and I guarantee that it is because you aren't eating your exercise calories and your body is running on less calories than it should be functioning on, especially if you are exercising. Your body needs the fuel, don't deprive it!! :) I've successfully lost 20 pounds eating my exercise calories, and many people on this site have lost weight eating exercise calories.
  • JJRunning
    JJRunning Posts: 146
    Ohhhh boy.

  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    oh gosh, good luck when the crap hits the fan later and everyone reads this...

    I agree, the title of this post is a little misleading.... maybe next time try a title that has to do with your post :) I know you are probably really confused because your trainer is telling you one thing and MFP consistently tells you something else. If you want more information, the creator, Mike, has bookmarked some important links under the "General Weightloss" topic. Go check it out! He didn't bookmark them for any ol' reason. They are great posts to help us all achiveve our goals and help us understand healthy weightloss. They are great great posts! You will find them helpful!!! Good luck to you. I know it can be confusing but losing weight is going to take time and hard work, but you can do this!!! :)

    On another note--- not that all trainers do this...but their goal is to keep you as their client, because thats more money for them. And this is just a thought-- I'm not saying this is for every trainer out there. But, could it be possible that they want you to lose weight as quickly as possible so that they get the credit for helping you reach goals? And then once you reach a plateau (which you are bound to hit if you don't eat your exercise cals) you will need to keep going to them to help you get off the plateau. So, in my mind...I'd do some hard research and talk to people who have had success on here and read the "How I lost my Weight" stories, because I guarantee they didn't eat less than 1200 net calories to get that way! In fact, there is a girl on here named Tamtastic (hope she doesn't mind I'm talking about her :wink: ) But, she lost 135 pounds....and she never ate below 1400 calories. How great!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Ok... ya know what... you're right. You've been here for what? A month tops... so surely you know exactly how MFP works... and I'm SURE that your nutritionist knows exactly how MFP has calculated your calories, right? Whatever! I'm SO tired of this argument over and over again. Do whatever you're going to do... and when you hit a plateau and can't figure out why... THEN go back and read the posts that explain exactly how MFP works, exactly what the "exercise calories" are and what the reasoning behind it is.

    Ask your nutritionist this: What is the maximum deficit that I should have? Maybe that will help.

    I knew that I should NOT have read a post entitled "Everyone Read Pleaseeeeee"

    I do not understand why someone would come onto a website to learn how to lose weight and then continue to argue that they know better... if you knew better to begin with - why do you have weight to lose?

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I have now lost 80 pounds (20 of them with the help of MFP) by eating at least half of my exercise calories each day! I want to end up with a healthy body--not just a thinner one!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Blood + Water = Sharks

    :sad: :sad: Can't we all just get along?? :sad: :sad:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    I knew that I should NOT have read a post entitled "Everyone Read Pleaseeeeee"


    :laugh: :laugh: Me, too!:tongue:
  • hmiott
    hmiott Posts: 8 Member
    I am sure you wrote what you thought would help everyone else out and thank you for your thoughts. It is very important that we remember everyone is on the same path but our journey is different. What is good for one person may not be good for another and I am sure your nutritionalist is aware of this. If not, you might consider finding someone new...

    Being fairly new to the site as well, I have found the information posted on the site to be very helpful; however, you have to be able to take the information provided and twist it to fit your lifestyle.

    I have to say I think you really opened a can of worms with this discussion...Yikes!
This discussion has been closed.