Top 10 Things I Hate About the Gym!

ldupless Posts: 26 Member
edited September 20 in Chit-Chat
1. People who come up to you and want to give advice on your exercise routine. i.e."You should really work on your delts."....
2. Women who dress up to come workout.
3. People who drop weights.
4. Excessive grunting.
5. Sweaty people who don't clean their machine.
6. Men who stare at the mirror and flex as they walk by.
7. People who touch their mouth to the top of the water fountain.
8. No bra wearing females.....and sometimes males.
9. The Krispy Kreme across the street..that just happens to be visible from the cardio machines.
and finally::::
10, People who talk to you in the locker room while they are naked.

Hahah, maybe that last one doesn't happen to everyone, but I have had it happen way to many times!!

What do you hate!?:-)


  • When I would go to the gym, I hated being behind the really sweaty guy on the treadmill with the fans blowing his sweat into my face on the machine behind him.

    I also hate that if you're heavier people immediately just look at you like you're doing everything wrong. At least you're at the gym, better than that guy at McDonalds!
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    My gym doesn't have locker room it has two bathroom with shower that you lock for one person use at a time.

    But what I hate about the gym and also love about the gym is that it takes me away from my family.
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    My gym doesn't have locker room it has two bathroom with shower that you lock for one person use at a time.

    But what I hate about the gym and also love about the gym is that it takes me away from my family.
  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    this happened to me this afternoon...fairly empty gym, I'm on "my" one else around me, an entire row of the same exact ellipticals in another section of the gym not very far away - all unoccupied, and a somewhat large older man comes to work out on the elliptical right next to me. Within minutes, all I could smell was HORRIBLE body odor, like the guy hadn't showered in a week! I'm not sure how I made it through the 20+ minutes I had left!

    I can tolerate a good amount of stuff and I think it's not unreasonable to expect some people to smell a little at the gym, but what I had to smell today was totally disgusting and uncalled for!
  • Tuckersn
    Tuckersn Posts: 149
    Heh heh heh :0) I gigled out loud at your list there. The gym. I've had multiple memberships. The naked people conversations would be a bit disconcerting, I agree with that one . . . "Wanna borrow a shirt, so we can talk?" :0)

    1.One that loves to just be outdoors but can't all the time, just that cooped up feeling, no matter the machine or activity. 2. That feeling the free weights section is off limits to my totally normal female physique. When its really not. (like free weights better than machines). 3. I agree with the grunting . . . really?? Necessary? 4. Yeah, the impression went south after you checked yourself out in the mirror too. :0)

    Funny list!

    My day at the gym is tomorrow morning . . .
  • Tuckersn
    Tuckersn Posts: 149
    Heh heh heh :0) I gigled out loud at your list there. The gym. I've had multiple memberships. The naked people conversations would be a bit disconcerting, I agree with that one . . . "Wanna borrow a shirt, so we can talk?" :0)

    1.One that loves to just be outdoors but can't all the time, just that cooped up feeling, no matter the machine or activity. 2. That feeling the free weights section is off limits to my totally normal female physique. When its really not. (like free weights better than machines). 3. I agree with the grunting . . . really?? Necessary? 4. Yeah, the impression went south after you checked yourself out in the mirror too. :0)

    Funny list!

    My day at the gym is tomorrow morning . . .
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    1. People who come up to you and want to give advice on your exercise routine. i.e."You should really work on your delts."....
    2. Women who dress up to come workout.
    3. People who drop weights.
    4. Excessive grunting.
    5. Sweaty people who don't clean their machine.
    6. Men who stare at the mirror and flex as they walk by.
    7. People who touch their mouth to the top of the water fountain.
    8. No bra wearing females.....and sometimes males.
    9. The Krispy Kreme across the street..that just happens to be visible from the cardio machines.
    and finally::::
    10, People who talk to you in the locker room while they are naked.

    Hahah, maybe that last one doesn't happen to everyone, but I have had it happen way to many times!!

    What do you hate!?:-)

    I don't mind the grunting thing...they're just working out extra hard. I'm sure I couldn't bench 200 lbs without grunting! And thinking about it, grunting is probably important because you're exhaling. But yes, naked people annoy well as people who don't wipe the well as people who walk around the bathroom barefoot. :sick: :sick: :sick:
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Heh - these made me laugh! My pet peeve is people who hog the machines at busy times and don't look to be doing a great deal on them. Go to the pub if you want to hang out and chat, people :o)
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    I absolutly hate when girls/women doll up to come to the gym, or the ones who are working out with nothing on and everything is hanging out, people who are working out while on there cell phones, when theres no treadmills.ellipticals left and the people who are on them are either walking 1mph bc there to busy talking or just hanging out on the machines, when you have guys watching you workout, and how i feel like i cant use the free weights bc i dont lift 1000lbs.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member

    I don't mind the grunting thing...they're just working out extra hard. I'm sure I couldn't bench 200 lbs without grunting! And thinking about it, grunting is probably important because you're exhaling. But yes, naked people annoy well as people who don't wipe the well as people who walk around the bathroom barefoot. :sick: :sick: :sick:

    agreed about the grunting. My sis and I work out at the gym twice a week, and we push each other really hard. Sometime grunting is the only way to get through a really rough set of deadlifts or weighted squats. She was told to "pipe down" be a skinny guy the other day and it made her almost cry in the locker room. I thought it was heartless: she's trying to lose 85 pounds and this guy is convinced she is just showing off.

    There must be a line between "for-show" grunting and genuine, I-am-giving-it-my-all grunting.

    I would say that skinny people who are scantly dressed annoy me to no end. :D
  • The naked convo one is a definate dislike. I am somewhat modest and change in a stall, but i guess about a month ago I was getting my stuff together and a somwhat bigger, older lady just walks through completely naked like its her house.. I laughed about that for about a week, but was somewhat disgusted actually.

    I live on an army post and I get so creeped out when the on the crossramp and right behing those are a row of bikes.... and they are all open and a guy gets on the bike right behind me... like really???
  • gisii
    gisii Posts: 74 Member
    i hate that i dont have a personal trainer... i hate when those fit girls walk past me like they the bestest and i hate that i should be there more often!! lol
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Without trying to offend,I ALWAYS find its the older women who walk around naked...maybe theyre just old enough to not care.

    On the grunting thing,I dont grunt,but I tend to make a pathetic "eaagh" noise,like a mini-squeal,haha. I hate when people take a five minute rest between sets. 30secs-1 minute should be enough. If its not,youre going too hard.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    People who talk REALLY LOUD on their cell phone while they workout.
  • Lets see...the nakedness is definitely uncomfortable, i work out in the mornings before work so I shower there, since I'm there at 5 its usually empty, but I still change in the stall. Cell phones definitely get on my nerves. Also this morning in the cardio room, it there was maybe 8 - 10 people there and there was a man using one of the brand new bikes (we only have 2 of the new new ones) and he was barely moving, like barely! He was drinking a star bucks and watching the tv and he kept stopping to listen to the tv, I noticed like 3 ppl waiting to try out the new bikes but one women had just started on one and this guy was on it the whole hour I was there, just watching tv...drinking coffee...
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member

    I don't mind the grunting thing...they're just working out extra hard. I'm sure I couldn't bench 200 lbs without grunting! And thinking about it, grunting is probably important because you're exhaling. But yes, naked people annoy well as people who don't wipe the well as people who walk around the bathroom barefoot. :sick: :sick: :sick:

    agreed about the grunting. My sis and I work out at the gym twice a week, and we push each other really hard. Sometime grunting is the only way to get through a really rough set of deadlifts or weighted squats. She was told to "pipe down" be a skinny guy the other day and it made her almost cry in the locker room. I thought it was heartless: she's trying to lose 85 pounds and this guy is convinced she is just showing off.

    Wow, that was really rude of him!
  • ldupless
    ldupless Posts: 26 Member
    Wow! Super rude!

    However! Don't get me wrong--I am the queen of grunts when on a hard is the EXCESSIVE grunting, the ones who grunt when picking up five pound weights and the ones who yell words like "Oh Ya! That's What's UP!" haha. I just find it annoying. Haha, but that is just me! =]
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    I love your list! For me it is the men who grunt and are like "look at me" and then bang...they drop the weights and then start flexing! Argghhhh
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    On the grunting thing....I've belonged to a lot of different kinds of gyms over the years. I currently belong to a "fitness" gym where the guidelines discourage loud grunting and forbid "yelling"! A "power" gym that I used to belong to actually encouraged it as a motivation technigue. One gym had "grunt hours" where the hard core lifters had priority on the equipment and were supposed to behave the rest of the time. Lastly, and surprisingly, a bodybuilding gym that I was a member of in the 80s (run by a Mr. Universe finalist) discouraged any unnecessary noise as it broke the concentration of the other members. The gym believed in "exhaustion training" and if they determined the noise wasn't necessary to the task at hand - you were done for the day! (It was a small gym and they could enforce it.)

    As for looking in the mirror. (I tend to stay away from that myself). Posing and watching muscle movement while working out is an accepted and successful exercise practice. Many builders use their reflection to decide where to go next and maintain balance. That being said - it should be easy to differentiate them from the "look at me - aren't I pretty/macho" folks who, I agree, are irritating.

    My comments are not to belittle your "peeves" at all. Just my opinion.

    I have 2 myself:

    1. People who won't share or work into the machines when you're doing a circuit routine (either because they don't know about circuit training or think that because you're over 50 it doesn't matter).

    2. Gyms becoming so large and popular that there is no comraderie at them anymore. You can't pick up a workout partner (my wife and I have COMPLETELY different training needs) or get general training advice (without standing in line or hiring a trainer).

    The one thing I LOVE about a gym and bicycling clubs? That there are other people around which gets by pride involved and I WON'T cheat, or wimp out, on my workout!
  • quinnybear
    quinnybear Posts: 243
    agreed on the cell p[hone usage while in the gym. sometimes i feel like grabbing one of the 20 "no cell phone use" signs hanging up and shoving it in their face.
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