Please help, I'm so sad, haven't lost weight in forever...



  • adeedoos
    adeedoos Posts: 7 Member
    What I have learned (the hard way) and now have shared with a very close friend (who is down 109 lbs and counting..) is this: Protein and Fiber. Try your very best to start your day with an egg or even better egg white scrammble with pam and veggies. For lunch and dinner fill up on lean protein like boneless skinless chicken breast and veggies. I have a couple easy recipes. I will note at the bottom. Check out she is amazing at giving you recipis that swap out your favorites for healthier versions. But seriously, if you cut out your bready carbs- you will see the fat melting away. Try it for a few days even. It will motivate you. Now a days you can find low carb tortillas and things everywere, so after you have been off carbs a couple weeks, you can start adding low carb stuff back in. Protein really makes you feel full longer. It gives you energy too. Eating out? Think Fajitas with a fork instead of a yummy!
    Ok recipe: take a few pieces of frozen, skinless , boneless chicken breast and throw it in a crockpot, dump a can of chicken broth OR rotell OR italian dressing over it (your choice)...... set to cook on high 4 hours or low 6-8 hours. Walk away. You can throw in as many veggies too if you like. It is yummy and easy.
    Don't have a crockpot? Get a skillet brown chicken on both sides, turn heat to low, add a can of lite beer (or broth) , put lid on and cook for 45 -50 min. Do not let liquid boil out. Done.
    Fill up hun on lean protein, fiber, veggies, and don't forget water,water,water!!!!!
    Have a happy day!!!!!
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    OP is trolling HARD
  • cliffhealy
    cliffhealy Posts: 17 Member
    Have you really lost 70 pounds??? If so, that is reason to celebrate not get down on your self or your situation.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    OP is trolling HARD

    Yeah, you must be new here. I used to think that too about many of the posts here...but I'm convinced that this post, and others like it, are totally legit.

    (Although I sincerely hope you're right and my trollometer just needs to be calibrated.)
  • toya316
    toya316 Posts: 137 Member
    Try eating

  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    Looking at your diary I find your answer (I think anyway)
    Where is the vegetables and fruit?! You are eating mac and cheese every day I have seen. Also having soda everyday even though its low calorie, that will tend to make you bloated. You also don't even net 900 somedays... Possibly review your BMR, TDEE and diet. Everything is packaged... and theres not much variety for your body. Mix it up a little and have a positive attitude and goodluck!

    ^^^THIS! I have to agree. You're eating a LOT of processed foods. And you should consider upping your calories to your TDEE... some days you didn't log at all, and some other days, you only had 700 or 900 calories. You need to work more fresh fruit, veggies, whole grains and healthy proteins into your diet. Reduce the sodium, and stay away from diet sodas. I also agree with doing whatever it takes to get more exercise. I can relate - I came from a horrible family environment that was full of verbal and emotional abuse. It was toxic. I moved out... and shortly after, moved across the country, from FL to CO. I have never been happier. It's your life - focus on you, getting yourself healthy, and don't let anyone else hold you back. If you want a supportive friend who gets it - add me. If you wanna talk, just PM me. *hugs*
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Erm, yeah. The comments in your diary show that part of the problem is shame and self-loathing. No amount of skinny will cure that.

    That said, for practical advice - I live in a place where exercise is difficult, too. I've taken to bringing my laptop onto the floor, opening up Youtube, and doing a Pilates workout. It's low-impact, quiet, and requires nothing but my screen and my floor. It's extremely workable for me.
  • _KATzMeow
    _KATzMeow Posts: 336 Member
    I'd cut out the Monster drinks too. Not necessarily from a weight loss perspective, but from health. When eating that close to 1200, you just don't have a lot of extra calories to waste on "empty" calories.

    this ^^ eat clean and excersize. Thats the only way.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    See if you can do some cardio in your room? How about push-ups, sit-ups, jogging in place, jumping jacks? I have been in a similar living situation (not with my family, but with a host family I lived with) and it was tough. Get your heart rate up and endorphins will follow :)
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I don't know if anyone else mentioned this earlier, But WHY are u not tracking your protein goal in your diary?? You should really change your settings and make sure you hit or exceed the protein for the day.

    Also, are you weighing and measuring everything carefully? I would assume if you are hiding the fact that your are tracking because your parents don't approve, it might be hard to weigh and measure things in front of them.
  • I don't know if you have tried this but I lose weight really fast is if I cut out sweets, bread, pop (which I have never been a big fan of anyway) and if you get off of salt. It really helps to prepare your own food to get rid of a lot of the salt and sugar found in all the pre-made fast food and processed foods. If you only eat turkey and salmon and any other fish in stead of red meat and pork just eat them once a week and try to incorporate more beans and peas to replace some of the protein from the meat. If you are going to get off of red meat take and good quality (meaning easy assimilation for your body) B12 I make it all the B vitamins and I take a multivitamin supplement. Instead of eating sweets eat vegetables they are complex carbohydrate meaning that it takes longer for your digestive system to break down the carb the sweets go into your blood stream immediately and turn to fat really fast. Vegetables take longer so therefore they don't turn into fat.

    In order to replace those foods I have meaningful food such as sweet potatoes (you can throw this in the oven whole or sliced covered in oil and cinnamon), snack on nuts and seeds such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and any others, peanuts, almonds, walnuts and all these have the good omega oils and protein which is great for your hair, skin and nails. I was also told by a naturalistic doctor that black currants are rich in iron and she said that I can eat the dried ones that you will find in bulk food stores make sure that the nuts and seeds are in their natural state or just roasted with no salt that salt makes your body hold on to water and you will not lose that weight. When you cook with oil just don't use vegetable oil there are a lot of other great oils, like grape seed oil, olive oil, etc. Nuts and seeds are found in bulk grocery stores. They should be stored in the fridge so the oil does not go ransid.

    This change in your diet will help you lose weight really fast. It works for me and I know that we have a different metabolism so try it and see if it works for yours. Have fun and don't even look at the scale for a whole month and forget about the weight just focus on getting the sweets and high carbs out of the kitchen and you will get there!!!!
  • Beyond_Value
    Beyond_Value Posts: 46 Member

    You may be keeping on the weight due to stress.

    Don't take the pills it will tear the lining of your stomach.

    Just continue to eat well and be healthy with what you do in life.
  • Bookchick887
    Bookchick887 Posts: 119 Member
    You already know how to lose weight if you've lost 70 lbs.
    I'm concerned about the 'I'm so sad' part.
    When you get counseling for whatever the problem is, your life will change for the better. If you cannot afford counseling, call your local crisis clinic, they are there to help you.
  • katiefridley
    katiefridley Posts: 151 Member
    Ultimately though, it sounds like you're looking for a quick fix solution where there isn't one, and sympathy where there isn't really going to be much. Time to buck up and get moving.
