New Year Detox?



  • fearless_
    jucing/water for 2-3 days.. fruits and vegetables for a few days then slowly bring in small portions of everything else :)
  • mjhocevar
    I think some people were just trying to be funny, have fun! Hope you do great!
  • Chinadorian
    Chinadorian Posts: 200 Member
    jucing/water for 2-3 days.. fruits and vegetables for a few days then slowly bring in small portions of everything else :)

    I dont recommend plain juicing to any one anymore. Its crap. Just juice a little, drink a lot of water and still do light portions of meat and more vegetables. i wouldnt recommend fruit for cleansing honestly. Specific foods that will "cleanse" your liver- garlic, beets, carrots, green tea, lemons, cabbage,leafy greens and definitely your CRUCIFEROUS GREENS (kale, chard, etc- you cannot eat enough of these if you are wanting to detox your liver). Add turmeric to your food, its a great spice for liver detox.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I tried to edit the original post, and failed.

    EDIT: BY DETOX, I DO NOT MEAN STARVE MYSELF, OR DO THE 'MASTER CLEANSE' OR ANYTHING SIMILAR. By detox I simply mean a way of rejuvinating and refreshing my body to clear it out before starting anew. Maybe there is a tea/food etc that helps this along.

    I never once said I wouldn't eat. I just wanted to detox myself, get a fresh start and clear myself from all the holiday niceness. The two are not mutually exclusive, as some would believe.

    Second, I never said an alcohol detox. I barely drink, and considering I will be the sole carer to my two year old on Christmas Day (I will also be working for a portion of that) and on New Years Eve, I won't drink. I will maybe have some wine with my dinner on Boxing Day ... that's it.

    Dear god, some people need to open their eyes and see all possibilities and eventualities.
    Even if you're not looking at unsafe ways to detox, the point most people are making is that it's unnecessary. There's nothing to "reset". All the things you are (I presume) looking for - things like feeling better physically, feeling "cleaner", getting a psychological "fresh start" - these can all be achieved simply by making the longterm changes you're planning to make. If you want to drink more water, drink more water. If you want to get more fibre, or micronutrients, then go for it; that's a great idea. "Clearing your body out" (basically, flushing all of the waste out of your digestive system quicker than normal) isn't going to have any particular effect other than maybe making you feel a little lighter or emptier for a day or two.

    I really don't mean this to be disrespectful, because I can kind of relate, but given your self-declared history or yo-yo dieting and "an eating disorder or two", it seems like you might be looking for a special diet to have some special effect. There's nothing wrong with that - a lot of people are looking for a "kick start". It's just not necessary though. We've long been told by magazines and health gurus that detoxing is a valid practise with documented health benefits. It isn't. It might be beneficial for you to try to look at things in a different way, and see your diet as a long-term (or permanent) way of life that you can gradually improve over time.