Ladies under 5'0 (4'9-4'11)



  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I am a little under 5' tall.

    HW: 115
    LW on MFP: 94.5
    CW: 105
    GW: I am more interested in BF%

    No matter what I weigh, its always been muscle I've lost so the weights never really been a factor.

    Hi! Do you have much BF now?

    I just ended a bulk, but when I started the bulk I was 21.2%.
  • nikki2001
    nikki2001 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm fun sized - 5'1 (Yay!)

    Starting Weight - 236.2

    Current Weight - 232.2

    Goal - 130 pounds

    Ultimate Goal - 125 pounds

    I currently wear a size 20/22 and my goal is to wear a size 4/6. I have a long way to go!!

    Hello! Well I have a long ways to go too, we can motivate each other! I can still wear a size 12 (tight) so probably more a 14 now lol I want to be a size 5 myself!
  • nikki2001
    nikki2001 Posts: 98 Member
    I am a little under 5' tall.

    HW: 115
    LW on MFP: 94.5
    CW: 105
    GW: I am more interested in BF%

    No matter what I weigh, its always been muscle I've lost so the weights never really been a factor.

    Hi! Do you have much BF now?

    I just ended a bulk, but when I started the bulk I was 21.2%.

    Not much further until u reach ur goal of 18% right? Good job so far! :smile:
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I am a little under 5' tall.

    HW: 115
    LW on MFP: 94.5
    CW: 105
    GW: I am more interested in BF%

    No matter what I weigh, its always been muscle I've lost so the weights never really been a factor.

    Hi! Do you have much BF now?

    I just ended a bulk, but when I started the bulk I was 21.2%.

    Not much further until u reach ur goal of 18% right? Good job so far! :smile:

    Thanks, but its always the end that takes the longest. :grumble: Its a little frustrating. I think I will end up doing 2 more cycles of bulking and cutting before I am remotely satisfied.
  • sheleen302
    sheleen302 Posts: 266 Member
    Hi Nikki,
    I'm just under 5'
    SW 160
    CW 137
    GW 115 to 110

    I agree that being so vertically challenged makes weight loss and gain show more dramatically. Currently in medium tops, pants are either 8's (of course petites) or 10's depending on cut. Keep with it, and congrats on your weight loss!
  • nikki2001
    nikki2001 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi Nikki,
    I'm just under 5'
    SW 160
    CW 137
    GW 115 to 110

    I agree that being so vertically challenged makes weight loss and gain show more dramatically. Currently in medium tops, pants are either 8's (of course petites) or 10's depending on cut. Keep with it, and congrats on your weight loss!

    Hello! and thanks I'm just so tired of this yo-yo weight I did lose -70 lbs but gained +30 lbs back I just want to finally reach my goal...also congrats on ur weight lost so far, any tips is appreciated! :wink:
  • nikki2001
    nikki2001 Posts: 98 Member
    I am a little under 5' tall.

    HW: 115
    LW on MFP: 94.5
    CW: 105
    GW: I am more interested in BF%

    No matter what I weigh, its always been muscle I've lost so the weights never really been a factor.

    Hi! Do you have much BF now?

    I just ended a bulk, but when I started the bulk I was 21.2%.

    Not much further until u reach ur goal of 18% right? Good job so far! :smile:

    Thanks, but its always the end that takes the longest. :grumble: Its a little frustrating. I think I will end up doing 2 more cycles of bulking and cutting before I am remotely satisfied.

    I'm sure it can be frustrating but I'm sure it will be well worth it, keep on pushing lady! (easier said than done right) :)
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm 5'0" (BARELY...pretty sure my license says 4'11" lol) My goal weight is 120. I don't want to be too small, because I want to still have curves. I'm currently at about 138 lbs, size 6. Good luck!
  • nikki2001
    nikki2001 Posts: 98 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm 5'0" (BARELY...pretty sure my license says 4'11" lol) My goal weight is 120. I don't want to be too small, because I want to still have curves. I'm currently at about 138 lbs, size 6. Good luck!

    Hello fellow fun-sized lady (lol) Yes I still want my curves too so thats why I'm thinking 120-125 would be good! Good luck to you as well!
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'1 and right now I'm 173 and fit comfortably in an 8. (at my heaviest, 213 lbs, i wore 14/16). The smallest I've been in my adult life is 145 and I fit into a 4. My goal is to be 130 and fit comfortably into a 2. With my body built, I calculated I lose two sizes every 15 lbs.

    My body luckily loses weight first in my midsection so pant size isn't an issue, my problem are is my arms, they never seem to get skinny :(

    I'm 5'1 and at 118 I wear an 8! I've always had a large waist even when the rest of me is just right (not an apple, but "straight" shaped... I've always said I was built like a teddy bear! LOL). I have TINY legs and arms and my tummy is pretty flat, but still have a large waist.

    My goal weight is 115. It had been 118 but once I got to that I realized I really need to lose a bit more. I think making goals that are realistic and attainable is important. Once you meet that goal you can always reassess and make a new goal.
  • ysienkiewicz
    ysienkiewicz Posts: 86 Member
    Wow! Reading everyone's sizes. Crazy! I think for me, I am bottom heavy, very pear shaped. Maybe that is why I am 160 lbs and just beginning to fit into a 14?
  • nikki2001
    nikki2001 Posts: 98 Member
    Wow! Reading everyone's sizes. Crazy! I think for me, I am bottom heavy, very pear shaped. Maybe that is why I am 160 lbs and just beginning to fit into a 14?

    INTERESTING HUH? and yea that might be why, because I still wear my size 12 pants now (tight) but I can still button them I'm not trying to buy new clothes since I'm losing the weight (again) lol
  • nikki2001
    nikki2001 Posts: 98 Member
    My goal weight is 115. It had been 118 but once I got to that I realized I really need to lose a bit more. I think making goals that are realistic and attainable is important. Once you meet that goal you can always reassess and make a new goal.

    Yea thats why I want to start small my first goal is to reach 150 (drs goal) my goal of 100 lost (141) then move to 125 I believe I can do it!
  • blissfulbutt
    4'9 here! Started at 242, down to 202, trying to get down to 160 and someday possibley 130-140. Would add more right now but the baby just woke up so ttyl
  • nikki2001
    nikki2001 Posts: 98 Member
    4'9 here! Started at 242, down to 202, trying to get down to 160 and someday possibley 130-140. Would add more right now but the baby just woke up so ttyl

    Wow we almost started off the same! But congrats on ur weight lost so far! I understand attend to the little one!
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I'm 4ft 10in and I currently weigh 99.6lbs, 8.6lbs left to goal, every pound really shows when you're short:/
  • nikki2001
    nikki2001 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm 4ft 10in and I currently weigh 99.6lbs, 8.6lbs left to goal, every pound really shows when you're short:/

    Tell me about it Tasha! Good luck to you reaching ur goal you are so close, but I know thats when its the hardest!
  • LockStockNSam
    LockStockNSam Posts: 30 Member
    Oh thank the lord, a thread for me!

    Hopefully my stats/experience helps, though you do already have a lot of responses :) I'm 4'10, currently 123.6 lbs, highest 187. 125 lbs was my goal weight for years before I actually understood just how much my height affects my body composition. I'm currently aiming for 105 (want to reach 110 first, though), which sounds extremely low, but when you are this short, that's what would be deemed a 'healthy' weight at this height (for me to get within a healthy BMI, I need to reach 119 lbs).

    Everyone around me is naysaying that my goal weight is "WAY TOO LOW, OMG", though the people saying this are 5'5-5'10 and don't understand fat distribution...I do see ladies on MFP that aim for the 90 lb range and I feel like even that is too low, but who knows--I might aim for that too eventually. I really won't know until I get closer to my goal. The key is to make mini-goals and re-assess every time you achieve them. I thought I'd stop at 125, but seeing that I could stand to lose more, I decided to keep going.

    That being said, though, you have to kind of assess what you're trying to achieve. Hitting that magic number for me might not actually make me look my best, so while weight loss is extremely important, so is integrating weight training and muscle toning into your exercise plan. More muscle=less body fat, and less body fat means your muscles become visible, but all that might mean the scale will go up. After a while, focusing on inches and how your body LOOKS will be more important than the number on the scale. Some people focus more on their Body Fat Percentage after they reach their weight loss goals, too. It all depends on your preference! Everyone is different :)

    Good luck, I believe in you! Anything is achievable :)
  • nikki2001
    nikki2001 Posts: 98 Member
    Oh thank the lord, a thread for me!

    Hopefully my stats/experience helps, though you do already have a lot of responses :) I'm 4'10, currently 123.6 lbs, highest 187. 125 lbs was my goal weight for years before I actually understood just how much my height affects my body composition. I'm currently aiming for 105 (want to reach 110 first, though), which sounds extremely low, but when you are this short, that's what would be deemed a 'healthy' weight at this height (for me to get within a healthy BMI, I need to reach 119 lbs).

    Everyone around me is naysaying that my goal weight is "WAY TOO LOW, OMG", though the people saying this are 5'5-5'10 and don't understand fat distribution...I do see ladies on MFP that aim for the 90 lb range and I feel like even that is too low, but who knows--I might aim for that too eventually. I really won't know until I get closer to my goal. The key is to make mini-goals and re-assess every time you achieve them. I thought I'd stop at 125, but seeing that I could stand to lose more, I decided to keep going.

    That being said, though, you have to kind of assess what you're trying to achieve. Hitting that magic number for me might not actually make me look my best, so while weight loss is extremely important, so is integrating weight training and muscle toning into your exercise plan. More muscle=less body fat, and less body fat means your muscles become visible, but all that might mean the scale will go up. After a while, focusing on inches and how your body LOOKS will be more important than the number on the scale. Some people focus more on their Body Fat Percentage after they reach their weight loss goals, too. It all depends on your preference! Everyone is different :)

    Good luck, I believe in you! Anything is achievable :)

    Thanks for your response, I think for now 125 will be ok I dont mind being short and curvy lol! But once i get there who knows I might shoot for 110 but I do not want to be 90 lbs!
  • drinkmoreh2o
    Hello all! c: I'm 5 feet and my stats are as follows:

    HW: approx. 170
    SW: 141
    CW: 138
    UGW: approx. 105

    I'd love to make friends with similar journeys c:
    Wow! Reading everyone's sizes. Crazy! I think for me, I am bottom heavy, very pear shaped. Maybe that is why I am 160 lbs and just beginning to fit into a 14?

    INTERESTING HUH? and yea that might be why, because I still wear my size 12 pants now (tight) but I can still button them I'm not trying to buy new clothes since I'm losing the weight (again) lol

    ^^ I understand. I see pictures of people who are my height and weight, but carry their weight very differently and look much smaller... I'm a sort of apple/pear combination, with very wide hips :c