Ripped in 30 anyone??



  • sboling79
    sboling79 Posts: 40 Member
    I just did day 1 of level 2 of RI30 and it totally kicked my booty!!!!
  • Idka81
    Idka81 Posts: 42
    This tread has been quiet :)

    Update. I started the RI30 program two weeks before xmas. I got great results just in that tiny amount of time and lost about .5 inches off my target areas - waist and stomach (still working to tighten up some post partum skin/fat). We went out of town for two weeks over the holidays, and despite my best intentions, it simply wasn't possible to continue at my in-laws. Weirdly enough, despite holiday food and sitting around for two weeks, I came back at the same weight, but my pants were loose in my thighs.

    So I restarted last week, completed week 1 and now on week 2. I noticed a huge difference in strength when repeating week 1 for the second time. Nearly all the exercises in this level were a breeze this time. Level 2 still kicks my butt, particularly the crow push ups. Push ups are the bain of my existence. I have a naturally weak upper body, so it takes more work to build up the strength. But I went from being able to only do 1 or 2 from when I started RI30 before xmas, to pushing out 10, but struggling after that. I also lost 1.5 lbs since I restarted last week.

    I feel great, I can physically tell a difference in my strength and I feel and look noticeably slimmer. My legs are getting incredibly strong and the muscles are starting to show in my thighs. I have nothing but a ringing endorsement for this program.

    One caveat: I also do 5-6 hours of Zumba per week; 2-3 of them are Zumba toning.