new year GYM newbies argg get ready



  • Sharkington
    Well, I was a newbie once, so I can't really get annoyed with anyone wanting to get in shape. I do understand not looking forward to the extra crowding, though. My gym isn't tiny, but it isn't really large, either and it's already difficult to get a machine unless you go on the off hours (which I thave been making and effort to do lately), so I am not looking forward to it being even more crowded than it already is, buuuut, I will deal with it and hope it levels out. I don't mind waiting a little bit as long as I still have enough time to work out there.
  • dmh0204
    I think I know what OP is talking about. It's not people who are there breathing heavy and struggling on the treadmill for five minutes. Great job to anyone who shuffles along their first mile or lifts their first weight. It's the a-holes who are sitting on leg extension machine for 20 minutes talking on their cell phone, while you keep walking past to see if the machine is free yet.

    After both of my pregnancies, I was embarrassed to go to the gym, because I was so out of shape. It was all I could do to run one mile and walk 2 more. And I looked so flabby in my work out clothes.
  • Tinytaru
    Tinytaru Posts: 185 Member
    It's the a-holes who are sitting on leg extension machine for 20 minutes talking on their cell phone, while you keep walking past to see if the machine is free yet.


    I hate waiting for my machines and as my gym isn't that big, the newbies fill up all machines I need to do, all the time :( lol
    but I think its good they want to do something for themselves
    but you don't have to wait for new year to start! (iirc I started in spring back then)
  • Jason3589
    Bet this guy is wishing he hadn't made this post.

    Best time of year for gyms hence why they have offers on. Out of every ten that sign up, only about 2 will stick it out, but they still benefit from 10, year long contracts, besides good to get new blood in
  • amishabbie17
    I've had the home gym but i do better at the gym. As for the new year's crowding... Means that all the treadmills will be full :( guess i will have to back to going at 530am when it's nice and empty.. MY BIGGEST pet peeve is that all the equipment say's please wipe down after using... AND i see people all day long not wiping anything down and jumping on the next machine.
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    i don't mind the new people that actually stick with it, but the people that are new and come there just to chat and socialize and stand in the way, and eat the free pizza and bagels (planet fitness) drive me insane.

    and yeah, i'll sit on the recumbent bike and read on my ipad or iphone but that's after doing 2-3 other cardio machines for 10-20 minutes each at full capacity. the bike is my cool down before i start lifting weights.
  • CoryHJr
    The OP's got a point here though. For the person who's been with that gym a long time, it is frustrating to have to compromise because everyone decides to start "changing their life" at the same time. It then doesn't help when, as we've seen time and time again, those people rarely come back after the first month. The people who come and make a legitimate change and stick with it, I respect those people. The rest of the resolutioners can go sit on the couch, cause we all know that's where they'll be in a month
  • itsDorian7
    itsDorian7 Posts: 105 Member
    Just a suggestion, if you see a newbie wandering around the gym without a clue, maybe offer to help them. It just might make the both of you feel better.
  • nosillanosilla
    I have a lot of respect for the people that plan to change their lives on Jan 1st but I totally understand the OP's frustration - the extra crowded gym is really annoying.
  • one15ts
    didn't we have a thread like this a few days ago that closed? :huh:
  • KaeChelle77
    Yeah I am new to the gym and clueless about how to use the weight machines. So I may sit there a few minutes to read the directions on the machine and try to figure out what to do. So what if lots of people join during the New Year... are you keeping track of who doesn't return? I'm sure there are plenty who stick around. No wonder people like me don't like going to the gym with attitudes like that, wondering if people are going to judge or criticize me because I am overweight and don't know what I am doing. I didn't know gyms were just for experts who are already in shape.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Here's a point: : how do you know they don't come back? Maybe they changed their workout time or their gym. My husband and were early morning gym goers but changed to mid afternoon and sometimes evenings. Just because the early morning crew don't see us there doesn't mean we're not going.

    Edited because I am not quite sure how pony got corrected to pony top!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    maybe some of them don't return because of *kitten* like you judging them, not knowing their situation, and not making them feel welcome. yeah, it can be annoying when you have to deal with the extra people, but that's life. suck it up for a month or two, and then you can go back to how it was before. at least they initiate trying to make a change, and if it doesn't work then it doesn't work. a lot of gyms offer free trials for a month and similar things during this time of the year, so it is a good time to start going to see what it is all about.
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    Everybody's gotta start sometime. Maybe they'll see you killing it at the gym and be motivated, even though the original plan may have just been to lurk on the cable machines or bike and text. Give them a chance.

    When I first started at the gym a few years ago, I looked like one of those girls just lazing away on the bike for 5 minutes, or spending 3 minutes on the elliptical then calling it a day. You know what though? A few weeks before that, I was entirely paralyzed from a stroke. I literally could not move my arms or legs. Those 3 or 5 minutes were as hard then as squatting 135 is for me now. Probably harder, actually.

    Let's not judge those when we don't know their story.

    im sorry i hope you are better now im not judging people im just saying gyms are empty before christmas then after its so buisy
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member

    LOL perfect picture
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    I be one of those noobs...sorry that I offend you so much in my desire to get fit. Sorry that I didn't time it better...had no choice really, I got the bad news from the doc in late October and that's where I am...sorry I can't just wait until some other time that would be more convenient for your dumb *kitten*. I shouldn't be too much in your way though...I'll be there at 5:30AM.

    you did not offend me im talking about the Kids that join the gym after new years and then waste time on the benches talking and texting when their wasting time thats all im saying no need to be angry
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    I hope i dont offend anyone.

    this is the time after new years where the newbies will come out of their homes and terrorise the GYM with their stupidy not all of course. you will see them lurking on the cable machines and on their phones beware I cant stand this. it will last 1-2 months or more then it will go back to normal dont be alarmed.

    I just thought id have a little Rant. the time is comming

    This is the time of year that I get annoyed with the holier than thou's who think for some crazy reason that they are any better than the people who are making a first step. Yes, not all will stick with it (and some of those that don't will be because when they walk in the gym they feel, apparently correctly, hugely judged by others) but some will (despite the looks you give them) and will make this the first step in reclaiming their lives. So you bring your attitude and I'll bring my smile, and hopefully they have more exposure to me then you.

    I was not trying to be offensive to the new gym users it was meant to be a joke post about how u see new gym people i know some people genuianly join and do stick with it why are people taking this so serious it was a joke
  • iamkarent
    iamkarent Posts: 145 Member
    Yup..and the resolutioners and their year long contracts that get paid whether they continue coming or how you get new equipment to work on...that otherwise wouldn't be fixed or replaced!
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    While the crowded gym can be annoying just remember that you were a gym noobie once too who stood around looking confused because you didn't know where to start. Here's an idea: why not make them feel welcome, offer some motivation and showthem what to do.

    They're trying and yes most of them will be gone in a few months but so what? That really has zero effect on you.

    i dont mind new people its just when their using 2 benches and talking to each other and texting it annoys me cos my gym only has 3 benches and the others gym are to far away for me it has no affect but its annoying waiting
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    I think I know what OP is talking about. It's not people who are there breathing heavy and struggling on the treadmill for five minutes. Great job to anyone who shuffles along their first mile or lifts their first weight. It's the a-holes who are sitting on leg extension machine for 20 minutes talking on their cell phone, while you keep walking past to see if the machine is free yet.

    After both of my pregnancies, I was embarrassed to go to the gym, because I was so out of shape. It was all I could do to run one mile and walk 2 more. And I looked so flabby in my work out clothes.

    exactly im talking about the people who go to socialise the people that go and workout i got the respect for but those who go just to talk and text and not even workout i have respect for those who go and try
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