Your "Perfect Partner"?



  • I think my boyfriend is perfect. He's hilarious and sweet and really fun to hang out with. Plus he has a giant dong. :heart:
  • Hippie_Soul
    Hippie_Soul Posts: 190 Member
    This is a trick question IMO. The answer is - there is no such thing as a perfect partner. Every partner will have certain qualities you like and certain you don't. I know lots of people looking for the "perfect partner". We call them "single", LMAO.

    The perfect partner is one that will tolerate YOU! LOL.

    ^^^ This!

    A plus, as quoted by the previous poster, "a giant dong" really helps!!
  • That sounds exactly like me...except-no tattoos and I love all music except country!!! Maybe there's no such thing as perfect...LOVE all the movies you mentioned, a sense of humor is a MUST!
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member

    Funny (can make milk fly out my nose, and I don't drink milk)

    Likes raunchy everything!

    Loves Life

    Likes to watch my *kitten* as I dance to my iPod in the kitchen doing dishes

    Loves to drink melted chocolate from warm mugs of frothy milk





    Sarcastic, to the point of aggravation

    Up, anytime!

    Likes to travel, south!

    Likes to spoil me like I should be spoiled... and has a place on their lap just for me!


    Yes, very physical...

    Tall is a plus...


    Morals: (Hard Limits)

    Needs to know how to be a good person regardless of religious affiliation.

    Had their own internal compass as to what is right and wrong.

    No murdering peoples!

    Cannot collect body parts... (animal or otherwise)

    Never comes to a party with a loaded gun!


    Likes being Topped from the bottom.

    Likes rough sex.

    Is well behaved.

    Knows the difference between "Can i..." and "May i..."
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Well, you just described me except for one thing. :wink:

    Lol, i will bite! What is that?

    Oh yeah, I bite too!
  • My bad!!! Didn't read the last part...not into spankings or handcuffs!!! Sorry!
  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    I didn't know my perfect partner was like my husband, until I met him. I wasn't expecting to meet and fall for such a guy, but what a pleasant surprise. I would hate to have closed myself to possibilities by making a specific list of characteristics. I am so lucky I didn't, and he rocks my world. Good luck with finding your mate! :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member

    - Laidback (in the sense that they aren't stressful to be around)
    - Not really into children, but open to them
    - Someone with goals and drive
    - Someone who isn't controlling
    - Is open minded
    - Thoughtful
    - Intelligent
    - Protective
    - Likes dark, black, sarcastic humor/ gets my sense of humor and isn't offended
    - Has a strong sense of self


    - Tall
    - Electively Bald
    - Excellent Oral Hygiene
    - A presence


    - Non-religious and understands that religion does not equal morality
    - Kind/ Helpful
    - Has their own moral code
    - Isn't afraid to be a voice for those that don't have one
    - Cares about something, doesn't just shrug off ideas/ opinions because it's easier not to have them


    - Likes fun, creative, hilarious, oddball sex
    - See's my whips and chains and raises me blindfolds, gags and leather floggers
    - Is adventurous, and has a high sex drive.
  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member

    Likes kids
    Doesnt matter if he has them or not
    Can laugh things off
    Likes to drink but not an alcoholic
    Likes to travel
    Not controlling
    Open minded


    Slightly built
    Dark hair
    Good smile


    Not religious
    Has drive (for anything he finds important)


    Not much of a cuddler (I like space when I sleep)
    Down for anything
    All kinds of sex please
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Someone, who after we fall in love and merge our complicated lives, won't end up being my future ex.


    sorry, but for some reason this thread depresses me!
  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    Perfect partner? Happily, I have been married to her for 28 years. :heart:

    Lucky guy. Congrats! I hope to be like you 24 years from now! :heart:
  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    I've had half a dozen perfect partners... Lol... the great thing about not preordering people... is that you get to learn about and love different kinds of people for who they are... people who actually have things to bring into your life rather than just reflecting a fantasy or mirroring your own personality...

    This, so very much, this. Bless your wise heart. :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Someone, who after we fall in love and merge our complicated lives, won't end up being my future ex.


    sorry, but for some reason this thread depresses me!

    wish i couldn't relate to this. :ohwell:
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    I've had half a dozen perfect partners... Lol... the great thing about not preordering people... is that you get to learn about and love different kinds of people for who they are... people who actually have things to bring into your life rather than just reflecting a fantasy or mirroring your own personality...

  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    Has a pulse.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Dammit, I'm missing two things on your list. One's pretty obvious from my profile pic, the other, well....

    My perfect guy is pretty much the guy version of your list. And I think I'll keep him.
  • jodfie
    jodfie Posts: 144 Member
    Has a pulse.
    this is awesome
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    politically progressive (radical leftist)
  • I'm extremely intrigued by this thread......

    ....brb off to make catfish profiles now.

    whats a catfish profile?

    a bogus internet profile intended to lure you in to a relationship.

    He already has a "catfish" profile. That pic isn't even him.
  • emaren
    emaren Posts: 934 Member
    My perfect partner ?

    Well she will be a few years younger, or perhaps a few years older, or we may share a birthday.

    She will definitely be tall and willowy, or maybe shorter and curvy.

    She might be black, or white, or japanese or from the south. Maybe she is French Canadian or German.

    She will definitely be educated, but there is a chance that she has lived on a farm all her life and missed out on university.

    Obviously she needs to be able to cook, but then again I could teach her and we could learn new things in the kitchen.

    If she works out that would be good, but if she didn't then no worries there.

    I doubt that she has children, but then again I am told that I make an excellent father figure, so that is probably OK too.

    She will definitely have a great sense of humor. Or irony, or be an expert at Sarcasm. Or maybe she will simply roll her eyes and laugh with me.


    Ok, she will be a huge movie fan. Maybe. Although if she prefers to go to the opera or the ballet or the mosh pit on a Saturday night rather than the movies, that would work too.
