Is it true? Gaining vs Losing



  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    And keep in mind that just because the scale reading is higher after the holidays, it's not necessarily pounds of fat--salty and sugary treats will cause you to retain some water, so give it a week after everything is over before you decide that you have really gained. And keep exercising when you can, even if it's just a walk around the block after that big meal.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    If not for the egg nog I'd be doing fabulous! Oh well.. tomorrow it' the gym again..

    and no.. a day or two of over indulgence won't hurt as long as you get right back on the horse tomorrow.

    Just don't go crazy and eat a ridiclous amount.. luckily I really can't do that.. I'm just not hungry.. like I said.. if not for the darn egg nog I'd be way under today and yesterday..but that darn nog is soooooooo good. I make my own, so it's still better for me then the store bought kind.. Of course drinking the entire blender full myself negates that.. LOL
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Oh yes!! My issue right there!! I don't eat enough! IT's the whole reason i track!! I as averaging 600-800 calories a day. now that I force myself to track it.. I'm up to 1000-1200 (except for this weekend and holiday! UGH!) a day. I defiantly lost weight once I started eating enough.. and it literally melted away.. 2 whole pants sizes in 6 weeks. All because I started eating enough..
  • Jymm
    Jymm Posts: 28 Member
    I once gained 5 lbs from a cookie, true story.

    Then it must have been a five pound cookie.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I can gain much quicker than losing, but it may not be true for everyone.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Is it true that u can gain weight much quicker than losing it??? Cuz I REALLY don't wanna gain weight over the holidays but I do want to eat and enjoy myself and not worry about cal counting or watching what I eat. It's only gonna be Xmas Eve, Xmas Day and New Years Eve that I indulge. Then I will be having cake on January 6th for my sons 1st bday so... What do you guys think? Am I doomed or what?

    I went on a 2 week cruise and came back 17 lbs heavier - the same amount which took 6 months to lose. So yes!

    Wow you ate 4250 more calories than you TDEE a day over two weeks, that's crazy!

    Have you been on an all-inclusive cruise, it's not beyond the realm of possibility or even the realm of believability.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Is it true that u can gain weight much quicker than losing it??? Cuz I REALLY don't wanna gain weight over the holidays but I do want to eat and enjoy myself and not worry about cal counting or watching what I eat. It's only gonna be Xmas Eve, Xmas Day and New Years Eve that I indulge. Then I will be having cake on January 6th for my sons 1st bday so... What do you guys think? Am I doomed or what?

    I went on a 2 week cruise and came back 17 lbs heavier - the same amount which took 6 months to lose. So yes!

    wow, that's really depressing.
  • MsJayeKaye
    MsJayeKaye Posts: 155 Member
    :huh: Silly, silly people here.

    Is it easy to gain weight? If you lose all self control for an EXTENDED (again, I repeat, extendedddd) period of time, then of course you will gain weight.

    If you eat some cake, a big christmas dinner and partake in other delicious holiday festivities then it's not even worth regretting or looking back on negatively. Do you plan on sitting out on these things every single year? I doubt it. Eat the food, enjoy it and don't look back.

    Resume regular eating habits the next meal or day. (Or if it's just 1 piece of cake, budget it into your macros for the day)

    ^^ This
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I second the poster who said that it's ridiculously eat to over-eat without realizing it. That's where I got into trouble, along with not exercising. Put on 15 pounds in two weeks in September. But that doesn't mean that eating at special times isn't worth it. And I kept up on my exercise, too. Damage control.

    I can feel, between water retention and actual poundage, a couple of pounds being added on over the last four days. I'm not terribly worried. I just finished Christmas dinner, from here on out I get back on track. It just means my goal weight will take a week or two longer. No big deal. Definitely worth the enjoyment!
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    Is it true that u can gain weight much quicker than losing it??? Cuz I REALLY don't wanna gain weight over the holidays but I do want to eat and enjoy myself and not worry about cal counting or watching what I eat. It's only gonna be Xmas Eve, Xmas Day and New Years Eve that I indulge. Then I will be having cake on January 6th for my sons 1st bday so... What do you guys think? Am I doomed or what?

    I went on a 2 week cruise and came back 17 lbs heavier - the same amount which took 6 months to lose. So yes!

    Wow you ate 4250 more calories than you TDEE a day over two weeks, that's crazy!

    Have you been on an all-inclusive cruise, it's not beyond the realm of possibility or even the realm of believability.

    I didn't even think I was eating that much, and I was walking several miles every morning as well as doing line dancing and zumba classes every day... so I don't know what the hell happened, maybe it was the margaritas.

    I should add I also discovered I was pregnant when I got back before I got on the scales.... so that may have contributed somewhat. Still it's not possible to gain weight in a shortish period of time is my point. Not a day, not two days, not a week. But 2 definitely :P
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I recently went on a 4 day trip to Portland where I basically ate whatever I wanted and then had my office holiday party the next day where i ate a lot. I wound up gaining no weight though. I think that made me realize I can handle more food than I originally thought.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    :huh: Silly, silly people here.

    Is it easy to gain weight? If you lose all self control for an EXTENDED (again, I repeat, extendedddd) period of time, then of course you will gain weight.

    If you eat some cake, a big christmas dinner and partake in other delicious holiday festivities then it's not even worth regretting or looking back on negatively. Do you plan on sitting out on these things every single year? I doubt it. Eat the food, enjoy it and don't look back.

    Resume regular eating habits the next meal or day. (Or if it's just 1 piece of cake, budget it into your macros for the day)

    ^^ This

    I also agree wholeheartedly with this - sorry for scaring people with my cruise horror story but I think some of it may have been fluid retention combined with falling pregnant. I do agree about one day of eating poorly not ruining your diet or making you gain weight. I would suggest eating a little bit less the other days if you're that worried, to offset the extra calories. Otherwise just do it, move on. You can't gain it all back in a day. Not even in a week. It takes 3500 calories above and beyond your TDEE to gain a lb.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Don’t do it……

    Honestly, I went through the same thing in October and November with My daughter's Birthday, Halloween Parties and Thanksgiving. I put on weight rapidly and it feels like its taking forever to get it off. I have several dinner parties coming up and I am totally porting my digital food scale with me (I don't care how crazy I look) and logging everything I put in my mouth. In some cases I will be bring my own food. INDULGENCE IS NOT WORTH THE SELF LOATHING that comes with it. It takes hard work to get weight off and maintain it......don't throw it away!
    Sounds like you went from one extreme that was unhealthy for your body to a different extreme that is unhealthy for your mind. There are many places between the extremes that are both healthy and happy, and include occasional indulgences.

    Self loathing is not a component of success. Especially self loathing over something as insignificant as a temporary gain of one or two pounds. That isn't throwing it away... you aren't going to die any earlier because of it or suffer in any other way, the only "difference" is in your head.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Don’t do it……

    Honestly, I went through the same thing in October and November with My daughter's Birthday, Halloween Parties and Thanksgiving. I put on weight rapidly and it feels like its taking forever to get it off. I have several dinner parties coming up and I am totally porting my digital food scale with me (I don't care how crazy I look) and logging everything I put in my mouth. In some cases I will be bring my own food. INDULGENCE IS NOT WORTH THE SELF LOATHING that comes with it. It takes hard work to get weight off and maintain it......don't throw it away!

    Extreme restriction is not worth failing every time you try to lose weight.